

1、skeptical about/of sth. 对......感到怀疑

Eg: (1)I am skeptical about his chances of winning. 我对他赢的希望感到怀疑。

(2)The public remain skeptical of these claims. 公众对这样的言论感到怀疑。

2、uniform quality 质量统一

uniform rates of pay 统一的薪资标准

3、at the end of the day 最终,到头来

Eg: At the end of the day, he'll still have to make his own decision.


4、sought-after 争相获得的;吃香的;广受欢迎的

Eg: a much sought-after actress 广受欢迎的女明星

5、a leader of vision 有远见的领袖

6、dominant economic force 支配地位的经济力量

7、advertising/insurance/postal rates 广告费/保险费/邮费

a low/high hourly rate of pay 按小时支付的低/高报酬

8、up-and-coming young actors 前程似锦的年轻演员

9、craft (尤指手工)精心制作

Eg: (1)All the furniture is crafted from natural materials. 所有家具都是用天然材料纯手工制作的。

(2)a carefully crafted speech 精心准备的讲话

10、pitch n.推销的话;说教;宣传论点

Eg: (1)an aggerssive sales pitch 极具煽动力的推销论点

(2)the candidate's campaign pitch 候选人竞选论点

(3)Each company was given ten minutes to make its pitch. 每个公司有10分钟的时间来进行宣传。

11、to form/make an alliance 结成同盟

12、a verbal agreerment/warning 口头协议/警告

13、buy out 出钱使放弃地位,买下......的全部产权

Eg: Jack tried to buy himself out of the army. 杰克想用金钱买回自己离开军队。

14、shut (sth.) down (使)停业,倒闭,关闭,停止运转

15、crush v.镇压;(用暴力)制伏;破坏、毁坏(某人的信心或幸福)

Eg: She felt completely crushed by the teacher's criticism. 她被老师的批评击垮了信心。

16、measures to combat crime/inflation/unemployment/disease 防止犯罪/通货膨胀/失业/疾病的措施

17、little/nothing short of sth. 可以说是;无异于;近乎

Eg: Last year's figures were little short of disastrous. 去年的数据可以说是场灾难。


