



-We couldn't help laughing. It was too funny for words.

-I know-but it was her worst nightmare-wearing the same dress as someone else at a posh "do" like that.

@ posh |pɒʃ| (British English,sometimes disapproving) typical of or used by people who belong to a high social class 上流社会的;上等人的

*They live in the posh part of town.他们生活在本市的富人区。



-I think he's boring. He has nothing to say for himself.

-He may be a man of few words but I think he's worth listening to.

@ a man/woman of few words: a man/woman who says very little.


-Pam just prattles on and on, usually about herself. You can't get a word in edgeways.

-I know. I thought she'd never shut up.

@ prattle |ˈprætl| ~ (on/away) (about sb/sth) (old-fashioned,often disapproving) to talk a lot about unimportant things 闲扯;唠叨

*She prattled on about her children all evening.她整个晚上没完没了地唠叨她的孩子们的事。

@ not get a word in edgeways: informal, to not be able to say anything because someone else is talking all the time.

* Rosa was talking so much that nobody else could get a word in edgeways!



-Come on! You know you can trust me.

-What?! Trust you again?You are kidding. You don't know the meaning of the word.

@ If you are talking about a quality or an activity and you say that someone doesn't know the meaning of the word, you mean they do not have that quality or have noexperience of that activity:

* Work? He doesn't know the meaning of the word!

* And the irony of Phil talking about ethics. He doesn't know the meaning of the word.



-I've got the latest Apple iPad Air. It's the last word word in tablets. I love it.

-Huh, lucky you! You always have the latest thing.

@ the last word in sth: the best or most modern example of something.

* In the 1990s these shoes were considered the last word in style.



-No, I don't want anything for it. I don't need two computers. You can have it.

-That's so kind of you. I'm lost for words. I can't thank you enough.

@ be lost for words: to be so shocked, surprised, full of admiration, etc. that you cannot speak:

* Mary was lost for words when she was awarded the prize.



-Well! Not to mince my words. I don't think you stand a chance of getting that job.

-Huh! Thanks for your vote of confidence!

@ not mince words: to say what you mean as clearly and directly as possible:

* The report does not mince words, describing the situation as extremely serious.



-You said I had no chance. Well, you'll have to eat your words! I got the job.

-You didn't! More fool me! You must be cleverer than I thought.

@ eat your words: to admit that something you said before was wrong.

* Sam said it would never sell, but when he sees these sales figures he'll have to eat his words.



-I reckon "selfie" is the latest buzzword. It's even in the Oxford dictionary now.

-Yeah, I can believe it. Everybody's talking selfies. I've just bought a selfie stick.

@ buzzword: noun [ C ] UK /ˈbʌz.wɜːd/ a word or expression from a particular subject area that has become fashionable by being used a lot, especially on television and in the newspapers:

* "Diversity" is the new buzzword in education.



-This is just between you and me. Don't breathe a word to anyone else.

-I won't tell a soul, I promise.

@ breathe a word, also say a word: to tell a secret.

* Don’t breathe a word of this to anyone.

* I promise not to say a word to Dad about it.


