
【读音 转化词 派生词 合成词 同义词 近义词 反义词 短语 习语 俚语 句型 语境化】

sense n. 感觉官能; 感觉;理智;判断力 Our body uses the five senses to get information from the world , which are sense of sight, hearing,smell,taste and touch.我们身体使用五种感官获取世界的信息,即视、听、嗅、味、触五官。

sense v. 感觉到, 觉察到 【派生】 sensor 传感器 ;sensention n.感觉; 知觉 He seemed to have lost all sensations in her arms.他的两条胳膊似乎完全失去了知觉。

【 短语】 a strong sense of purpose/duty/security/ humour强烈的目的性、责任感、安全感、幽默感; a good sense of direction 良好的方向感 ;a sense of rhythm 节奏感 ; in a sense 从某种意义上说; in no sense =in no way 决不; make sense 有道理,言之有理 ; make sense of ···· 理解,弄懂

【派生】adj.=sense less/ble/tive/ory/ual/ous

1. senseless adj. {同义} meaningless, pointless无意义的 , unconscious 无意识的 She drank herself senseless .她喝得不省人事。 senselessly adv.

2. sensible adj. {同义} reasonable 理智的,合理的 It is sensible to go to work by subway.座地铁上班很明智。 sensibly adv. to eat /behave sensibly 饮食合理,行为规范

3. sensitive adj. 【同义】 caring , considerate 体贴的 ;be sensitive to sth. 对某事敏感

Employment is a very sensitive issue. 就业是非常敏感的问题。

4. sensory adj. {科技} sensory organs 感觉器官

5. sensual adj. 感官的, 性感的 sensual lips/ eyes 性感的嘴唇 ,浴火的双眼。He is a very sensual person.他是一个喜欢感官享受的人。 sensually adv.

6. sensuous adj. 肉感的, 愉悦感官的 【同义】sensual , sexy, adv. sensuously


  1. Athletes need ___ have a good ___ of balance.
  2. ___ makes sense ___ look after yourself.
  3. He ____ that something was wrong ___ the machine.
  4. He was knocked____ to the ground, and robbed ___ the wallet.
  5. A girl was dancing wildly on a high stage,with her body shaking____ .
  6. Young people are very ___ about their appearance.
  7. Actually, ___ would be much more ____ to do it later.
  8. My parents praised me ___ such a ____ choice.
  9. He decided, very ____, not ___ drive when he was so tired.
  10. .The book brings a _____ pleasure.
  11. The belly dancer moved ____ among the tables.
  12. .After he inherited his father's estate , he immersed in all kinds of ___ pleasures.
  13. The electronic ___ has been adapted to fit on a newborn baby.




