
1. But suddenly the carefree days ended.

2. He looked happy and carefree.

3. Those are findings from a recent study.

4. These results conflict with earlier findings.

5. I recognized it instantly and felt a quiver of panic.

6. It only takes a few days for beans to sprout.

7. The seeds will sprout in a few days.

8. The fabric is very fine or frays easily.

9. They were ready for the fray.

10. The stitching had begun to fray at the edges.

11. You fabricated evidence?


12. Everything that they have told us is a complete fabrication.

13. What do you mean by that?

14. What do you mean? (什么意思)

15. How do you mean? (何出此言/为什么这么说/你指哪方面)

16. So this is a drawing of my preliminary design.

17. What is it a drawing of?

18. What is this drawing? I can't figure out what this is.

19. Because of the inertia, the train cannot stop instantly.

20. I can't seem to throw off this feeling of inertia.

21. That's totally revolutionary for our work.

22. I do know what it feels like to be left out.


