
Are New Year's resolutions powerful or pointless ?



Almost every year of my adult life, I’ve started the New Year with a set of resolutions that I’ve been determined to keep. The results, predictably, have been variable.


In 2021, I mostly kept to my fitness goal of doing 20-minute workout each day, but I failed miserably at my aim of quitting social media. According to my weekly screen-time reports, I still spend between two and three hours each day on my phone, much of that time doomscrolling.


I am far from alone in my determination to start each new year with a plan for self-improvement. At least a quarter of people typically make at least one New Year’s resolution, and a large portion of those good intentions end in disappointment.


For those who don’t follow this tradition, the very act of creating a New Year’s resolution can seem illogical. Rationally speaking, 1 January should be no better than any other day to make a life change – so why put the needless pressure on ourselves to ‘upgrade’ our lives at the opening of a new calendar?



1. resolution /ˌrez.əˈluː.ʃən/ a promise to yourself to do or to not do something 决心

I made a resolution to give up chocolate.

2. pointless /ˈpɔɪnt.ləs/ having no useful purpose 毫无意义的

It seemed pointless to continue.

3. doomscrolling /ˈduːm.skrəʊ.lɪŋ/ the activity of spending a lot of time looking at your phone or computer and reading bad or negative news stories 刷手机看负面新闻

Experts warn that doomscrolling can be harmful to your mental health.


1. …that I’ve been determined to keep.


2. ... who don’t follow this tradition...




Recent psychological research, however, suggests that there are many good reasons to begin a new regime on the first day of a new year. And by understanding and capitalising on those mechanisms, we can all increase our chances of sticking to our new goals for 2022.


The fresh-start effect


It’s hard to pinpoint exactly when our tradition of making New Year’s Resolutions was first established. Anna Katharina Schaffner, a cultural historian and author of The Art of Self-Improvement, notes literary references to self-improvement go back centuries, to Chinese antiquity and the Roman Stoics, for example. The practice of pegging goals to a particular calendar date was already well-established by the 1860s, as seen in one of Mark Twain’s letters.



