
1. put about 散布;

They put about the news that he was resigning.

= They put it about that he was resigning. 他们散布消息说他要辞职了。

The King had been putting about lurid rumours for months.



Moderates are putting it about that people shouldn't take the things said at

the Republican Convention too seriously


put about(使)(船)改变方向

The ship put about and sailed back out to sea. 船改变了方向,掉头朝大海驶去。

a boat that can be put about quickly可以迅速改变方向的船只

2. put across使…被理解

She has had trouble putting her message to voters.


put across把(自己)装成

He tries to put himself across as a nice guy. 他尽量装成个好人。

3. put a foot wrong

4. put aside储存;保留

She’s been putting aside some money for a vacation. 她一直在为度假攒钱。

Can you put a few minutes aside for a short meeting? 你能抽出几分钟来参加一个短会吗?

put aside不予考虑

We need to put these problems aside for now and get the word done.


It’s time to put aside our differences and start working together.


5. put at猜测;估计

The damage to the building is put at over $1 million.


The coroner [ˈkɔːrənər] put his time of death at 7:0. 验尸官推测他是7点钟死的。

Recent estimates put the number of unreported cases at 2,000 each year.

根据最近的估计,每年未上报案件大约有2 000起。

6. put away将…收起;把…放回原处

She put the pictures away for safekeeping. 她把照片收起来妥善保管。

Put your notes away. It’s time for the test. 把笔记收起来。该考试了。

put away储存

Her parents started putting away money for her education the year she was born.



put away猛吃

I used to put away huge meals before I went on a diet. 以前我节食之前,总会大吃几顿。

That guy can really put it away! 那家伙真能吃!

put away把…关进监狱;把…关进精神病院

He’s a vicious criminal. I hope they put him away for the rest of his life.


7. put back把…放回原处

Remember to put the vacuum cleaner back in the closet after you’ve used it.


The books had been put back on neatly on the shelf.


put back推迟

They put back (=pushed back, postponed) the game until next week.


The meeting has been put back from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.


8. put before让…考虑;让…做决定

The problem of downtown parking was put before the mayor/council.


We should put this question before the voters.


9. put behind忘却;不再为…而烦扰

It was a disappointing loss, but we need to put it behind us and focus on winning the next game.


Put the past behind you. 忘了过去吧。

10. put by存(钱)

She has put some money by (= put aside) for emergencies.



11. put down放下

The police ordered him to put down his gun. 警察命令他把枪放下。

I don’t need you to carry me. Put me down! 我不需要你来背我。把我放下来!

put down加入清单

Don’t forget to put down milk and bread on the shopping list.


put down批评;数落

He frequently puts down her work. 他经常批评她工作干得不好。

Her parents are always putting her down. 她的父母总是数落她。

put down写下,记下

She says that the reporter ut her quote down incorrectly.


Every night, he puts his thoughts down in a journal.


put down付(订金)

We put 10 percent down on the house.

= We put down a 10 percent deposit on the house. 我们买这所房子预付了10%订金。

Put no money down and pay no interest on the car until next year.


put down把…安装在地上

Putting down (=installing) a new hardwood floor would greatly increase the value of your home.


We put down a layer of mulch in the rose garden. 我们在玫瑰花园里铺了一层护根物。

put down镇压;平定

Federal troops were brought in to put down the riot.


put down a rebellion/revolt/uprising镇压叛乱/反叛/起义

put down对(受伤或生病的动物)实施安乐死;人道毁灭

They had to have their dog put down (= put to sleep) by the vet.


put down挂断(电话)

She said goodbye and put down the phone. (=hang up the phone)


She put the phone down on him. 她挂断了他的电话。

put down把…提交审议

putting down an amendment in Parliament在议会上提出一项修正案

put down(使)降落

Our plane put down (=landed) in New York around 2 p.m.


The pilot was forced to put (=set) the plane down in a field.


put down安置(小孩)上床睡觉

He put the baby down (in her crib) for a nap.


put down把(某人)看作

Most people put him down as (=believe that he is) a fanatic.


put down登记;把…列入名单

Can I put you down for a donation? (= can I write that you will give a donation?)


Sure, put me down for $20. 当然,我捐20美元。

put down把…归因于

Let’s put the mistake down to your inexperience and forget about it.


The mistake was put down to (=atttributed to) his inexeperience.


12. put forth提出(想法、计划等)

I would like to put forth some alternatives. 我想提出一些其他的选择。

putting forth a plan/proposal/theory提出计划/建议/理论

put forth使出(力气等)

She put for the all her energy to win the race. 她全力以赴去赢得这场比赛。

They put forth a good effort. 他们费了不少力气。

put forth (植物)长出

The trees are starting to put forth new leaves. 树木开始长出新叶子。

13. put forward提出;提议

He put forward (=put forth) a theory about how the accident have occurred.


14. put in安装

We put in new cabinets just last year. 去年干嘛刚刚装了新橱柜。

In order to fix the car they have to put in a new engine.


put in插(话);补充说

I’d like to put in a few words on his behalf. 我想代表他说几句。

Would you mind putting in a good word for me? 你愿意为我说些好话吗?

put in正式提出;提交

She put in a plea of not guilty. (=she pleaded not guilty) 她提出了无罪申诉。

I need to put in (=make, submit) a report about this.


You have two weeks to put in (=submit) a claim with the insurance company.


put in实施;表演

They put in an amazing performance last night.


I won’t be able to stay at the party long, but I’ll at least put in an appearance.


put in耗费,投入(时间)

She put in 10 hours at the office yesterday. 她昨天在办公室待了10个小时。

She put in a long dat at work. 他在工作中度过了漫长的一天。

put in付出(精力或努力)

If we put in a little more effort, we could finish by this afternoon.


He puts a lot of energy in his performances. 他为自己的演出付出了很多精力。

put in投资

She put her money in stocks and bonds. 她投资了股票和债券。

put in把(信仰、信心等)投入到…当中

He puts his faith in reason/science. 他相信理性/科学。

putting her trust in God她信仰上帝

put in for sth正式提出;申请

He put in for a leave of absence. 他提出休假申请。

putting in for a promotion要求升职

put in(轮船)进入港口

The ship put in at Sydeny. 那艘船在悉尼靠了岸。

15. put into付出(精力或努力)

He puts a lot of energy into his performances.


She put her heart into (writing) the letter. 她敞开了心扉写了这封信。

put into把(时间、金钱等)投入到…

They put their entire life savings into the company.


We put a lot of money into (fixing up) that house.


16. put it there或put her there跟我握个手吧

Put her there, pal! 握个手吧,伙计!

Put it there, Pal, put it there!


17. put off推迟

The meeting has been put off until next week.

=We put off (holding) the meeting until next week. 会议推迟到下个星期。

I’ve been meaning to call him, but I keep putting it off.


put off打发,拖延(某人)

I need to come up with an excuse to put off the bill collector.


She finally called him after putting him off all week.


put off使反感

Don’t let the restaurant’s dingy appearance put you off—their food is great.


His rudeness put me off him (=make me dislike him) at once.


put off让…下车(船等)

Could you put (=let) me off (the bus) at the next stop, please?


18. put on穿上;戴上

She put on her new dress. 她穿上了她的新连衣裙。

Put on a hat and gloves. 戴上帽子和手套。

put on涂抹

She puts on far too much makeup. 她涂了太多的化妆品。

We tried to put on a happy/brave face despite our concern.


put on增加;添加

The fire was getting low and we needed to put on more wood.


He’s put on some weight recently. 最近他的体重有所增加。

put on打开(灯等);启动(机器等)

Would you mind if I put (=turned) the TV on? 你介意我打开电视吗?

Somebody put on the lights. 有人把灯打开了。

put on播放;使运转

put on a record/CD/album播放唱片/光盘/专辑

We put on the air-conditioning/heat in the car.


put on烹饪;烹制

Let me know when to put on the rice. 告诉我什么时候煮饭。

He put on a pot of coffee for his guests. 他为客人们煮了一壶咖啡。

put on举行(演出、聚会等)

They’re putting on a concert. 他们正在进行一场音乐会。

He always puts on a great show/performance. 他的演出总是很精彩。

put on归咎于…

Responsibility for the accident was put on the other driver.


He puts much of the blame for his problems on the government.


put on把钱押在…;下赌注

We put $2 on the favorite to win. 我们押2美元赌最热门的队赢。

putting money on horse races赌马

put on把…加入

They put her on the list. 他们把她列入了名单。

We put several new dishes on the menu. 我们在菜单上加了些新菜。

put on跟…开玩笑

He said he knew the President, but I think he was just putting me on.


put on让…接电话

Hi Dad, Could you put Mon on? 嗨,爸爸,能不能让妈妈接下电话?

Put Dave on the phone, please. 请让戴夫接电话。

put on让(某人)用(或做)…

Her doctor put her on medication. 医生让她吃药。

He decided to put himself on a diet. (= to go on a diet) 他决心节食。

put on向(某人)提供信息;向(某人)介绍

A friend of mine put me to this book in high school.


19. put out扑灭;熄灭

She put the fire out b pouring water on it. 她用水把火浇灭了。

She put out her cigarette in an ashtray. 她在烟灰缸里灭掉了香烟。

put out关掉

Who put out (= turned off) the lights? 谁把灯关了?

put out拿出去

putting horses out to graze放马出去吃草

Don’t forget to put out the rubbish. 别忘了把垃圾扔出去。

put out伸出

I put out my hand and he shook it eagerly.


She put out her arm for them to stop. 她伸出胳膊,示意他们停下来。

put out把…摆好准备好(物品)

He always put out a bowl of candy for the grandchildren.


We should put out a few extra chairs in case more people arrive.


put out产生;付出;长出

This small radiator puts out a surprising amount of heat.


They will have to put out considerable effort to meet the deadline.


put out生产;发布

She plans to put out a new album in March. 她计划三月份推出一张新专辑。

They need to be putting out cars that get better gas mileage.


The police have put out (=issued) a warrant for his arrest.


put out烦扰;惹怒

All the attention didn’t seem to put her out at all.


I’m a little put out that no one called to tell me they would be late.


put out给(某人)增加额外工作;给(某人)添麻烦

I hope my visit didn’t put you out. 希望我的拜访没有给您添麻烦。

Please don’t put yourself out just for us. 请不要为我们忙了。

put out使失去知觉

The anesthesia put him out for a little over three hours. 他被麻醉了三个多小时。

put out使…出局

The runner was put out at second base. 跑垒员在二垒的位置被杀出了局。

put out (船)离港,起航

The ship put out to sea. 那艘船离开港驶向了大海。

20. put over使…被理解

He puts over very complicated concepts in a way that his students can understand.


put yourself over as sth装作

She puts herself over as a modern, independent woman. 她装作是一个独立的现代女性。

put over on sb欺骗

Don’t try to put anything over on her. She’ll see right through you.


put one over on sb

(informal) 蒙骗;诱骗

to persuade sb to believe sth that is not true

Don't try to put one over on me!


He considered himself a crafty man — a man would have to get up very early in the morning to put one over on Alf Tandy.


21. put through完成;使达成

They put through a number of reforms. 他们进行了一系列的改革。

I asked Human Resources to help me put through (=to help me get) a transfer to a different department. 我请人力资源部把我调到别的部门。

put through供…读书

She has a full-time job and is putting herself through college.


put through使经历

His doctor put him through a series of tests. 医生让他做了一连串的检查。

She put her parents through a lot when she was a teenager.


We put that truck through a lot when we owned it.


put through为(某人)接通

Please hold while I put you through (to the manager).


put through接通(电话)

Please hold while I put your call through (to the manager).


22. put together把…放在一起;组装;组合

You’ll need a screwdriver to put the toy together.


They put their first band together when they were in high school.


put together加在一起也不及…

You’re smarter than all of those other guys put together.


put together把…与…放在一起

I never would have thought of putting this wine together with fish.


The lack of rain put together with (=along with, combined with) the heat ruined many of the region’s crops.


23. put up举起;抬起;升起

They put up the flag in the morning and take it down at night.


Sit down. Put your feet up and relax. Z坐下来。抬起脚,休息休息。

put up张贴;挂起

She went around town putting up posters of the concert.


I just put up new curtains. 我刚刚挂上了新窗帘。

put up搭起;竖起

putting up a tent搭帐篷


They put up a display of new products. 他们搭展位展示新产品。

They put up a “for sale” sign in front of their house.


put up建造

They’ve putting up a new office building on Main Street.


putting up a fence架围栏

put up把…拿出(售卖等)

The lamps were put up at auction. 这些灯具被拿去拍卖。

They put all of their possessions up for sale. 他们把所有的财产都拿来出售。

put up用(钱财等)换取…

They decided not to put up the money for her bail.


They put up the company’s assets as collateral on the loan.


put up提供…作为奖励

The police have put up a $1,000 reward for information leading to his capture.

警方悬赏1 000美元来获取抓捕他的线索。

put up增加

They are likely to put up interest rates again this year.


put up把…放回原处

It’s time to put up (=put away) your toys and get ready for bed.


He washed, died, and put up the dishes after dinner.


put up把…装罐贮藏

Their grandmother spent the afternoon putting up peaches.


put up战斗;抵抗

As expected, the kids put up a fuss when we said it was time for bed.


They are likely to put up stiff resistance to any new proposals.


put up提出(证据、建议等)

She put up a good/solid argument in his defense.


putting up a proposal提出建议‘’

put up得分

They put up 20 points in the first half. 上半场他们得了20分。

She needs to put up big numbers (= to score a lot of points) in today’s game.


put up为…通过食宿

Could you put me up for the night? 晚上我能在你那儿过夜吗?

His employers put him up at a hotel. 老板安排他在一家宾馆住了下来。

put up在(某处)过夜

He put up with a friend while he was in town.


putting up at a hotel住旅馆

put up举荐

The party put her up (as its candidate) for governor.


They put up their best man to compete against the champion.


put (sb) up to (sth) 怂恿;撺掇

His friends put him up to (playing) the prank.


Who put you up to this? 谁怂恿你干这件事的?

24. put up with容忍

At this school, we will not put up with bad behavior.


I can’t put up with much more of this. 我再也受不了这件事了。

25. put up or shut up要么行动要么闭嘴

You’ve complained long enough. It’s time to put up or shut up.


26. put sb in touch with 为某人联系了谁

My doctor put me in touch with a psychiatrist


27. let me put it this way请允许我这样说

If I was auditioning for a vocalist, let me put it this way, hewouldn't get to sing in my band




put/keep sb in the picture


Just to put you in the picture─there have been a number of changes here recently.


Has Inspector Fayard put you in the picture?



29. put sb’s foot in it让人很尴尬

Our chairman has really put his foot in it, poor man, though hedoesn't know it.


30. put it to sb that…


But I put it to you that they're useless


I put it to you that you are the only person who had a motive for the crime.




