怎么申请q2签证 Q2字签证换取居留许可流程指南

怎么申请q2签证 Q2字签证换取居留许可流程指南(1)

Do you know that you can change your residence permit after applying for Q2 visa? Today, Xiaobian will tell you how to exchange residence permit for Q2 visa.


To begin with, to give you a conceptual difference between the two:


Q1 visa: family members of Chinese citizens (spouses, parents, children, spouses of children, brothers and sisters, grandparents, grandchildren, grandchildren and parents of spouses) and family members of foreigners with permanent residence status in China (spouses, parents, children, spouses of children, brothers and sisters, grandparents, grandchildren, grandchildren and parents of spouses) who apply for residence in China on the grounds of family reunion. grandchildren and parents of the spouse), as well as persons applying for entry and residence for reasons such as foster care.

Q2 visa: Relatives of Chinese citizens residing in China and relatives of foreigners with permanent residence status in China who enter the country for a short period (not exceeding 180 days) to visit relatives.

Documents required to apply for a Q2 visa:


1. Passport;


2. Photographs;


3. Visa application form


4. A letter of invitation issued by a Chinese citizen residing in China or a foreign citizen with permanent residence status in China.


5. A copy of the inviter's Chinese ID card or a copy of the foreigner's passport and permanent residence permit.


When the Q2 visa is approved, it will show the period of stay after entry: 180 days. This means that the holder does not need to apply for an additional residence permit after entering China. However, there are some special cases, for example, if one or both parents are Chinese citizens and bring their minor children with Q2 visas, the 180-day period of stay is not sufficient and it is not possible to deport the minor children at that time. In this case, it is possible to apply for a residence permit.

Q2签证批复后,会显示入境后可停留期限:180天。代表持证人入境中国后无需在额外办理居留许可证件。 但是,也是有一些特殊情况的,比方说父母一方或双方为中国公民,带持Q2签证的未成年子女入境,180天的停留期是不够的,不可能到时间把未成年小孩驱逐出境的。这种情况下的话就可以申请居留许可。


