
How much are these socks?


v 1. much 不可数n.

v much time much money

v There _is_ much milk in the glass.

v much /a lot of /lots of homework

v I have a lot of/lots of/much homework to do.

v How much food / orang / fish / juice / chicken do you need ?


v (1.)How much is 单数加不可数


v are 复数


v How much is the sweater It is 7 dollars.

v How much are these pants? They are 56 dollars.

v (2. ) What is the price of…?

v What is the price of the ring ?

v =How much is the ring?

v What is the price of these pants?

v = How much are these pants?

v 3.pants英音:[pænts] n. (pl) 同义词:trousers pl.

v a pair of pants/ trousers

v 4.socks [ sɑks ] n. 袜子(复数) ~s

v 5.shorts英音:[ʃɔ:ts] 短裤

v 6.shoes[∫u:z]鞋

v a pair of new shoes

v Where is my other shoe?

v 名词socks,shorts,pants,trousers,glasses都是由不可分割的两部分组成,常常以复数出现。A pair of socks….做主语时,谓语用单数,表示”一双、副、对”

用a pair of 作主语时, 谓语根据pair 的数变化而变化。

Two pairs of pants _are___ there.

v My shoes are under the bed.

v His pants are black.

v pants A pair of shorts

v glasses is mine.

v 作主语时,动词用单数。


v Here is__ a pair of glasses.

v Here _is__ a set of keys to__ the door.

This pair of shorts __is__ nice

v 7. sale [seil] n. on sale 特价 减价

There are some apples on sale in that shop

v 8.shirt [ʃə:t]衬衣

v T-shirt [‘ti:ʃə:t ] t恤衫

v skirt [skə:t] 裙子

v That is John’s shirt. This is Jenny’s skirt.

v 9. dress dress v. dress sb.

v You can dress the baby.

v The boy can dress himself.

v **put on 衣服 Put on your coat.

v 10.dollar n. 美元英音:['dɔlə] $ 1 One dollar $2 two dollars

v 50 dollars is_____(be) enough.

v 11.colour color ~s

v What color is your sweater?

v Pink粉red红 grey灰 black黑 white白 purple紫 brown棕 green绿 blond金黄 yellow黄 orange橘 blue 蓝light blue浅蓝dark blue深蓝 sky blue天蓝

v We have sweaters in purple.

We have sweaters in all colors

v 12.big small, long large

v There is a big red apple on the tree.

v What is on the tree?

v My room is small, but Lucy’s is big .

v Those long blue and yellow socks are cheap.

v 13.short [ʃɔrt] long, tall

v I have a ruler .It’s short.

v be short for TV is short for television.

v Bike is short for bicycle.

v shorts The pair of shorts _____( look) nice.

He is short, I’m tall

v 13.clerk [klɝk] n. ~s a bank clerk My father is a bank clerk. He works in a bank.

v woman---women man ---men child---children women’s shoes men’s bags

v children’s shoes

v on Women’s Day on Children’s Day

v How many _____ (女工人) are there?

There ____ two ____ (男老师)in the picture

v 15.help [hɛlp] ①v.帮助

v Help sb. do sth.

v Help sb to do sth.

v Help sb with sth.

v I help my mother do housework.

v to do housework.

v with housework.


v I help my mother clean the room.

v I help my mother to clean the room.

v I help my mother with the room.

v Can I help you?

v May I help you ? Yes, please.

v What can I do for you ?

v ②I need your help.=I want your help.

v Thanks for your help.=Thanks for helping me.

v Help yourself to some chicken, Bob!

Bob ,随便吃鸡肉吧。

v Help yourselves to some chicken,children.


17 . need

v (1)实意动词

v sb. need sth.

v 人作主语 to do

v sb . to do

v I need a dictionary.

v What do you need?

v I need to look up a word.

v sth. need doing

v to be done

Ed’s bike needs mending

v (2) 情态动词

v Need I do my homework now? No, you needn’t

v 反身代词:

v myself yourself himself herself itself ourselves yourselves themselves

v 亲自:for yourself

v 18.want [wɑnt]

v 用法:1.want n. 2.want to do 3.want sb. to do sth.

v I want two apples.

v Gina wants to see


v visit her grandpa.

v 19.welcome['wɛlkəm]

v Welcome to Beijing.

v 常用回答道谢用语:

v 1.You’re welcome.别客气。2. Not at all.这没什么。 3. It’s my pleasure.这是我的荣幸。

v 4.That’s all right.这没什么。

v 20.twelve[twɛlv] 1~12是独立的单词:

v one,two,three,four,five,six, seven,eight,nine,ten,eleven,twelve

v 13~19 以teen结尾:

v thirteen,fourteen,fifteen,sixteen,seventeen,eighteen,nineteen

v 20~90整十的以ty结尾:

twenty, thirty, forty ,fifty ,sixty ,seventy ,eighty, ninety

v 几十几的要用连字符:

v thirty-nine 39

v twenty-two 22

v 21.come [kʌm] go

v Come to school! Come here!

v Go to school! Go there!

v 若其后为n. 加to 表方向 若为adv.省略 to

v 22.buy[baɪ] v. sell

v ①buy sth. from…从。。。买来

v We often buy school things from that store.

v ② buy sb. sth.

v buy sth. for sb.

v His mother buys Bob a pen.

v His mother buys a pen for Bob.

v Can you buy me a pen ?

v Can you buy a pen for me?

v ③buy sth. for(等价) 钱

I bought a pencil case for 15 yuan

v ④sell …to … buy …from…

v Ed sells pencil cases to Bob.

v They sell vegetables to the city.

v Bob buys vegetables from the shop.

v ⑤sell sth. for 钱

v That shop sells shoes for $15.

v This kind of cake looks good and smells good.

v So it sells well.

v ⑥sell well 畅销

v 23.price[praɪs] n. prices

v ①询问价格

v What’s the price of …?

v How much be sth.?

v What’s the price of the watch ?

v How much is the watch?

v ②价格: 合理, 高 ,低:

v at a very good price =at very good prices

v at a high price

v at a low price

v the price of the …is

v 物品 : 贵 ,便宜expensive cheap dear

v The MP5 is dear/expensive/cheap.



The price of the MP5 is high/low

v He bought a big house at a low price.

v a small house at a high price.

v She bought a house at a very good price.

v 24each[itʃ] ①代词 同:every

v For boys, you can buy hats for only $5 each!

v You each have $200.

v Each of the students has $200.

v Each of us has $200.

v ②adj. n.单 v.单

v Each boy has an orange.

v Each girl has a hat.

v ***

v We each like rice.

v Each of the students has a story book.

v 辨析:

v 1.each着重个体里的每个,至两个或以上

v Every着重全体里的每个,强调所有,指三个或以上。

Each/Every student is here today

v 2.each of 名词复数或代词复数

v 而every无此用法

v Each of the girls has a big red hat.

Each of us has $200

v 24.anybody=anyone

v Anybody can afford our prices.

v 25.afford 常与can或can’t连用

v Can you afford a new car?

Bob can’t afford a new car

v 26.have a look = look

v 若有宾语,+at

v Have a look at = look at

v 29.不及物动词Look! That boy is playing basketball.

v Look at me! Look at the picture!

v Have a look at Zig Zag’s Clothes Store!

v .有关look的短语:

v 1.look at 看…..

v 2.look after 照顾

v 3.look for寻找

v 4.look out当心

v 5. look up a word in the dictionary在字典中查字

v 序数词规律歌

v 一二三特殊记(first second third )

v 加th从四起(fourth sixth seventh )

v 逢五和十二,变ve为f再加th (fifth twelfth )

v 八加h九去e(eighth ninth )

v 整十的变y为ie再加th(twentieth fortieth )

v 几十几的前基后序别忘记(fifty-first forty-fourth )


