


◆ We use the Present Perfect Continuous to talk about a situation or activity that started in the past and has been in progress for a period until now.

◆ 现在完成进行时表示某事或某种情况发生在过去,并一直持续到现在。

★ They have been living in Paris since 1980.

★ 自1980年以来,他们就一直住在巴黎。

★ People have been saying for ages that the building should be pulled down.

★ 人们一直在说要拆掉这栋楼。

★ I have been revising very hard for the exam. I hope I do well.

★ 我一直在为考试努力复习,我希望我能考好。

★ Cathy hasn’t been at work for a while. She has been helping her husband get over a serious illness.

★ 凯西有一阵子没工作了,她一直在帮助她的丈夫克服一场大病。

◆ We often use the Present Perfect Continuous when we ask questions with How long…? and when we say how long something has been in progress.

◆ 用How long...提问或表示某事已经进行了多久,常用现在完成进行时。

★ How long have you been waiting for me?

★ 你等我多久了?

★ How long have they been living next door to you?

★ 他们在你隔壁住了多久了?

★ Bullfighting has been going on in Spain for centuries.

★ 斗牛在西班牙已有几个世纪的历史。

★ Unemployment has been rising steadily since the huge increase in oil prices.


◆ When we talk about situations or actions that went on over a past period of time but finished at a particular point in time before now, we don’t use the Present Perfect Continuous.

◆ 表示在过去的一段时间内持续进行的情况或活动,但在现在之前的某个特定时间点已经完成,不使用现在完成进行时。

★ I was reading until midnight last night.

★ 昨晚,我读书到半夜。

★ She had been living in Spain before her family moved to Brazil.

★ 在她的家人搬到巴西之前,她一直住在西班牙。

◆ We can use either the Present Perfect Continuous or the Present Perfect to talk about activities or events that are repeated again and again until now. However, if we mention the number of times the activity or event was repeated, we use the Present Perfect.

◆ 表示持续到现在一再重复发生的事件或活动,可用现在完成进行时或现在完成时。但是,如果提到了该活动或事件重复的次数,用现在完成时。

★ The press has been calling/has called for her resignation for several weeks.

★ 媒体呼吁她辞职已有好几个星期了。

★ He has played for the national team in 65 matches so far.

★ 迄今为止,他已经为国家队打了65场比赛。

★ I’ve bumped into Andy three times this week.

★ 这周,我意外碰见安迪三次。

★ They have been asking me to visit them for ages, but I’ve never had the time.

★ 他们很长时间以来一直要求我去拜访他们,但我一直没有时间。

★ They have asked me to join the company on a number of occasions.


◆ When we want to emphasize that a situation has changed over a period of time up to now and may continue to change, we prefer the Present Perfect Continuous to the Present Perfect. However, if we talk about a specific change over a period of time which ends now, particularly to focus on the result of this change, we use the Present Perfect.

◆ 当强调某种情况直至现在为止的一段时间内一直在发生变化,且有可能继续发生变化,我们更倾向于使用现在完成进行时。但是,如果讨论的是一段时期内的具体变化,且这种变化到目前业已结束,强调的是这一变化所造成的结果,我们更倾向于使用现在完成时。

★ The pollution problem has been getting worse over the last decade.

★ 污染问题在过去十年里愈发严重。

★ The number of deaths from lung cancer has been rising since 1950.

★ 自1950年以来,死于肺癌的人数不断攀升。

★ The population has grown from 35 million in 1950 to 42 million today.


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