

Four years ago, James Young's life changed for ever in a freak accident when he fell under a train.四年前一场诡异的意外事故中,詹姆斯·杨摔到了列车下,人生因而彻底改变。

As well as sustaining multiple injuries - including collapsed lungs, a fractured skull and face, rib fractures and cracks in his spine - he damaged his left arm while his left leg was severed below the knee at the scene.除了外肺部塌陷、头颅碎裂、脸庞破损、肋骨断裂还有脊柱脆裂外等多处连续不断多重受伤外,他还断了左臂,左腿膝盖以下当场切断。

A year ago, however, James's life changed again. When he became 'part cyborg' in an extraordinary experiment that fitted him with a prototype bionic arm.然而,一年前,詹姆斯的生活又一次发生改变,一个特别的实验给詹姆斯安装了一个生化手臂原始模型,他成了“半机械人”。

A gaming company Konami, which was looking for an amputee was interested in road-testing a futuristic prosthetic limb.一家名为“科纳米”的游戏公司当时正在寻找一名对未来主义派义肢测试感兴趣的截肢者。

Sophie, who has worked on special effects for films, designed James a bespoke metal arm with an attached plastic articulated hand worked by muscles in his shoulders.索菲是研究电影特效的,为詹姆斯量身定制了金属手臂,关节部分由塑料制成,肩部肌肉控制指节。



The muscle signals are detected by sensors attached to the skin of his shoulders - the sensors are connected to a harness across the top of his body that then operates the arm and hand, all powered by battery.传感器附在肩部皮肤上,可以感知肌肉信号,传感器与身体上的肩带相连接从而控制臂膀和手臂。

The cyborg-style arm also features a laser light, a torch, a USB port to charge his phone and a watch.机械手臂有镭射灯、手电筒、USB接口供充电和手表。

As well as helping amputees, robotic devices are being developed to help stroke patients operate paralysed hands again.除了帮助截肢者,还在研发机器装置来帮助中风病人活动麻痹的双手。



