怎么夸爱豆笑起来好看 我的爱豆我来夸


Who is your favorite star(明星)/actor(演员)/singer(歌手)/idol(偶像)?

And how to describe him/her?


1)Who is he/she?(他/她是谁?)

2)How did you know him/her?(你是如何了解到他/她的?)

3)What movies have he/she performed?What songs have he/she sung?(他/她演过哪些电影/唱过哪些歌?)

4)And explain why he/she is popular.(解释他/她受欢迎的原因)



Jennifer Lawrence is a great actress of the present time and she is also a highly paid actress. She has a pretty look with a distinctive style of her own. In fact, she gets the highest payment for her successful roles in movies such as Katniss in The Hungry Games. She was the youngest actress to get nominated for two Academy Awards at a time. I admire her because of her intelligence and acting skills.

怎么夸爱豆笑起来好看 我的爱豆我来夸(1)



Brad Pitt is my favorite actor and I am a huge fan of him. He is a legendary Hollywood actor. He shows his natural acting skills in his movies like Popular Legends of the Fall, Interview with the Vampire, Seven, Meet Joe Black, Troy, Mr. and Mrs. Smith, Benjamin Button. For his excellent performance in acting he has received many prizes.He is not only a very high-class actor but also a active person in social welfare activities. All these reasons make him become my favorite actor.

怎么夸爱豆笑起来好看 我的爱豆我来夸(2)

(布拉德·皮特是我最喜欢的演员,我是他的超级粉丝。他是一位传奇的好莱坞演员。在《燃情岁月》,《夜访吸血鬼》,《七宗罪》,《第六感生死缘》,《特洛伊》,《史密斯夫妇》, 《本杰明.巴顿奇事》等影片中,他展示了自然的演技。由于他在表演方面的出色表现,他获得了许多奖。他不仅是一位非常优秀的演员,也是在社会福利活动中非常活跃的人,所有这些原因使他成为了我最喜欢的演员。)


handsome 帅气

fine-looking 好看的

double eyelid 双眼皮的

glamorous 有光彩的,有魅力的

elegant 优雅的

hard-working 努力工作的

active 活跃的

dependable 可靠的

humorous 幽默的

independent 独立的

optimistic 乐观的

outgoing 外向的

frank 直率的



