
亲爱的家长,你有过这样的经历吧,黑人白人老师台上线上讲,你的孩子要么自己玩,要么勉强动作模仿,南辕北辙,完全不理解所学。你却乖乖的交着高价,抱着龙凤云霄希望。唉,双语也不过是个沟通问题,在美语土壤,英语没那么高价,更没那么神秘。在某教师家长座谈会上谈,在头条发文也谈为什么做英语剧培养语感……人生如戏,自愿不自愿,不觉中都在用母语演,现代青少年还必须部分时间用双语演”人生”。人生入戏,喜怒哀乐中牢记了语言;且行且学,或有情操,或 变低俗自私。近期看了不少英美名著改变的英语小剧本,原著历经百年演绎确实很经典,总的感觉却离现代中国少儿生活距离有点远。单从英语学习角度,还算可以,但语言和孩子思维空间飞速发展,我们教育与心理工作者急追有时还赶不上少年儿童发展的思维空间;如培养我中华民族栋梁,过多公主、王子,神话,意外暴富对奋斗中的中国少儿有多大的益处呢?! 可以设想,孩子们多学多演这类小剧,志气长得不多,怕艰苦,投机心理会不会增长,至少对未来多了几分幻想。沉思良久,是沿袭格林童话与迪士尼时代还是自己动手创作呢?将近作《多米系列剧》先逐步呈现给读者,这个剧会在男”小主”的基础上照顾到各方面角色,甚至家长、教练、导师都可出演。在发此剧本初稿时,不打算做全文各角色翻译。会发些故事梗概。孩子们通过英语故事梗概学习,给予关键和与梯度相符的相关词汇,也使其全面清理误字生字后,透彻理解剧中英语对话并可依自己生活经历与心愿改编。愿意翻译演小中文剧,当演英文剧学长们的现场演出翻译也是初学英语孩子们的不错选择哦!另外,提供理解性检测题目,此处就不赘述。最后,提供讨论与改写的话题,不仅仅编剧,孩子和我们家长和教练会多多讨论进行。做法大致是,老师或家长给孩子介绍些有意义的经典故事,或类似本小剧某些情节,或亲身经历和想象,鼓励孩子们创作小的情景对话、小独幕剧。例如,下集《多米梦游幻境》,你能不能帮助孩子拓宽思路找爱丽丝梦游仙境,或阿凡达的潘多拉仙境经历。多米在和想学英文的小狗对话,你有没有看过相关小英语剧”Choose Me,”《请你选我》:在另一个维度世界,我们则被狗类选择是否能配做他的主人。剧情是现实主义还是虚幻、科幻、神话并不特别重要,语言写作也不要求过高,要紧的鼓励他们有大胆创作欲,比如,将主人公名字改成自己或某同学,续集梦境重写改写。总之协助他们自编自导自演。只需较好地把握思想性,剧中人人格品格。语言成长就是爬行,走路和学跑,充满错误跌撞也能前进并愿意纠错提高。

梗概: 多米是个帅气武汉男孩。剧中初现为幼儿园大班生。深圳巧遇Mary督导老师后,表达爱学习英语的愿望,有幸得到帮助指导,实践户外互动进步。当他更渴望学习之时,Mary老师专访武汉,见到他并讲述自己美国洛杉矶特殊的用学习技巧学习和督导监控自学读书、参观当地最高质量黛尔芬学校经历……

Domi and his Friends

一、多米结忘年交Mary (一二幕梗概: 见面问候,确定Domi原名为其所谓英语名。户外互动歌谣学数字,英语颜色。红包实物学颜色物体表达。)

Domi 5 and half years old boy 五岁半小男孩.

Mary, educator, Supervisor (学习与心理督导)

(Domi's Father)Mr Shen父亲沈先生

Grandma 姥姥

Hotel Waitresses 宾馆前台小姐

Act One 第一幕

场景:Evening, Hotel Room 晚上,深圳某宾馆室内

Grandma: I would like to introduce you the wonderful boy Domi! He is eager to see you!

Mary: Great,! (shake hands with him), Hi Domi, wow, you're very handsome. How old are you?

Domi: I'm five, I like English, can you teach me?

Mary: Sure I will! We can do a lot of practice, try to know more words,just like you learn Chinese.

Grandma: Does he need to have a English name?


but How comes Domi?....

(At that moment,Domi's father

comes down stairs.)

Mr Shen: Hi aunt, so glad to

meet you here in Shenzhen,

we'have just visited Hongkang,

Mary:We're talking about his so called English name, but why do

you name him Domi

Father: Born in Wuhan, we hope he always has enough rice to


(everybody laughing)

Mary: 米,rice, you're rice!

Yummy yummy rice! (香喷喷的米)

Domi: rice, yummy yummy!

Mary: Let it be so! Domi is a

good name though it might not be a popular English name.

English name itself is also International.

(toward Domi) call me Mary!

Domi/Father: Grandma Mary!

Mary: Aha! Mary is Ok. Let's play outside as a real, relaxed kid. I'Il point something or as we do

things, I might speak more

English words, you follow me,

imitate the sounds. If necessity,I will give you Chinese words for your better understanding.

You,as beginner half English,

half Chinese,broken English..

both Ok.

Don't worry about mistakes, try

to speak and understand. All

right? (用汉语解释些。)

Domi: Ok!

Grandma/Father: That's a good

idea! We leave here to Wuhan

tomorrow afternoon, It is sunny day, grandma and Domi are

going to play outside with you. How do you think Domi?

Domi: I love to run and like

green trees, bushes and

beautiful flowers. (半中半英,下同)

Father: He learned some Englishwordsin his Kindergarten, My

wife and I taught him some English from children's book, your

method is even better.

Act Two 第二幕 互动练英语,依依不舍告别

Next morning, street garden

场景: 次日上午街心花园/转宾馆前台

Mary speaking with touching or pointing plus words ,Domi repeating enthusiastically.(略)

Going back to lubber and

showingto hotel waitresses.

Mary: Come on! Domi: Chant!

( together一起咏颂)...

Rainbow color all seven! One

two three four five six seven!

Red yellow, orange green!...

(Domi pointing grandma and

waitresses clothes colors and

counting by fingers).

(Everybody claps) Waitresses:

So smart boy! Amazing!

Grandma: We are going to take

train soon,..Say bye bye to

Mary and sisters!

Domi: I want to play with Mary more!

Mary: I m going to visit your in Wuhan! Be good and practice

more,.you will make it!

Waitresses/Mary: welcome to

Shenzhen anytime! You are

welcome Domi.! We Really love you!

(Mary gives a red bag,big hug. 发了红包并拥抱多米。要他用英语学说红包)

Mary: Here' s your reward red

bag, follow me, say "red bag, the bag is red!"

Domi: (holding the red bag,

Imitating and making his sentences 拿到红包,重复英文字,挥手告别)"Red bag, red beg!, one red bag," the bag is red..." Waving

good bye.)

Act Three 第三幕 多米 Mary 喜重逢(梗概:多米的父亲设宴招待来访的Mary。餐桌文化学英语,有实物,多米记得很快。讲的洛杉矶小狗道哥想学英语,Mary渴望学英语,启迪多米心灵。)

time: October 2019 十月

场景: 武汉酒店,餐桌,鱼缸前

Domi: Hi Mary!

Mary: Wow, you're really taller!

How old are you now?

Domi: Six!

Mary: Let's have some delicious food. The food is very rich!

(pointing some dishes facially

to emphasize the food is

delicious, rich 指着一些饭菜,表情显示好吃,丰富并解释点中文,示意模仿).

多米: Delicious...Rich, rich...Delicious...Rich, rich...

Mary: (通过手机点接红包告诉他,rich的另一个意思富有的)Now rich has some other meaning. (Turn to Mr Shen 转向沈先生,Can you just pass your sell phone to us?)

Mr. Shen: Ok, but what for?

(handing over the phone).

Mary: (holding Domi's hand).

Click! 200 yuan red bag for

Domi! You' re rich now!

Domi: (click the electric red bag 爸爸协助多米戳红包图标)Two (hundred)! Rich, rich,rich,I'm rich now!

(After having some meal, Mary

talking a little story about study in America.... Domi listened carefully, and attentively. 进餐许,

Mary 对多米用半中半英讲述自己在美国学习时的学的小狗道哥想吃骨头的故事。多米听得很入神。)……

Domi: Oh, dog 道哥...

Mary: ...Yes, he is in the Noble

women's Salon,

he saw the ladies eating the

delicious meat ( pointing the

beef in the dish), they pointing

the oil paintings said:"too blue!" (Mary 模仿贵妇人虚伪地装作懂油画的语气:”画得色调太蓝!” But they ignored the dog,

he just nearly want to have a

bone! (Mary pointing a bone).

Domi: Meat, beef, bone...(point

ing each item and repeating

automatically. 多米指着肉,骨头自然反复重复。)

Mary: The hungry dog really

want to have a bone, but unfortunately he can not speak English, cannot speak Human's

language! Is English important? (Mary中文解释沙龙贵妇人和渴望学人类语言小狗故事寓意,表达自己当年像洛杉矶小狗般学习英语的愿望,还讲到访问戴尔芬名校……)

Mary: I'm like the little dog in

Los Angeles, I want to learn English! Eagerly want to speak


Domi: Yes! I want too!

Mary: (模仿小狗叫)" Woof! I want to learn English! I want to have a bone!" Domi,can you help the dog to learn this sentence!? So that the little dog could tell

the ladies he wanted to have his

delusions bone!

(all bursting a laughing.)

Domi: I want to have beef, I

want to have a bone...repeatedly and humorously. 多米幽默重复)。

Mary: Do you like fish? Be

careful! Fish bone!

小心鱼刺,鱼骨很费事啊!(pointing the fish dish 指鱼那道菜,让多米看见鱼刺鱼骨,用语音强调中英近似音。)

Domi: ”费事”, Fish,fish fish bone.

Mary: Go to the lobby, look at

fish there!

Domi: Let's go! Look fish!

(They happily watching fish in

the glass boxes.Meanwhile,

talking about Dolphin School in Los Angeles...)

(Mary/Domi go back to Mr


Domi: Daddy, I want to go to





Los Angeles! I want to go to the Dolphin School!

Mary Mr. Shen: Study English

well, you.will have chance!

待续《多米2 多米梦游幻境》

剧情梗概: 多米这一晚好高兴,梦见洛杉矶高雅沙龙那只想学英语的小狗Dog道哥……道哥还带着多米进入另一维度狗的王国…… 语言交流沟通好重要。多米的决心……


School。先是参观……那个学校与普通学校大不一样……老师同学教他如何完成检查进度表Check Sheet, 如何做小物件演示,如何画图表帮助理解和做泥塑补充实物。同学互相操练练习面对能力,互相帮助做清字员。多米把这个神奇的效果分享给家人和同学。爸爸开始和他结为更科学有效学习伙伴。学习发生巨变。

参考词汇定义因头条篇幅有限,略。且清字时混年龄语感班的每个同学需要打造的词汇量是不同的,要结对个体化为主清理。如上述,翻译与不翻译已交给小演员们,此处就省略了。对读者和未来演员与观摩家长致谢! 为使读者跟上剧情稍加场景行为翻译。上面的故事根据真实故事扩展,人物原型附照片。希望看到属于孩子们的有时代感的真实故事。你们的关注点评是我动力源头!


