SaintPhoeniix(曼联球迷):其实,这只是让我第二激动的3-1,排在第一的则是利物浦把穆帅踢下课的那场!(Somehow, this is only the second most exciting 3-1 since the first help us sack Mou.)
Joshywah(曼联球迷):现在我觉得可以发给沙奇里一块奖牌了…(At this point we should give Shaqiri a medal)
Habarug(巴萨球迷):现在我终于明白为什么索尔斯克亚叫“玉面杀手”了!(Now I understand why he's called the babyfaced assassin.)
funz54(拜仁球迷):老铁,我在20年前就知道为什么了…(Dude, I knew why he's called that 20 years ago!)
fr8oper8er(阿森纳球迷):要是曼联把波切蒂诺挖走了,那能不能把索尔斯克亚给我们?(If United signs Poch, can we get Ole?)
Va3V1ctis(热刺球迷):你厂可以去找穆帅啊,现在他正有空呢!(You can get Mou, he is available now!)
ab-cc(曼联球迷):埃梅里这长得就跟兼职的吸血鬼一样…(Emery look like he's a part-time vampire.)
darulez8(利物浦球迷):桑切斯是不是只有在酋长球场才能表现好啊?(It's like Alexis Sanchez can only play well at the Emirates.)
Superyids(热刺球迷):是谁把卢卡库绑架走了,又送来了一个他的克隆人?(Who kidnapped Lukaku and replaced him with a clone.)
Turaisk(曼联球迷):索尔斯克亚的战术很简单,就是“每场都赢”!为啥之前的教练就不明白这个理呢?("Just win every game" Why didn't any other manager think of this?)
diimebag666(阿森纳球迷):阿森纳是不是除了拉卡泽特和奥巴梅杨,其他的球员都禁止射门了?(Are arsenals players dont allowed to shoot besides auba and laca?)
birdslice(未知主队球迷):阿森纳是忘了练习防守对方的反击了吗?(Do Arsenal not do any drills for counters or what?)
SheepGoesBaaaa(阿森纳球迷):啊?被虐也要练习吗?(Who needs a drill when you're getting hammered.)
MattJamesThirtySix(切尔西球迷):“阿森纳”的字面意思就是提高曼联球员的自信。(arsenal literally are catalysts at making united players motivated.)
giggitygigg14(阿森纳球迷):曼联不能一直这样虐菜啊,这对他们重拾信心没好处!(Man United have to stop beating small teams, it’s not good for their confidence.)
MattJamesThirtySix(切尔西球迷):惊!足总杯官方竟然允许不带裁判就进行比赛!(Surprised the FA allowed the match to go ahead without a ref.)
MrConor212(切尔西球迷):我敢说,赛后一定要去检查一下阿特金森的银行账户!(Safe to say someone should be monitoring Atkinson’s bank accounts after this match.)
Liluzivertisthegoat(曼城球迷):阿特金森摘下了面具,定眼一瞧,原来竟是麦克-迪恩!(Atkinson removes mask to reveal his true identity as Mike Dean.)
SolomonCleft(未知主队球迷):埃里克森的发际线21岁就高成现在这样了,结果从那之后就没再继续上移…(Eriksen's hairline receded to that point by 21 and then just stopped receding.)
LordVelaryon(未知主队球迷):小烟枪,尽情享受伦敦城的炸鱼薯条吧!(enjoy fish and chips in London Pipita.)
SupervisorLaw(英格兰球迷):伊瓜因就坐在那里,深情的目光放眼望去,都是自己下场决赛丢单刀的影子。(Higuain sitting there thinking he has a chance to go missing one-to-ones in another final.)
ColonelSpeckleberry(狼队球迷):曼城这比赛就像是玩FIFA一样,而且对手还不会控制手柄!(Man City is like playing FIFA vs. no one specialized on the player 2 pad.)
Kunthema(阿根廷球迷):看丁丁踢球就像在做爱一样爽...(De Bruyne is just pure sex!)
Cloudprince(曼联球迷):你…你别骗我,要这样我就叛变去当曼城球迷了!(Really? Wanna to be a City fan now.)
gnrc(巴萨球迷):我的狗狗不幸去世了,我给他看了梅西的进球,结果狗狗竟然大喊了一声“好球!”(Unfortunately my dog is on his death bed right now but I showed him Messi’s goal and he said ‘great pass.’)
Mrploom(未知主队球迷):苏牙、比达尔和大博阿滕竟然在同一支球队,现在就差迭戈-科斯塔来组成梦之队了!(suarez, vidal and kp boateng in one team. Only missing Diego costa to complete the dream team now.)
DemetriusXVII(拜仁球迷):纳因格兰又成替补了吗?(Nainggolan snubbed again...)
jamesey10(未知主队球迷):这场比赛是从美国迈阿密转播的吗?(is this live from Miami?)
king_Pabo(巴萨球迷):哈哈,苏牙竟然能丢这种单刀,这球我女朋友都能踢得进啊!诶,不对,我好像没有女朋友…(Lmao even Suarez has missed chances like that. My girlfriend would score that. I don't even have a girlfriend fucking hell.)
Aenimalistic(未知主队球迷):快上武磊!(Let there be Wu Lei!)
Purje(未知主队球迷):还有比拉莫斯和进球更配的组合吗,在线等~(Name a better player to score the ball than Ramos, I'll wait.)
MasterChiefSierra117(未知主队球迷):水爷在进球后打电话庆祝的动作到底是啥意思啊?(What does the 'telephone' gesture means in Ramos's celebration?)
Important_Object(皇马球迷):叫我美逼?(Call me maybe?)