



This invariably wins them the love and respect of others, for they add colour to the dull routine of everyday life. 他们(这种情况)总能赢得别人的喜爱与尊敬,因为他们给平淡单一的日常生活增添了色彩。  

句子中的wins them the love and respect of others,构成的句法结构“为某人赢得……”

Ⅰ. 核心词win汇运用辨析

(1) win v. 赢得接双宾语wins them the love and respect of others,他们总能赢得别人的喜爱与尊敬

1. win v. 基本词义是,获胜;赢,不规则动词 winning, won, won, to achieve first position and/or get a prize in a competition or competitive situation

Which year was it that Italy won the World Cup?意大利是哪一年赢得世界杯的?

This is the third medal she's won this season. 这是本赛季她赢得的第3块奖牌。

They won the war, although it cost them millions of lives.尽管牺牲了数百万人的生命,但他们赢得了战争的胜利。

If this government win the next election, I'm leaving the country.如果这个政府在下次选举中获胜,我就离开这个国家。

Her firm have just won a cleaning contract worth 3 million.:她的公司刚刚赢得了一份数额为300万英镑的清洁合同。


[win 可接双宾语 two objects]

It was his goal that won us the match/won the match for 是他的进球使我们赢得了比赛。

2.win v. 获得,赢得(赞同、忠诚、好感、爱情等) [及物动词T] to receive something positive, such as approval, loyalty, or love because you have earned it Her plans have won the support of many local people.她的计划赢得了很多当地民众的支持。

This is Jack, the four-year-old child who won the hearts of the nation (= made everyone love him and /or feel sympathy for him). 这就是克,受到全国人民关爱的4岁孩子。

It was his goal that won us the match/won the match for 是他的进球使我们赢得了比赛。

She would do anything to win his love. 为了获得他的爱,她什么都愿意做。

Winning back his trust was the hardest part. 重新赢得他的信任是最难的部分。


1.sb can't win,used to say that nothing someone does in a situation will succeed or please people (某人)无论怎样做都不能成功(或都不讨好)

Whatever I do seems to annoy her - I can't win.无论我做什么都会惹她生气——真是怎么做都不讨好。

2.win hands down,to win very easily 轻松取胜

win the day,to persuade people to support your ideas or opinions成功获得支持

3. You can't win 'em all. 不可能事事都成功;有得必有失also You win some, you lose some. informalsomething that you say which means it is not possible to succeed at everything you do

I'd have liked the job but I suppose you can't win 'em all. 我喜欢那份工作,但我认为有得必有失。

4. (Okay) you win! (好吧)你赢了!(用于表示被说服,尤指对方使用强制办法时)something you say to someone who has persuaded you to do something that you did not intend to do, especially when they haveused force and you are angry

Okay, you win, I can't stand to hear one more complaint from you - we'll go home tomorrow! 好了,你赢了!我再也受不了多听你一句抱怨了——我们明天就回家!

5. win sb over/round,说服(某人);把(某人)争取过来to persuade someone to support you or agree with you, often when they were opposed to you before

She's not sure about the idea at the moment, but I'm sure we'll win her over in the end.她现在对这一想法还拿不定主意,不过我肯定最后我们能说服她。

They've won over a lot of the electorate since she's been leader of the party.自她成为了该党的领袖后,他们已经争取过来了很多选民。

注意: win sth:赢得某物,赢取某事

She won first prize.她获得了头奖。

win over sb:战胜某人,争取某人

We'll be working hard over the next ten days to win over the people who haven't decided to help us .未来的10天我们要努力争取那些还没决定要帮助我们的人。

They won over me 她争取到我了(她赢了我)。

6. win through , to finally succeed after trying hard to achieve something最终成功

Most people are fairly confident that the workers will win through in the end.大部分人很有把握地认为最后工人一方会取得胜利。



