





Scientists have made a breakthrough in the treatment for acne. The Daily Mail of London reported a vaccine which promises to halt a key cause of unsightly and painful condition could be available within as little as 5 years. The breakthrough approach is a departure from current treatments, which mostly reply on antibiotics to “blitz" the bacteria that cause spots. The medicines can upset the skin's natural balance and leave some sufferers at risk of scarring. Scientists at the University of California at San Diego are working in partnership with the world's biggest vaccine company, Sanofi Pasteur, to create the jab.


  • unsightly 不雅观的,难看的
  • promise to do 有望
  • 难看且痛苦--不用翻,unsightly and painful condition 就是指的青春痘,直接替换
  • 大学的名字翻得有问题,应该是加州大学圣地亚哥分校
  • a departure from不需要译,因为从中文上下文就能看出是departure

Job losses in the global financial services industry in 2011 are close to surpassing 200,000 as Citigroup, France's BNP Paribas and Bank of America eliminate employees to reduce costs. The reductions add to the 195,000 announced this year, and surpass the 174,000 losses in 2009. Lenders are reducing staff as the European sovereign debit crisis roils markets, crimps revenue from trading stocks and bonds, and deters companies from takeovers or stock offerings.


  • job losses 失业人数
  • as 表示事实背景,微弱的原因
  • 动词不认识,直接上下文推断意思
  • roil vt. 使动荡
  • deter vt.妨碍;延缓;使人停止做…

But kneading innovation in the abstract in Cupertino was realized as tangible devices in city-sized factory in Shenzhen, China. Commercialization of the sophisticated products, while successively lowering prices, would've been impossible without China's essential role. As a matter of fact-many of the stories that germinate in Silicon Valley usually find their denouement in Shenzhen or nearby factory towns.

  • knead
  • commercialization 商业化
  • germinate 开始发芽;开始生长;形成;产生
  • denouement 结局;收场
  • in the abstract: in a general way; without reference to specific instances.



