过年回家怎么夸家里的人 新春启市如何赞美他人


过年回家怎么夸家里的人 新春启市如何赞美他人(1)

初八启市!朋友说:“我是婚庆司仪。新的一年里,如何令自己说的话,别人更喜欢听呢?”The eighth day of the Spring Festival. A friend asked, "I am a master of wedding ceremonies. How to make my speech more attractive in this New Year?"2、某人说:“说话前,可以先变换认知顶点。比方当你想赞美眼前的新郎时,你可以先说:Someone replied, "You can change the cognitive dimension before you speak. For example, when you want to compliment the groom, you can say:‘今天的阳光真灿烂。初春的冷空气过后,太阳终于从云层后露出了灿烂的笑容,与阳光同样温暖的,是新郎此刻充满希望的心。’‘What a nice day today. After the cold weather of early spring, the sun finally came out behind the clouds with a bright smile. As warm as the sun is the groom's heart full of hope at this moment.’这样,大家就能会心一笑。In this way, everyone will smile from the heart.

过年回家怎么夸家里的人 新春启市如何赞美他人(2)

3、这类方法的本质是:当你想表达一件事(或赞美一个人)时,先结合眼前契机,自然地打开一个新的话题维度,随后出其不意地回到原目标话题上,就能带出惊喜。同样的例子包括:The essence of this approach is that when you want to say something (or compliment someone), you naturally create a new dimension of the topic in conjunction with the moment, and then surprise everyone by unexpectedly returning to the original topic. The same examples include:

过年回家怎么夸家里的人 新春启市如何赞美他人(3)

小张请老王吃饭,得知老王是河南人。于是,小张先从当下的热门电影《满江红》讲起,说了一通观影感受,最后总结道:“我最佩服的河南人有三个,一是岳飞,二是老子,三是眼前的王先生……”(笑~~)Mr. Zhang invited Mr. Wang to dinner and learned that Mr. Wang was from Henan. So, Mr. Zhang talk about the movie "Full River Red" first and finally concluded: "I admire three Henan people most, one is Yue Fei, one is Lao Zi, one is Mr. Wang......"(haha~~)这样,老王就能会心一笑。In this way, Mr. Wang will smile from the heart.

过年回家怎么夸家里的人 新春启市如何赞美他人(4)

3、善于在另一个维度开局,且与旧世界对频,就能建立新的认知扬升通道。By Starting in another dimension, and keep in contact with the old world, can we create new channels of cognitive ascension.《新维度开局法》2023.01.29辰

过年回家怎么夸家里的人 新春启市如何赞美他人(5)

————后附:新维度开局法,如果被用在错误的方向上,亦可用来贬损他人。例如:This kind of inter-dimensional approach can also be used to demean others if it is used in the wrong direction. For example:1、大年初八,孩子说:“我的毛笔字写得好。课外老师让我去写元宵 灯谜贴。写了一整天,学了不少东西,我很开心。The eighth day of the Spring Festival. A child asked, "Brush calligraphy is my specialty. The teacher asked me to write lantern riddles paper. I wrote all day and learned a lot. I was very happy.可同学小胖知道后,却笑着说:“你这是被利用了!白干了一天活, 还被用来拍照做宣传,怎么不拿工资呢?”But my classmate Fatty laughed when he know that and said: "You were taken advantage of by others! Not just for work, but for publicity! Why not ask for a fee?"爸爸说:“他变换了认知维度。你可以写一篇作文,先讲两人争 论是否值得去,再写你去后发现收获很大,最后总结道:付出比索取 更快乐......Daddy said, "he changed the cognitive dimension. You can write an article, first about the two of you arguing about whether it's worth doing this, then about how much you learn from it, and finally conclude that it's better to give than to gain...那么,这类写作结构(能量结构)行事结构,就能提前避免被跨维度攻击。Then, this kind of writing structure (energy structure) action structure, can avoid an inter-dimensional attack.”



