
广西艺术学院学报《艺术探索》2007 年 第 21 卷 第 1 期( 总第 80 期),下面我们就来聊聊关于家居设计效果图简约中式?接下来我们就一起去了解一下吧!



广西艺术学院学报《艺术探索》2007 年 第 21 卷 第 1 期( 总第 80 期)

而今越来越多的现代人难以抵挡中式复古家装的诱惑 , 一股充

满东方韵味的复古风与现代人的审美交融、碰撞着 , 并蔚然成风。一


在欧式简约现代的家居风格时, 不少人又怀念起了一本线装书、一

个青花瓷茶杯、一盏烛光 , 那种温婉的东方情调。前人的家居文化 ,


室内设计非常重视对空间的合理规划与运用 , 仿古风格的室内

设计重视参考中国传统居室的空间布局 , 讲究空间的层次 , 喜用隔

扇、屏风来分割空间 , 这种分割方法不同于实体墙面的阻隔 , 它的妙

处在于隔而不断、内外贯通。比如在客厅空间布局中 , 客厅作为起

居、会客的重要空间 , 在居住功能上 , 作用不可小视。一般而言 , 客厅

也是整个房间面积最大的空间。古人认为“虚室生白 , 吉祥不止”

( 《庄子·人间世》, 即客厅易宽阔、空灵 , 建筑格局讲究高空间、大

进深 , 使人一进入居室便豁然开朗 , 不宜布置太多的家具和使用过

多的装饰 , 使其显得拥挤不堪 , 这与当下家装行业一贯的“重装饰

轻装修”的原则是不谋而合的。仿古家居在空间上的处理 , 不一定

要做“加法”, 精简同样有效。

现代家居设计在运用中国传统元素来营造室内氛围的同时 , 更

是巧妙地运用了中国传统的空间美学 , 在有限的空间里创造空间的

无限可能。清代乾隆皇帝位于紫禁城养心殿内的书房── “三希

堂”, 面积只有 8 平方米 , 而这 8 平方米又用楠木雕花窗格隔为南。

北两间 , 尽管如此 , 在对空间的精心布置下 , 别具一番风味 , 毫无局

促之感 , 可见古人对于居室空间布局的独具匠心。许多成功的室内

空间设计也参考了中国传统园林、居室的空间布局特色 , 利用卷帘、


“借境”“对景”“隔景”, 以使它们之间相互拥有和相互影响 , 使有

限的居室空间充满情致 , 丰富居室的内部构成 , 将某些空间虚化 , 进


空间 , 划分不同的空间功能 , 作用亦是异曲同工。这种吸收中国传统

空间布局的仿古风格 , 在不影响居室私密性的前提下 , 保证了家人

的其乐融融 , 使居住其间的人真正体会共处一室的“家”的温馨 , 也


另一个方面 , 具有仿古风格的室内家居设计在空间处理上 , 也


采光、通风、“透景”和“框景”, 现代居室也同样如此。大型落地窗、


术 , 最大限度地将相对闭塞的室内空间延伸到室外 , 并将室外空间

的景观介入到室内来 , 使室内与室外有机地融合在一起 , 以一种主

动的方式与自然达成一种和谐 , 这恰恰回到了中国传统文化中的天

人合一的理念。“敞亮的生活环境 , 能够表达人与环境间精神和情


( p106) , 以人为本的居住空间 , 仍然是自然的组成部分 , 要实现人

与自然的共生、共荣、共乐、共雅 ; 体现出居室空间的自然化、人文

化 , 这些都是仿古家装要解决和实现的重要课题。


席地而坐到唐代垂足坐 ; 从宋代家具起步 , 形成一定的样式和简洁

的风格到明代发展为流畅的风格; 再到清朝时期把古典家具推上顶

峰 , 彰显雍容华贵 , 传统家具经历了一个漫长而辉煌的发展历程。尤

其是精工细制的明式家具 , 其优良的材质、淳朴的纹理、流畅的 造

型、简洁的雕饰 , 有着其他时期家具无法比拟的优势 , 其中包涵着古

代文人的审美意趣和古人求真尚朴的精神追求 , 在现在也越来越为



空间的一个元素 , 有着举足轻重的作用。仿古家居装饰材料以木质

为主 , 讲究雕刻彩绘 , 造型古雅。家具陈设讲究对称 , 极重文脉意蕴 ,


的优质木材加工而成 , 这些木材本身就具有优美天然的纹路和色

泽 , 因此 , 保持木材原色和利用其本身的纹理就成了古代能工巧匠

的首选。这些材料 , 最明显的特征是朴实自然、简洁清新 , 给人以淡


出的柔和质感和光泽 , 为家具增添了一份宁静和温馨 , 即使是那些

最简单的摆件 , 都拥有洗尽铅华的面貌 , 原木的色泽和质感被最大

限度地保留了下来 , 木材上印刻着的岁月深浅痕迹给人留下经典的


样 , 追求平和、宁静、淡泊、雅致、含蓄、自然而不造作。古人追求“虽

由人作 , 宛自天开”, 重视“师法自然”“道法自然”, 充分体现出中

国传统文化中追求人与自然的和谐一致 , 以自然为美、以自然为重

的思想。这都被现代的仿古风格很好地继承了下来 , 并得到了大量

的应用。现代人的居室虽然装不了满屋传统中式的厚重 , 但几件古


普遍的生活压力 , 忙碌的现代人回到家中 , 需要的是一种心灵深处

的安宁。在这样一个崇尚个性的社会 , 许多人对家装业千篇一律的


劳 , 于是乎仿古之风在满足大众对民族文化认同感的同时 , 也张扬


仿古家具除了对木质材料的追求外 , 还讲求古典美的雕饰和线

型。比如床头的雕镂、桌面及柜门的线型, 或如峰峦、或如流水, 古朴

而典雅、华贵而不俗, 颇有古时深深庭院的大家气派。以红木色为主


中常见的风格。比如门窗的雕琢, 在不大的空间里就能为居室增添

一分传统的味道 , 用木条搭建成的中式拱门 , 将普通的窗户雕成具

有中式图案的镂窗 , 用窗棂来作为房间里的隔断 , 有明朗的通透之

感 ; 在墙上个性地钉上一扇古旧的木窗 , 区分墙面的层次 , 妙趣 横

生。仿古家具雕花、镶玉、榫接的工艺, 龙凤呈祥、富贵牡丹、喜鹊闹梅

的图案 , 或厚拙、或明快、或空灵、或劲挺的造型 ,



[摘要] 如今 , 家居装修业劲吹复古之风 , 仿古风格在室内空


过对上述三个方面的梳理 , 重在从古人的空间观念、自然观念、

审美观念着手 , 结合现代人的生活情感、文化和审美心理等方


[关键词] 仿古风格; 室内空间; 家具; 家品

[中图分类号] J525 [文献标识码] A

[文章编号] 1003- 3653( 2007) 01- 098- 02

[收稿时间] 2006- 12- 28

[作者简介] 王兴业, 湖南工程学院艺术设计系。

王兴业 1 田蓉辉 2

( 1, 2 湖南工程学院 艺术设计系 , 湖南 湘潭 411104)

( 下转第 100 页)



第 21 卷 第 1 期 Feb. 2007

Vol.21 No.1

广西艺术学院学报《艺术探索》2007 年 第 21 卷 第 1 期( 总第 80 期)

渲染出满室书香、一堂雅气 , 彰显着中国传统

家具文化的独特魅力 , 凸显出中国久远的历史文化传统。仿古不

仅仅是一个形式上的仿造 , 更在于形式所体现出来的内容 , 在这

里 , 它成了中国传统文化的一个载体 , 发挥了它的现代意义 , 满足


仿古家具大行其道 , 小小的家品也是这样。这些浓缩着历史、

沉淀着时光岁月的家品 , 在古色古香的仿古家居中成为不可或缺

的一部分 , 起到了画龙点睛的作用。如今 ,“家品饰家”的概念渐

渐深入人心 , 人们已经认识到装饰家居不必大动干戈地搞装修、

换家具 , 只需利用不同的家品组合来点缀 , 一样可以制造出不同

的家居效果 , 并带来源源不断的新鲜感。因此 , 仿古家品中有鲜明

中国特色的构件、符号、装饰与色彩大行其事 , 通过与室内 外 结

构、家具陈设、色彩装修等的有机结合 , 达到所要表现的艺术效果

和空间意境。这种利用传统文化中具有特色的元素 , 如形状、色

调、质感、线条、纹样等 , 运用于现代家居装饰之中 , 因大众熟悉而

让人倍感亲切、易于理解与接受。细处见精神: 窗前美妙无比的轻

纱 ; 沙发上绣织的各种传统图案的靠垫 ; 墙或门上比较显眼位置

上的中国结 ; 放置在仿古家具上的青花瓷瓶 ; 挂于墙上写意或工

笔的字画 ; 悬挂着的温润内敛的玉器 ; 仿古家具上那一把磨得光

灿灿的铜锁 ; 客厅的背景墙上放置的大大的折扇 ; 大红色绘有各

种传统图案的床上用品、古玩金石、山水盆景等 , 小小的点缀就足

以体现中式的味道。轻描淡写、彰显特色 , 要的就是这种不经意的


的渴望 , 各种石、草、藤、竹、织物等天然材料制作的小装饰品、未

经加工的原木器具 , 被摆放在室内 , 显现出的浓浓质朴感 , 与整体


点 , 无论是纹理粗犷的石材 , 还是泛着自然清香的盆栽植物 , 在现


园的依恋、于文化的追寻 , 都寄托和体现在这些轻巧的家品之中。

小小家品的恰当运用 , 可以巧妙地营造出整个居室的复古氛围 ,


家居复古风劲吹 , 从更深的层面理解 , 它恰恰反映出中国社

会思想在历经市场经济大潮带来的眩晕与悲欢之后 , 开始向民族

文化的回落。这是对传统文化的一种升华 , 并已融入到现代家居

设计理念之中。每一个民族都需要有一个文化归属和认同 , 国人

最终选择了在本土文化中寻觅 , 并在中国文化里找寻到了答案。

人们逐渐认识到那些冠冕堂皇的泊来风格 , 并不见得就是现代时

尚 , 更不见得就适应国人内心深处的文化需求。正如鲲西在文中

所说的 :“怀旧不只是恋旧情 , 它是一种文化 , 想要召唤回来的是

精神的价值。”[2]( p50) 人们其实有一套一直沿用下来的生活习

惯 , 大众在生活上或心理情感因素中都不愿舍弃本原 , 作为设计


德、审美习惯等 , 构成了潜在的深层文化结构 , 在潜移默化中影响

着我们的当代设计 , 也在现代家居设计中留下了深深的烙印。发

掘仿古风格家居文化更深层次的内涵与意境 , 并使其融入现代人

的生活之中 , 满足现代人情感、生活和审美的需要 , 发挥其更大的

作用 , 是当代设计师的责任。


[1]赵玮.关于目前低密度住宅类型的思考[J].装饰 , 2005(11).

[2]鲲西.怀旧情: 上海的西文书店[J].万象 , 1999(2).

( 责任编辑、校对: 罗冰)

最早在英国出现的 POP 设计运动 , 在 20 世纪 60 年代也开始


性、追求强烈的色彩效果和视觉效果的设计运动中来。由 Zanotta 公

司生产的“Blow”扶手椅子和“Sacco”椅成为 20 世纪 60 年代末期

激进色彩浓厚的代表作。“Blow”椅由 PVC 塑料制成 , 可以充气 , 成

品是一个蓝色透明的塑料椅子。这种椅子携带方便 , 在运用新材料


的椅子 , 它是一个里面装满聚苯乙烯颗粒的大口袋 , 它可以根据人


对于意大利设计界来说 , 塑料以它的新形式和丰富的色彩 , 从

厂商 Techo 的 Graphis 组合式办公室家具 , 到 Joe Colombo 为 Kartell

设计的 model 4860 叠椅 , 都是又叫好又叫座的划时代塑料设计。塑

料产品再次证实了“意大利线条”(Italian Line)的优越过人。特别是

塑料成为主要的家庭用品材料以后 , 设计师们对于材料的兴奋和可

塑性能的爱好 , 造成相当一批新产品的问世。对于设计师而言 , 塑料

是大批量生产的理想材料 , 因为它们是可以收缩且有弹性的 , 而且

重量轻又结实。模具制作技术的成熟 , 使得现代工厂可以大批量生


塑料产品制作技术的运用 , 从家具设计的风格影响到了汽车工

业的设计。聚氨酯 , 一种能用来铸模的材料 , 能够作成各种形状 , 戏

剧性地改变了对形状和结构要求 , 大块的泡沫塑料消除了对框架和

支架的需要 , 用于扶手椅和沙发上的泡沫塑料也开始使用在汽车的




的抛光工艺所产生的独特的金属光泽、玻璃中的晶莹透明 , 这几类


彩。随着现代家具的部件化、标准化生产 , 越来越多的现代家具是塑

料、木材、金属等不同材料配件的组合 , 在材质肌理、在装饰色彩间 ,


四、关于 Kartell

1949 年成立的意大利家具品牌 Kartell, 可说是塑料家具最佳

的代言品牌 , 从 20 世纪 50 年代起 , Kartell 就摈弃了一般家具使用

材料的惯性 , 大量采用合成塑料 , 而且以一种“实用的趣味”为理

念 , 创造出各式各样的塑料家具。Kartell 忠实呈现了塑料家具轻质、


料生产家具的企业 , 后来逐步转向生产塑料灯饰和其他摆设品 , 并

完 成 了 Joe Colombo、Vico Magistretti、Anna ferrieri、Castelli 等 设 计 师

的作品 , 如今已成为一个极具声望的商标。

( 责任编辑、校对: 罗冰)

( 上接第 98 页)


广西艺术学院学报《艺术探索》2007 年 第 21 卷 第 1 期( 总第 80 期)

The Applica t ion of Digita l Managem ent of the Bas ic Inform ation Collect ing in Arts Research

———The Experience from the Bas ic Inform ation Collect ing for the Folk Em broidery of Zhang Ye


[Abstract] With the participation in the research on the folk embroidery of Zhang Ye,

this paper, from the experiences of scientific feature, characteris tics and the value of

application of the computer for collecting the basic art information, tries to give art

research some inspiration, methodological reference.

[Key Words] folk embroidery of Zhang Ye, information collecting, computer technology,

digital controlling

The Modern Tradit ion ——— Pondering on the Gardens of South China

TAO ke

[Abstract] It is a question worth studying on how to carry forward and innovate Chinese

the cultural continuation and regional adaptation. Southern Gardens are the essence of

traditional Chinese culture, with its spaces full of wisdoms. They are good examples for

architecture of today's living environment.

[Key Words] Traditional Architecture, Gardens of South China, Space, Living Environment

Analyzing Des Staat liches Bauhaus ’ Affect on the Des ign Educat ion in China

TIAN Zhimei

[Abstract] This thesis mainly explores how the leading thought ofDes Staatliches Bauhaus

affects the design education in China. Firs tly, it gives a plain review towards the three

developing phases of State Building lnstitute and mainly discusses the three points of

State Building lnstitute in design education, according to the formed characteris tics , thus

elicits some reflection to modern design education. Lastly, it concludes the great effects

that State Building lnstitute has brought to the Chinese modern design education and

suggests some opinions .

[Key Words] Des Staatliches Bauhaus, modern design, china, design education

Discuss ion on the Chinese Tradit ional Culture of Des ign from Sheli Conta iner of the Fam en Tem ple

WANG Yingpin

[Abstract] Chinese cultural artifacts and design patterns affect each other. At the same

time, the idea of forms in design of utensils poses influence on traditional Chinese

design culture. The text aims to study the rich design culture of China 's traditional

sculptural from the Famen Temple Buddhis t relicts

[Key Words] Container, Traditional, Design Culture

The New Perspect ive from Phenom enology on Technique and Its Innovat ion of Chinese Pain t ing


[Abstract] After thousands of years ’ development, Chinese paintings become riper and

ripe. And the techniques it used are more colorful and become mature. However, the

formulation after maturity and other factors made its development cut back. Husserl's

phenomenology gives us a new perspective for our understanding of Chinese painting skills

and its innovation.

[Key Words] Chinese painting, skills , phenomenology

The Evolvem ent of the Anim al Mask Pat tern


[Abstract] Animal mask patterns originated from the totems on ceremonial jade articles

in New Stone Age, later developed into glutton veins , then into eave tiles and pushou.

The articles bearing these patterns have been transformed from ceremonial wares to

practical ones . Animal mask patterns derived from worshiping ancestors and deities .

Going with the development of economy and politics , its connotation changed from

originally religious and powerful subject to s imply bless ing ornamental one, meanwhile ,

its function transformed from serving original religion and kingship to working as

ornaments .

[Key Words] animal mask pattern, motif, evolvement, glutton veins , pushou

Curren t Situat ion and Analys is of Shanghai Urban Colour Planning

———Ins tances Of the Bund, Huaihai Road and Zhujia jiao Tow n


[Abstract] The authors made observations on the color of buildings in three areas: the

Bund, Huaihai Road and Zhujiajiao Town. The threee places are obviously different due

to their locations and traditions . Based on comprehensive analysis of the materials , the

author discusses the future tendency of Shanghai’s urban colour planning. The author

proposes that as an important part of urban environment colour, building colour should

be better planned and designed so as to show the local features and legal

adminis tration should be introduced in the planning of urban colour.

[Key Words] Building colour, the Bund, HuaihaiRoad, Zhujiajiao Town

Exploring the Cultura l Connota t ion of the Tunbao Costum e

WANG Ling, WANG Furong, ZHANG Zhichun

[Abstract] Inquires about its clothing form through the research camp site clothing the cultural

connotation and the root, the system understanding camp site clothing culture; Discussion as a

result of time, geographical environment and this immigrant community own culture origin and

so on many aspect reasons; The clothing research and the cultural development unifies closely

in together, maintains between many kinds of civilized, the rich cultural harmonious equality.

[Key Words] Tunbao, costume, Fengyang, Anshun

A Percept ion of its Es thet ic Psychology from “Child Picture ”

WANG Shengxuan

[Abstract] Children’s esthetic psychological activity, their visual senses and perceptions

decide their development in painting. Understanding child’s painting psychology and

analyzing the characteristics of painting is useful for us to use varied of teaching methods

accordingly and enhance the fine arts education for children to a further step according to

child’s body and mind developmental regulation.

[Key Words] child picture, visual sense and perception, the reproducibility, express ing

Lin- Wu Sys tem in the 20th Century

WANG Weiping

[Abstract] Lin Fengmian and Wu Guanzhong may be considered to be composed of a

system which combines the firs t 20 years and the las t 20 years of 20th century. It is

important that western wind went to the Orient during the firs t 20 years and China put

open policy into practice during the las t 20 years . Lin- Wu System searched for art

rather than politics and utility by taking nature as its main body, taking performance as

its soul and taking esthetic feeling as its miss ion. Formal s tructure of west art and artis tic

conception of Chinese art are integrated together.

[Key Words] Western Learning, performance, feeling

Pseudo- Class ic Style in Fam ily- Decorat ion Des ign in the New Century

WANG Xingye , TIAN Ronghui

[Abstract] Nowadays, family decoration is taking the tendency of restoring the ancient

ways. The practice of imitating the ancient style is widely represented in the aspects of

interiors planning, furniture- arranging and the article- using. More and more people find it

hard to resist the temptation of Chinese- characterized family decoration and the classic

ancient style with oriental characteristics integrating and colliding with modern people’s

viewpoints for aesthetics. Through the three aspects, the article aims to analyze the


Abst ract s and Key Words of Art icles

manifestation and the reason from the ancient people ’s views of space, nature and

aestheticism, while combining modern people ’s emotions, culture and aesthetic


[key w ords] Pseudo- Class ic s tyle , interior space, furniture, articles

Probing the Chinese Ancient Fine Arts Educat ion ———Fine Arts Educat ions of Wei, J in , the South and

North Dynas t ies XIE Jundong, LI Linjie

[Abstract] Influenced by social unrest, education of that times was instable. School education

broke the system dominated by Confucianism of the Han Dynasty and the administration went

multiple. Fine arts education was developed and promoted by government education and

individual education. A new institution, “Lin zhi Xue” appeared in the education system after

the “Hong Dou Men Xue”and symbolized the new high tide in the development of Chinese

fine arts history.

[Key Words] Wei, Jin, the south and north dynasties, fine arts education, official institute,

“Lin Zhi Xue ”, music, inheritage

On the Influence of“Deficiency Experience”on Badashanren ’s Draw ing Style

XU Hongping

[Abstract] Artis tic creation can’t be detached from the inner emotion and acute ins ight

into life in creator. However, the complexity and variety of ins ide experiences are hard to

be discerned by others . This article tends to find some innate connections between

“deficiency experience ” and artis tic creation from the point of artis tic psychology

concerning with a very importance field “deficiency experience ” in the study of ins ide

experience in aesthetic subjects and also take Badashanren as a studying case.

[Key Words] Deficiency Experience; Badashanren

Analys is on the Aes te t ic J udgm ent of Packaging Products


[Abstract] There are a lot of good configurations existing in the cubic world. The package

configuration is taken shape from these three dimensional space by the method of

abstraction. The advantage of configuration has different reflections in different package

products. The configuration of package product is restricted by the social factor and the

need of aesthetic judgment of people. In the different ages, there are different

symbolizations in the elegance of forms of package.

[Key Words] The configuration of package product, Social factor, the aesthetic needs ,

the condition of times

Com puter Techniques of Architectura l Rendering

YUAN Haiming

[Abstract] Computer performance is an important tool of architectural rendering. It is

the combination of art and technology. This article is to describe how the architect deals

with the ultimate effect of the overall architectural rendering, exploring from the aspects

of material of architectural rendering, lighting and latter part improvement techniques .

[Key Words] architectural design, architectural rendering, express ion techniques

The Rhythm ic Visual Magic ———Research on Works of Riley the Fem ale Master of

the Op Art

ZHANG Xiaohua , WU Wei

[Abstract] Riley is a great female artist, and the assimilation effect and the edge illusion obtained

perfectly manifesting in her works. That in her world, both of the forms and colors were used in

aesthetic feeling with rhythms. She proved that there was not the strict dividing line between the

vision art and psychology science. It arouses and combines into the new visual image through the

visual function.

[Key Words] Riley, Op Art, line, rhythm

New Litera t i Pain t ings


[Abstract] Modern painter Chen Shizeng’s book Study of Chinese Literati Painting

and several other articles undoubtedly have great impacts on our s tudies . The author

tries to base on the Chen’s theory of Literati Painting, taking into consideration his

important discuss ions and time background and explain the author’s unders tanding of

the Chen’s four important the four elements of "character, ta lented, knowledge, ideas".

The research of Chen Shizeng and Chinese Literati Painting aims to explore the

academic meaning of Chen Shizeng in the fine arts his tory and have some reference

values in the current theory situation.

[Key Words] Cheng Shizeng, Literati painting, character, Conflict between Chinese

and Western painting, Chen Duxiu

The Reform of Art is t ic Educat ion in College During the Cyber Age

ZHOU Zhongyu

[Abstract] Cyber culture set new demand on art education. The thesis is about application

of modern education technique in teaching and its meaning of application in teaching.

[Key Words] cyber culture, artis tic education, modern education technology

A Predicam ent on Contem porary Perform ance Art of China

ZHU Yajun

[Abstract] When contemporary behavior art of China is interchanged with the public,

it’s rejected because of its extraordinary way of express ion. To better unders tand the

reason, the contemporary behavior art of China is in fact s temming from the conflict

between modernis tic “ ethical individualism ”about performance art and “ ethical

normalization ”.

[Key Words] contemporary art, behavior art, e thical individualism, ethical normalization


Tas t ing the Orig inality of Advert isem ent

ZHU Meimei

[Abstract] The creativity is the soul of advertisement. you can have hold the core of

advertisement if you have this soul. A good advertisement creativity must have the

attraction and the five conditions s imultaneously, then stimulates forms and enhances

the goal expense community to product earnestly seeking, and finally achieved the

product sale and the enterprise images ’ double win. In this process , the angle and the

way which the creativity excavates is the direct influence advertisement effect key

aspect. Therefore, only has the assurance of the creativity of good advertisement, can

enable the advertisement to achieve the anticipated effect, and blooms the bright flower

bud to makes up the fragrance for a long time.

[Key Words] Originality, Advertisement, thinking

Thought for Im proving the Com prehens ive Cultura l Quality of Students of Art Departm ent

ZHU Ting

[Abstract] This paper aims at improving the emphasis of Art department in colleges

and univers ities on their s tudents ’ comprehensive cultural quality, and suggests that

the s tudents of art department should strengthen the study of other courses besides

their profess ional courses . The paper gives full details of the interaction between art and

other subjects , then presents and analyses the current problem of these students . It also

concludes that only by improving the comprehensive cultural quality of the students of

art department, can they meet the needs of the world’s new development. Several

measures are also presented tentatively so as to resolve the problem.

[Key Words] comprehensive cultural quality, the s tudents of art department, improve,




