
福建中考总复习八年级上册Unit 6笔记,下面我们就来聊聊关于中考考八年级上册的内容吗?接下来我们就一起去了解一下吧!



福建中考总复习八年级上册Unit 6笔记

1. I have some exciting news to tell you! 我有个激动人心的消息要告诉你们!

have sth to do 有事要做

The teacher has something important to tell us. 老师有些重要事情要告诉我们。

2. We’re going on a three-day visit to Mount Tai. 我们将要去泰山旅行三天。

three-day visit=threedays’visit三天的旅行

three-day holiday=threedays’holiday三天的假期

go on a visit to...意为“去……参观/旅游

They will go on a visit to China this summer holiday.这个暑假他们将要去中国旅行。

3. How shall we get there?我们怎么去那里呢?

4. It will take us a few days to get there by bike. 骑自行车去会花费我们几天的时间。

5. Let's make the decision together. 让我们一起来做个决定。

decide to do sth =make a decision to do sth决定做某事decide on sth 在某事在表决

6. It's too far to cycle骑自行车去太远

too... to...意为“太……而不能……”,

He is too young to join the army.他太年轻了,不能参军。

It's never too late to learn.活到老,学到老。

7. Let's find out some information about the cost for the bus. 让我们去查查有关公交车费用方面的资料吧

8. Kangkang is booking the train tickets to Mount Tai. 康康正在预订去泰山的火车票。

9. May I have your name and telephone number, please?我可以问问你的姓名和电话号码吗?

10. It is very common to raise money,筹款活动是非常普遍的。

11. I'd like to speak to Michael. 我想找迈克尔接电话。

12. I'm looking forward to hearing from you. 我正期待着你的来信

hear from sb.= get/receive a letter from sb意为“接到某人的来信/消息”

He feels unhappy because he doesn’t hear from his parents. 他很不开心因为他没有收到家人的来信

hearof听说Have you heard of the news?你听说过这个消息了吗?

13. I'm on vacation. 我在度假了

14. I'd like you to meet him with me when he arrives. 当他来的时候,我想让你去见见他。

15. I'm looking forward to meeting him. 我盼着与他见面呢。

16. I can't wait to see it. 我迫不及待地想看了can't wait to do sth 迫不及待做某事 wait for sb 等待某人 wait a minute 等一下

can’t help doing sth 忍不住做某事 Hearing this story, I couldn’t help laughing.听到这个故事,我禁不住大笑起来。

I can't wait to learn the result of the exam.我迫不及待地想了解考试结果。

I will wait for you at the school gate. 我在学校门口等你。

17. How far is it from here to the zoo? 从这儿到动物园有多远?

It's about one and a half hours by bike. 骑自行车大约一个半小时。

=It will take about one and a half hours to go there by bike 时间’ 交通工具 乘什么交通工具要多久。

two hours’ ride 骑车2个小时的路程 two hours’ walk 走路2个小时的路程

18. They arrived at a parking lot.他们到达了停车场。

park (名词)公园 park(动词)停车

No parking 禁止停车=Don’t park here

19. They took out a camera and took many pictures.他们拿出相机拍了很多照片。

20. Someone stepped on his feet. 有个人踩了达伦的脚

step(名词)步骤,台阶 step (动词)踩

Don’t step on the grass。不要践踏草坪。

21. He was too worried to think about what to do. 他太着急了而想不出该怎么办。

22. He didn't raise his head until someone called him. 直到有人喊他,他才抬起头

not ----until--- 不----直到----时候。

We can’t go home until we finish the work. 我们不能回家直到我们完成这项工作。

raise 名词 raise money 筹钱 raise a horse 饲养马 raise his head抬起头

rise不能加名词 上升、升起 The sun rises from the east. 太阳从东边升起来。

23. It was a fine day. = It was a sunny day.今天是个好天气

24. we rode to Tian'anmen Square.我们骑车去了天安门广场。

ride to 地点骑车去某地 drive to 地点开车去某地 fly to 地点乘飞机去某地

We will drive to the park for a picnic tomorrow. 明天我们会开车去公园野炊。

25. While we were having fun exploring, I found that Darren was lost.当我们兴致勃勃地考查时,我发现达伦不见了

26. Thank goodness! 谢天谢地!

27. What a special trip! 多么特别的一次旅行啊!

28. I saw a traffic accident yesterday. 我昨天目睹了一起交通事故。

traffic accident交通事故 traffic rules交通规则 traffic lights交通灯

We must obey the traffic rules and look at the traffic lights before we cross the road我们必须遵守交通规则,过马路要看红绿灯。

If you break the traffic rules, you may have a traffic accident.如果你违反了交通规则,你可能会发生交通事故。

29. I was afraid of riding my bike anywhere. 到任何地方都不敢骑自行车

30. If people obey the traffic rules, there will be fewer accidents. 如果人们遵守交通规则,交通事故就会减少。

31. Cycling t doesn't cause air pollution. 骑自行车不会造成空气污染。

32. The young man on the bicycle was very careless. 骑自行车的那个年轻人很粗心。

33. We should never ride too fast. 我们不应该骑那么快。

34. We should also learn more about the traffic rules. 我们也应该了解更多的交通规则。

35. If we break the traffic rules, we may get a fine and even be in danger. 如果违反了交通规则,我们会受到处罚,甚至会很危险。

36. In case of an accident, bicycle riders should know how to give first aid. 万一发生事故,骑车者应该懂得如何进行急救。

in case of...意为“如果,万一”,后接名词、代词或动名词

In case of fire, call 119.倘若有火灾,就拨打119。

37. We should pay attention to the difference between them. 我们应该注意到他们的不同之处。

pay attention todoingsth注意做某事

38. In a word, the best way to be safe is to be careful. 总之,保持安全的最佳方式就是小心谨慎。

39. They must call 120 for help. 他们必须拨打120求救。


