
Welcome to Firry's learning log. This is the 64_th day of my record.












▶“我写的常是人的困境,因为人有限制,所以人生有很多无常感。在这种无常的变动中,人怎样保持自己的一份尊严?在我小说里,这是一个很重要的题 目:他们过去的一些辉煌事情、一些感情、能够保有的一些东西。正如张隆溪教授说的,文学教人同情。我写人物时,跟他们站在同一根线上。他们的困境,我想我也有。我不是站在一个比人高的位置上去批判人。我想,人的最后裁判,不是由人来做,只有神——一个更高的主宰,才能对人做出最后的判决。我们作家的职责,是要写出人的困境,人的苦处。” ——白先勇




‖数据| Data Analyze


‖其他| Life purposful





➽41.give me a sense of 给我….的感觉 42.put all one's heart and energy into 全身心的投入 43.words of wisdom 至理名言

44.a source of inspiration灵感的源泉/励志的源泉 45.take a pride in 为.….感到骄傲自豪 46.make a success 取得成功

47.get a buzz out of .….从中得到乐趣 48.push myself to the limits to do 尽极限去做某事 49.enter into the spirit of 投入 50.be filled with nostalgia for 怀念之情




We don't have much control over our lives. But our end? Sometimes we write that story. 我们无法过多掌控自己的一生,但是结局如何,有时要靠自己来写。 ——《艾娃》Ava 美国犯罪惊悚动作片 由塔特,泰勒执导、大牌云集 魅力十足的女杀手故事


❶control ▶have no control over sb 对某人没有控制能力 完美破解汉语中的“管不了”“管不住” ▶be/feel in control处之泰然 完美破解汉语中的“淡定”“不慌”

❷end ▶be at/reach the end of sth 到.….的尽头 破解汉语中的“忍无可忍”“无计可施/没有办法” ▶on end连续地 对应汉语中的“好几个钟头”“好几天”



  • 中文——前两本书
  • Albert英闻

▶Bloomberg: Elon Musk tweeTED an ancient Chinese poem about two brothers who fight out of jealousy, in what some Twitter users said could be an oblique reference to the Dogecoin vs Shiba Inu cryptocurrency加密货币 spat.争吵 The tweet, posted Tuesday by the world's richest man, was titled "Humankind," followed by the poem in Chinese. Known as the "Quatrain四行诗 of Seven Steps," the allegorical寓意丰富 poem is often attributed to Cao Zhi, amember of Chinese royalty who lived between 192and 232. Legend goes that Cao's older brother, freshly crowned king and suspicious his more popular brother is trying to usurp篡夺 his rule统治, forced him to produce a poem that would proclaim his innocence.无辜 Translated, the poem reads: "Beanstalks豆茎 are ignited燃烧 to boil beans The beans in thepot cry out We are born of the same root Why should we incinerate焚化 each other with such impatience?"

  • Jessica卡卡课堂——

  • 其他

▶上课和Lean IN




❶Ceramics and porcelains are made in the kiln. 陶器和瓷器都是在窑里烧制而成的

❷ether→n.乙醚;以太;苍天 A breath of ether will make you faint for a few seconds. 吸一口乙醚会让你昏厥几秒


❹alder→n.桤木 What's unique about alder wood? 栏木的独特之处是什么

❺Mesozoic adj.中生代的n.中生代 Yeah, we took it back to the Mesozoic Era. 是的我们回到了中生代


❶《那些安静的日子》——《 孤独有解药吗》


❷《好用的哲学》——“ 拉康的批判”

❸ 原版书精读——《LEAN IN 》

▶第_ 25、26 期(共140期)

❹ 《论语》陈典版





❺ 英语频道/纪录片


❶Matt Walker: The surprising health benefits of dreaming

❷Mona Chalabi: How accurate is the weather forecast?



