





考试时间120分钟 满分150分


第一节 (共5小题,每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)

下面你将听到五段短对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给A ,B, C, 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你将有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话读一遍。

1. What does the man suggest the woman do?

A. Learn slowly. B. Practise more. C. Take lessons.

2. Whose birthday party will the speakers attend?

A. Karl’s. B. Derek’s. C. Amy’s.

3. Why is the woman in a hurry?

A. She is heading for school.

B. She wants to get a book.

C. She has to pick up the man.

4. What does the man ask the woman to do?

A. Lower her voice. B. Do the laundry. C. Paint the wall.

5. Where does the conversation probably take place?

A. At the hotel. B. At the station. C. At the customs.

第二节 (共15小题,每题1.5分,满分22.5分)

下面你将听到四段对话和一段独白,每段对话后和独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A, B, C三个选项中选出符合内容的最佳选项。听每段对话和独白前你将有时间阅读各个小题,每题5秒钟,听完后,每个小题将给出5秒钟作答时间。每段对话和独白读两遍。


6. What do we know about the woman?

A. She enjoys the parties.

B. She has put on weight.

C. She does exercise regularly.

7. What does the man advise the woman to eat?

A. Natural foods. B. Hot dogs. C. Cookies.


8. What kind of coffee does the man prefer?

A. Black. B. Strong. C. Sweet.

9. Which drink does the man like most?

A. Tea. B. Coffee. C. Juice.

10. What is the man going to do?

A. Leave a tip. B. Get a jar. C. Meet a friend.


11. What did Jay do on New Year’s Day?

A. He went back home. B. He joined in a parade. C. He stayed with the host family.

12. When is the Rose Parade usually held?

A. On January 1st. B. On New Year’s Eve. C. Every Sunday.

13. What are the speakers mainly talking about?

A. Pop bands. B. Sports events. C. New Year celebrations.


14. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?

A. Classmates. B. Colleagues. C. Teacher and student.

15. When will the woman get the result of the in-person interview?

A. A few months later. B. In less than a month. C. After graduation.

16. What does the man plan to do?

A. Focus on his studies. B. Attend job interviews. C. Look for solutions.

请听下面一段独白,完成第17至20 小题。

17. Who founded the British Museum?

A. Sir Hans Sloane. B. King George II. C. The UK government.

18. What can we learn about the museum?

A. It is round. B. It is totally free. C. It has global collections.

19. Where is the Easter Island Statue exhibited?

A. In Room4. B. In Room24. C. In Room 40.

20. Who is Neil?

A. A travel guide. B. A tourist. C. A program host

第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)

第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)



Among the many things that Brisbane(布里斯班),Australia, does really well is the care for kids. Here's a list of places that we think will be suitable for your kids.

Swimming pools

Simple way for happiness: mix kids with water. Of course, this is a choice for the hot summer months.


Free outdoor fun-that's what Brisbane's parks offer kids of all ages. Parks encourage imagination and activity for little people and a place for parents to let them run wild.

The Children's Art Centre

The Children's Art Centre has proven very popular with their programs and exhibitions. We love the artist-run workshops and performances (unusually you must pay some money) specially designed for children too.

South Bank Parklands

South Bank Parklands has everything you need to keep little ones amused. Take them for a swim at the man-made beach, play on one of the playgrounds by the river. On weekends, go through the arts market or go to a cheap movie at the South Bank cinema. South Bank Parklands often hosts free events and performances too.

Roma Street Parkland

Close to bus transport, this inner city parkland is easily accessible (可进入的) and ideal for kids of all ages. Younger kids can take a trip on the Jelly Bean Express, a 1.3 km trackless train ride around the parkland or there's a playground to explore. Free entry and open daily.

Skating and climbing

We love the places that let the kids expend all that youthful energy. Take them roller skating or ice skating. Or try rock climbing at a variety of indoor and outdoor places around Brisbane.

21. If your kids want to watch performances for free, you can take them to

A. South Bank Parklands B. Roma Street Parkland

C The Children's Art Centre D. Parks

22. What can we know about Roma Street Parkland?

A. It opens only at weekends.

B. Only younger kids can visit it.

C. We need not buy tickets for a visit.

D. You have to walk when visiting it.

23. What does the text mainly talk about?

A. Some interesting places for kids in Brisbane.

B. How to travel in Brisbane.

C. The best time to visit Brisbane.

D. Brisbane-a beautiful city in Australia.


Parents do not owe (欠) their children a college education. If they can afford it, they can certainly send them to a good university. But they needn't feel guilty if they can't. When children grow up and want to get married, their parents do not owe them an apartment. They do not have the duty to look after their grandchildren, either. If they want to do it, it must be considered a favor, not an obligation.

Do parents owe their children anything? Yes, they owe them a great deal.

One of their obligations is to give their children a personal worth. Children who are always made to feel stupid and unworthy, constantly compared with brighter brothers, sisters, or cousins will become so unsure, so afraid of failing that they won't try at all. Of course they should be properly corrected(改正)when they do wrong, but it's often better to let children learn their mistakes by themselves in time. All their parents should do is to trust them, respect them, understand them and give them chances to try and fail. They must learn to stand(承受) failure. When criticisms(批评) are really needed, they should be balanced with a smile and a kiss. That is the way children learn.

Parents owe their children a set of solid values around which to build their lives. This means teaching them to respect the rights and opinions of others. Also it means being respectful (尊敬的) to elders, to teachers, and to the law. The best way to teach such values is by deed (行为). A child who is lied to will lie. A child who sees no laughter and no love in the home will have difficulty laughing and loving.

No child asks to be born. If you bring a life into the world, you owe the child something.

24. The author thinks parents____________________.

A. should send their children to college

B. should support their children after they get married

C. need to buy an apartment for their children

D. needn't feel guilty if they can't send their children to universities

25. What does the underlined word "obligation" in Paragraph 1 mean?

A. Right. B. Promise. C. Duty. D. Excuse.

26. According to the passage, what should parents do when children make mistakes?

A. Understand them and tell them not to do that again.

B. Let them learn the mistakes by themselves in time.

C. Compare them with brighter brothers or sisters.

D. Correct their mistakes immediately.

27. What does the author mainly talk about in this passage?

A. The duties of parents.

B. The best way to teach children.

C. The reason why children feel stupid and unworthy.

D. The reason why parents owe their children something.


When I was growing up, I was a teenager no one listened to—and I grew sick of it. So, I’m here to let America know that the future of our country, those kids you’ve raised (抚养) and sent through high school, the ones you thought were so easy to control, are strong and we want to be heard.

Many people throughout my life told me to shut up or mind my own business when I tried to express my opinion on politics, the death sentence (死刑)or other issues. What I have come to realize is that I have just the same right as anyone to say how I feel about whatever topic I choose. I no longer believe that I should just follow the crowd. I am ready to make a stand and shout out to the whole world what my opinions are.

I believe that Teenagers have every right to speak about the government. I do not think that I am less informed than the next person. I know that if I don’t speak my mind, I will not be true to my nature.

I was raised in a family where politics were always discussed and debated. Many times my parents and I argued for half the night over the same problems the Supreme Court deals with. It was in this climate that I started to form my opinions about the government. I learned that my opinions mattered.

So why does it continuously seem as if teenagers are unimportant?

Unfortunately, I know the answer. I know that the government is not looking far enough into the future. I am not viewed as a future president, a future CEO or a future revolutionary (改革者). All I am to them is a loud, unpleasant teenager. I think it is time that we were heard for more than what we are thought to be. It is time for me to be known for my knowledge, my interest and my ability to lead.

So, America, were you all not in my place once, with no power to speak and be heard? Isn’t it time for the future of America to begin voicing our opinions about important matters?

I believe it is. I believe in so much more than freedom of speech. I believe in the power of the future America, and I believe that it is time we all take a stand. I believe in us.

28. What does the word “climate” refer to?

A. weather condition of an area

B. an atmosphere that exists

C. a political problem discussed

D. a special situation where arguments happen

29. Why hasn’t the government listened to teenagers’ opinions according to the passage?

A. They fail to take teenagers opinions seriously.

B. Teenagers know nothing about future.

C. Teenagers’ opinions are generally meaningless.

D. Political matters are too serious for teenagers.

30. What is the main idea of the passage?

  1. Teenagers have rights to voice their opinions.
  2. Political matters are part of teenagers’ life.
  3. No one would like to listen to teenagers.
  4. It’s hard for teenagers to have political opinions.

31. The author writes the passage intending to ________.

A. provide typical examples

B. voice his opinion

C. present different opinions

D. give a warning


I loved my aunt Suzy. She was such a kind old lady. I loved going to her house on holiday. She had been sick for the last few years and, though my job had taken me away across the town, I tried to visit her as much as possible. I helped with the shopping, the cooking and the cleaning and taking her pet cat Mazy to the vet.

Sad as her passing away was, what happened to Mazy was even more worrying. Because aunt Suzy had no children, there wasn’t anyone who seemed to care for her beloved cat friend. I would have taken her in a short time, but my apartment doesn’t allow pets. First, we talked with her neighbors. Mr. Jenkins, who was alone and lived across the street, wasn’t interested. Joe and Sally who lived next door had a small child with serious skin allergies(过敏症). My aunt’s best friend Molly who had lived just down the road was unable to take care of herself as she had serious health problems.

Second, we thought about our family members. My brother Bobby and his wife Jill were removed at once as they aren’t cat people. My cousin in California was a bit interested, but we weren’t sure about the trip as Mazy was nearly as old as my aunt (in cat years!). Finally, we came to the local humane society to see whether they would be able to help her find a new home. The problem was that most people and families only welcomed a smart little cat into their home, not a dull old one.

In the end, we had to put Mazy to sleep. I had spoken with the vet and realized it was possible for the best. It was so hard to lose aunt Suzy and then have nowhere for Mazy to live. A few months went by and I had gone to my aunt’s house to clear out some of her belongings. I happened to see her mailman. Jerry and we started to talk about my aunt when he asked about Mazy. I told him that we had to put Mazy to sleep because we couldn’t find a home for her. Jerry got really quiet. “I promised Suzy that if anything ever happened to her, I’d take care of Mazy”, he said sadly. “Suzy always said she’d told her lawyer the arrangement.”

Hearing this, my heart sank to my feet and I almost cried. The saddest part, I realized, was this all could have been avoided. I guess we were just so busy in those final months that we didn’t think about it. We could have called my aunt’s lawyer to take care of it in less than 10 minutes. I’ll never forgive myself for not thinking of it sooner. And I’ll never forgive myself for losing Mazy.

32. To care for her aunt’s cat, the writer first thought of ________.

A. her aunt’s neighbors B. her own neighbors

C. her own relatives D. her family members

33. Why didn’t the writer think her cousin was suitable for taking care of the cat?

A. Her cousin had skin allergies. B. Her cousin disliked animals.

C. Her cousin lived too far away. D. Her cousin was in poor health.

34. It can be inferred from the passage that ________.

A. the writer let the cat take medicine to sleep

B. most families there didn’t want to raise a cat

C. the cat was killed without pain

D. the writer’s aunt was very forgetful

35. What the writer regretted was that she didn’t ________.

A. try her best to care for her aunt’s cat

B. ask her aunt who would take care of the cat

C. talk with her aunt’s mailman months earlier

D. manage to find out her aunt’s arrangement for Mazy

第二节 七选五(共 5 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5 分)


It is easy to keep your spirits bright when life is going along smoothly and good news seems to turn up at every turn. It is an entirely different picture when life goes off course or bad news appears. The question then becomes:How do we keep our spirits bright throughout the different stages of life? 36 .

Get Enough Sleep

It wasn't until I became a mother that I realized how important a good night's sleep truly is. 37 . Sleep is such an amazing gift to recharge and start.

Back to Basics

When I feel tired with too much to do, I love to put on my shoes and get outside for a run. 38 .Getting back to basics can include things like:getting outside,having real conversations with real people, enjoying a meal with a loved one or doing an activity that brings you joy.

Time Management

If life feels like it is out of control and you can't keep up,see what happens when you try to manage your time. There are many time management systems out there that can help. Have event reminders on your phone and computer. 39 . Start your day by writing a list of what you plan to achieve. And sometimes we also need to let go of things that aren't important.


Keeping our deepest desires and dreams alive is the very fuel that keeps our spirits bright. Give yourself the gift of having goals and dreams, and don't allow fear to have a say in how big your dreams may be.

A.Dream Big

B.Set an alarm to remind you to leave early

C.We can keep your spirits bright anytime

D.For this reason,I should never feel tired in the outside

E.Try out the following if they sound like a fit for you

F.There's something about nature and fresh air that gets my stress away

G.Getting enough pillow time has a way of making us feel more human

第三部分 语言知识运用(共四节,满分55分)

  1. 完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)

As a teenager,I felt I was always letting people down. I was not easy­going and sometimes stubborn(顽固的) outside,but I wanted to be liked 41 .

Once I 42 home to California with my friend Penelope. The trip wasn't easy,and there were many times I was in danger. This 43 in particular kept me grateful to still be alive. When I returned home,I was different,not so strongly 44 of myself.

I noticed that Penelope,who was staying with us,was 45 my clothes. And my family seemed to like her 46 than me. I wondered if I would be missed if I weren't there.I pointed out,“She is more patient and neater than I have ever been.” My mom said these were wonderful 47 ,but I was the only person who could 48 my role and had my set of abilities. There would always be somebody who was better at one of the things I was 49 at,but no one in the universe can 50 the quality of my combination of talents,ideas,abilities and even 51 .

My view of myself was 52 .I started to try to 53 in ways that I hadn't liked before,and I was delighted by who I really was. I felt much more confident that no one can ever take my place.

Each of us holds a unique 54 in the world,just as there are no two same leaves in the forests. You are 55 ,no matter what others say.

41.A. outdoors B. outside C. inside D. indoors

42.A. went B. started C.made D.left

43.A. experience B. condition C.tradition D.custom

44.A. sure B.afraid C.fond D.tired

45.A. designing B.wearing C.washing D.packing

46.A. fewer B.less C.better D.worse

47.A. guidances B.qualities C.rewards D.attitudes

48.A. concern B.organize C.prefer D.play

49.A. bad B.good C.kind D.happy

50.A. reach B.arrive C.climb D.dig

51.A. violence B.laughters C.shortcomings D.tears

52.A. escaping B.flowing C.appearing D.changing

53.A. wake B.act C.set D.record

54.A. place B.power C.time D.view

55.A. hopeful B.active C.special D.common

第二节 语法填空(共 10 小题;每小题 1分,满分 10 分)

阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

“Traveling to China seems like traveling to another world. Its many famous scenic attractions impressed me 56.________(great),” an American said. The following is 57.________ he wrote on his website.

My friends and I had a family visit in Xi'an, 58.________ old city with a long history in China. The hosts were retired or stayed at home without a job,and they were friendly to 59.________ (visitor) from different countries coming their homes.

We 60.________(taste) the true home­cooked dishes in the home of the family that we visited. For in­homing dinner,the host would prepare a list of menus in advance(提前).Our tour guide asked 61.________(we) for advice about the food,so the host would try to cook what we wanted 62.________(eat) at his home. We just enjoyed the locally cooked dishes. It was quite a different and exciting experience.

Many foreigners enjoy 63.________(learn) how to make Chinese dumplings. We were also 64.________(offer) a general cooking class in the local family. The host taught us to make dumplings step by step with lots of patience. And we didn't need to pay any money 65.________ this. Travel China Guide offers this kind of service free of charge.

The family visit in Xi'an was a good chance for us to get to know Chinese people's daily life.

第三节 单词拼写(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)

66. Let us work together and make even greater c_____________ to world peace and stability(稳定).

67. One of the most a_________ things about the human mind is our ability to imagine the future.

68. Now that we have heard all the _______(争论) for and against the proposal, shall we vote on it?

69. In recent years, ________(进步) in medical technology have made it possible for people to live longer than in the past.

70. I’d like to take this o____________ to thank my colleagues for their support.

71. Smiling and laughing has actually been shown to relieve ________ (紧张关系)and stress.

72. His laziness made him become the t________ of his parents’ anger.

73. F_______________ for him, he was very soon offered another job.

74. The best way to turn ___________(潜力) into reality is through much hard work.

75. The company has a(n) e_________ chance policy, which means it gives the same chances of employment to everyone.

第四节 短语填空 共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分


lie in

stick to

make the most of

remind … of…

see eye to eye

calm down

from one’s point of view

struggle to


in exchange for

think… through

can’t wait to

76. I offered to clean the kitchen ______________ a week’s pocket money.

77. Let’s _______________ what we have——by turning it back into something new.

78. You should follow a healthy diet that you like and that you can ____________.

79. Once again, the aim of this post is to _________you ______ the importance of optimism. (乐观)

80. The problem _________ deciding when to hold the sports meeting.

81. I ______________ control my feelings when the kids don’t behave well.

82. _______________, it is necessary for us to deal honestly with ourselves.

83. These differences shows that we do not ____________ with each other on many problems.

84. I need some time __________it _________——I don’t want to make any sudden decisions.

85.One should always ___________his opinions ___________ facts.

第四部分 书面表达 (满分15分)



  1. 现在,激烈的争论和冷漠的沉默在青少年和他们的父母之间是常见的。导致这样的家庭关系紧张主要有两方面原因——青少年的身体变化和精神需求。
  2. 青少年正经历着巨大的身体变化,他们快速长高,嗓音变得深沉以及其他变化。与此同时,青少年的精神需求也是一大问题。他们渴望独立,又迫切需要父母的关爱。
  3. 如何改善这一情况,请提出你的建议。


  1. 词数100左右
  2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
  3. 不必写标题。




1-5 BCBAC 6-10 BACAA 11-15 CACAB 16-20 ABCBC

二、阅读 (每小题2.5分,37.5分)

21-25 ACADC 26-30 BABAA 31-35 BACCD


36-40 EGFBA


41-45 CDAAB 46-50 CBDBA 51-55 CDBAC


56. greatly

57. what


59. visitors


61. us

62. to eat

63. learning

64. offered

65. for


66. contributions



69. advances

70. opportunity

71. tension

72. target

73. Fortunately

74. potential



76. in exchange for

77. make the most of

78. stick to

79. remind of

80. lies in

81. struggle to

82. From my point of view

83. see eye to eye

84. to think through

85. base on


Nowadays, heated arguments and cold silences are common between teenagers and their parents. There are two main reasons accounting for such family tensions.

For one thing, teenagers are going through great physical changes. Some of them shoot up in height and their voices get deeper, among many other developments. For another, it is also a big headache to balance their mental needs. Teenagers have a new desire for independence. They feel ready to be more responsible and make decisions on their own. Yet they still need parents’ love and support. They wish their parents could be more caring and patient.

From my point of view, we can take some action to improve this situation. First, try to communicate with our parents regularly and honestly. Second, put ourselves in our parents’ shoes and understand what they do.

Take it easy and remember everything will turn out all right in the end.


Text 1

M: Mary, how are your Chinese lessons going?

W: I’m learning very slowly. It’s more difficult than English.

M: Well, do more practice. Rome wasn’t built in a day, right?

Text 2

W: Derek, whose birthday party are we going to?

M: Amy’s. She is my fellow worker Karl’s wife. I guess you’ve met them before.

Text 3

M: Tina, where are you headed?

W: Oh, hey Matt, I’m running to the bookstore to pick up a book I ordered. Want to come with me?

M: Sure.

Text 4

M: Excuse me. I just came in here to ask you to keep your voice down. My apartment is right next to this laundry room and you know how thin the walls are here.

W: Oh, sorry. I’ll try to be quieter.

Text 5

M: May I see your air ticket and passport?

W: Yes, here you are.

M: What is your purpose of visiting?

W: Sightseeing.

Text 6

W: I’m stressed out by holiday parties with lots of treats like cookies, candies, and chips! As if that wasn’t enough, I haven’t really been able to exercise and I think I’ve gained ten pounds recently.

M: I’m sorry to hear that, but you are not alone. Many people gain weight.

W: I think I should make my goal to lose fifty pounds! I could start by not eating sweets.

M: That’s a good idea. You could also try to eat more natural foods.

W: What do you mean by natural? I don’t want to eat vegetables only! I like to eat things with meat!

M: Eating natural foods means you eat more fruits, vegetables, and unprocessed meats.

W: Like what?

M: Instead of eating hot dog, you might choose to eat a salad with some grilled chicken instead.

W: Thanks for your advice, Paul!

Text 7

W: Hello, welcome to The Daily Grind. What can I get for you?

M: Good morning! I actually have no idea what I want to drink today! Any recommendations?

W: Do you drink your coffee black? Or do you prefer to add cream, sugar, or milk to it?

M: I definitely do not drink it black! The taste is so strong!

W: Ok, well, then, do you like sweet coffee?

M: I guess so. To be honest, I’m not much of a coffee drinker. I’ve always been more of a tea drinker, but lately my friends have all started going out for coffee and juice. I feel like a fool when it is time to order because I have no idea what to get!

W: Coming right up! You can pick up your drink at the end of the bar. Have a great day!

M: Thanks for your help! Where is your tip jar?

W: Down at the end of the counter with the drinks.

M: Great! Have a great day!

Text 8

W: Jay, how were your New Year’s celebrations?

M: I celebrated with my host family since I didn’t go home. It’s a long way from here to Beijing.

W: Did you have a good time with your host family?

M: Yeah, it was fun sharing our stories. What did you do to celebrate New Year’s?

W: Each family is different, I think. But one of my family traditions is the Rose Bowl and the Rose Parade.

M: Wait, what’s the Rose Bowl? And what’s the Rose Parade?

W: Well, the Rose Bowl is an annual American college football game, usually played on January 1st. The Rose Parade is held on the same day, unless New Year falls on a Sunday.

M: Then, anything fun?

W: It includes flower-covered floats. There are also marching bands. It’s really cool!

Text 9

M: How was your interview, Emily?

W: It was pretty good. Two weeks ago, I had my phone interview with Teach for America, and then this weekend, I had the in-person interview.

M: How was the in-person interview? I heard it’s really stressful.

W: It was. It lasted all day. When we started we were in a group of ten people or so. We each had prepared a five-minute lesson, then we had to discuss a problem in a group and reach a solution, and finally we interviewed one-on-one. It was really a long day.

M: Yeah, I can imagine! When do you hear back?

W: They said three to four weeks, so it’s worth waiting. Have you started looking for jobs yet? Can you believe graduation is only a few months away?

M: I’ve thought about it, but I get so anxious when I think about the future that I’ve stopped right now. I’m just going to focus on my studies for a bit longer. Once mid-term exams are over, I think I will start again.

Text 10

Welcome to On the Town from BBC, I’m Neil. This is the program where we visit some of the most interesting places in London. Today we’re at the British Museum.

Firstly, I’d like to brief you on the history of this world-famous museum. It was founded by King George II in 1753 to house the collection left by Sir Hans Sloane.

It contains collections throughout time, across the globe. You can see Egyptian mummies, ancient Greek statues and even Terracotta Warriors borrowed from Xi’an Museum under one roof. Financed by the UK government, it is free to visit the permanent collection. You’ll need tickets to visit some rooms, though.

As for recommendation, you can visit the great Reading Room, round in shape in the center of the museum. You might also see the Lewis Chessmen. It is a large group of chess pieces carved from whale bone. See the chess set in Room 40. And you can see the huge head of Egyptian pharaoh in Room 4 as well as the Easter Island Statue in Room 24.

If you want to learn more, please go to our website.

Hope you enjoyed this program and see you next time.


