


评论翻译Penelope TurnerEat a combination of different foods, including fruit, vegetables, legumes, nuts and whole grains.Fats consumed should be less than 30% of your total energy intake. This will help prevent unhealthy weight gain.There is no safe level for drinking alcohol. Consuming alcohol can lead to health problems such as mental and behavioural disorders.Have your blood pressure checked regularly by a health worker so you know your numbers. If your blood pressure is high, get the advice of a health worker. This is vital in the prevention and control of hypertension.Check with your water concessionaire and water refilling station to ensure that the water you’re drinking is safe.Be active .多吃不同的食物,包括水果、蔬菜、豆类、坚果和谷物。脂肪摄入应少于总摄入能量的30%。这将有助于防止不健康的体重增加。严格限制饮酒。饮酒会导致精神和行为障碍等健康问题。让卫生工作者定期检查你的血压,这样你就会知道你的血压情况。如果你的血压高了,就要听取卫生工作者的建议。这对预防和控制高血压至关重要。与你的供水公司和加水站联系,确保你喝的水是安全的。坚持运动。Ellen ParkThe best thing that we can do first for staying healthy is“Identify our minds and cleanse them.”I did it through meditation.Someone might think 'I’m talking about the physical thing, not the mind.'But through meditation, I realized the body is a reflection of the mind. the body and mind are closely related. When your mind change, your body also changes.let me share my story,I had scoliosis and round shoulders since I was young. But I didn’t like to do exercise and to move. Another bad habit was, that it was difficult for me to control my eating. Even though I was full I used to keep eating.Meditation helps me to change my body and to fix the fundamental cause of illness and habit. What I did through meditation was look back at my lived life and cleanse the rooted of my mind.为了保持健康我们首先能做的最好的事情是“了解我们的思想,净化它们。”我是通过冥想做到的。有人可能会想:“我说的是保持身体健康,而不是思想。”但通过冥想,我意识到身体是心灵的反映。身体和心灵是密切相关的。当你的思想改变时,你的身体状况也会发生改变。我从小就有脊柱侧弯,但是我不喜欢做运动。我还有另一个坏习惯是我很难控制我的饮食。即使我已经吃饱了,我还是会想要继续吃。冥想帮助我改变了我的身体状况,解决了我的疾病,纠正了我的习惯。我通过冥想所做的是回顾我的生活,净化我的心灵。I used to think that I didn't want to move because I was just lazy. But through meditation, I realized fundamental reasons are from my mind. It’s because there were so many thoughts within me. Those thoughts kept me from taking action. Also, this thought pattern made the habit of procrastination. Thus, there were few results. This repeated loop made me feel frustrated. I easily lost my confidence. This kind of mindset resulted in more scoliosis and round shoulders.I start to discard the mind. The mind that caused failure, frustration, and lethargy in my lived life. ex.The moments about study, relationships, work etc.As I discarded the cause of mind, my body has changed.First, my face changed. My facial expression used to be gloomy, but it has become relaxed and bright.Second, body circulation has improved. My bent body gets more straightened naturally.Also, overeating habits also changed. I used to overeat to relieve my unsatisfied and stressful mind. When I cleansed boiling thoughts which are stress, the obsession to eat also gradually disappeared.As boiling thoughts disappear, it became easier to take action. Nowadays, I exercise and eat with balance daily!我曾经认为我不想搬家是因为我太懒了。但通过冥想,我意识到根本的原因来自我的头脑,那是因为我的内心有太多的想法。这些想法阻止我采取行动。而且这种思维模式让我形成了拖延的习惯。因此,我做事情几乎没有什么结果。这种反复的恶行循环让我感到沮丧。我很容易对做事情失去信心。这种心态导致脊柱侧弯更严重了。我开始抛弃杂念。这些杂念给我的生活带来了失败、挫折和沮丧,尤其是在学习、社交、工作的时候。当我抛弃了杂念的时候,我的身体状况就发生了变化。首先,我的面部表情变了。我的面部表情以前总是阴沉的,但现在变得轻松和阳光。第二,我的身体循环得到改善。我弯曲的身体会自然地变得更直。此外,暴饮暴食的习惯也改变了。我曾经通过暴饮暴食来缓解我的不满足和压力。当我清除了那些压力,对吃的痴迷也渐渐消失了。当杂念消失后,采取行动也就变得容易了。现在,我每天的运动和饮食都很平衡!原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处Daniel MooreBe physically active for 30 minutes most days of the week. ...Eat a well-balanced, low-fat diet with lots of fruits, vegetables and whole grains. ...Avoid injury by wearing seat belts and bike helmets, using smoke and carbon monoxide detectors in the homeDrink in moderation if you drink alcohol. Never drink before or while driving, or when pregnant.Ask someone you trust for help if you think you might be addicted to drugs or alcohol.Help prevent sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and HIV/AIDS by using condoms every time you have sexual contact. Condoms aren't 100 percent foolproof, so discuss STI screening with your provider. Birth control methods other than condoms, such as pills and implants, won't protect you from STIs or HIV.一周中尽量每天保持30分钟的运动....饮食均衡,低脂肪,多吃水果,蔬菜和谷物....佩戴安全带和自行车头盔,在家中使用烟雾和一氧化碳探测器。如果你饮酒,请适量饮酒。开车前、开车时、怀孕时都不要喝酒。如果你认为自己可能对毒品或酒精上瘾,请向你信任的人寻求帮助。每次发生性接触时使用套套,有助于预防性传播感染和艾滋病。套套并不是百分百安全的,所以和你的医生讨论性病检查和除了套套以外的其他避孕方法,比如药物和植入物,但其他避孕方法并不能保护你免受性传播感染和艾滋病的伤害。


