
- Law enforcement agencies deal with thousands of missing person cases each and every year.,下面我们就来聊聊关于有太多诡异的现象?接下来我们就一起去了解一下吧!



- Law enforcement agencies deal with thousands of missing person cases each and every year.

Most of those people are thankfully found safe and well.However, others are not so lucky.

Of those cases, those which are most perplexing involve individuals who simply vanish without a trace,

even when witnesses are nearby. (suspenseful music)

Here are 10 people who vanished in plain sight. Number 10 is the man in green pajamas.

During 1959, one of the strangest missing person cases in history occurred.

It was April of that year, and Mr. And Mrs. Campbell, a couple from Northampton, Massachusetts, were driving north

on their way to visit their son in Jacksonville, Illinois. Once there, the Campbells checked into the Sandman Hotel.

After the over 1600 kilometer drive, Mr. Campbell was feeling ill

and was prescribed barbiturates to help him sleep. That night, Mrs. Campbell woke in the early hours

only to find her bed empty. Her husband had vanished while she slept next to him.

60 years later, the case is still perplexing. Mr. Campbell left behind his car keys,

his shoes, his glasses and his wallet. He had gone to bed that night dressed in green pajamas

and so, if he had wandered off, people should have seen him.Yet, to this day, it's as though he vanished into thin air.

Number nine is the missing wife. In 1975, Jackson and Martha Wright were in their car,

making the journey from New Jersey to New York City. While driving through the Lincoln Tunnel,

the husband and wife noticed an unusual amount of condensation on their car's windows.

It was making it difficult to see where they were going.Because this was dangerous, they pulled over.

Jackson got out of his car to wipe the condensation off the windshield, while Martha went to the rear of the car

to clean the back window. When Jackson finished, he walked to the back of the car

to see if Martha was ready to leave. But she had vanished.

In just a few seconds she had completely disappeared. Jackson called the police,

who investigated and found no evidence of foul play. It still remains one of the most bizarre instances

of a person disappearing with zero explanation. Number eight is a scenic disappearance.

In 2007, two friends, Barbara Bolick and Jim Ramaker, were hiking through the Bitterroot Mountains in Montana.

Along the route, Jim was awestruck by the landscape in front of him,

which was epic in scope and equally haunting. He turned to Barbara, who just moments before

had been walking behind him, to comment on the incredible view.

But his observation was never answered. Barbara was completely gone.

There was no evidence of an animal attack, and Jim Ramaker was never considered a suspect by police.

This was just one instance of many involving a split second disappearance.

It was as though Barbara had instantly ceased to exist, like the world had erased her from view forever.

Some, however, believe that she was taken by somethingwhich science is yet to truly understand.

Number seven is the long drive. In April of 1980, Charles and Catherine Romer

were a retired married couple who had set up a nice life for themselves.

In the summer, they lived in their home in Scarsdale, New York.

In the winter, they would enjoy the weather in Miami. That year they were traveling back from Miami to New York

when they stopped at a motel in Brunswick, Georgia. After dropping off their luggage,

they went out to get some food. Driving off in their black Lincoln Continental,

it would be the longest drive of their lives. They vanished in plain sight in a busy area.

A highway patrolman reported that he saw a similar car on the highway nearby, but, when their motel room

was searched, investigators concluded that the Romers had not returned

to sleep in their bed or take their luggage. No other clues where found,

and so their disappearance remains a complete mystery.Number six is the campus student.

Strange disappearances can happen in any context at any time.

That's what makes them equal parts tragic and unnerving. In the case of college student, Lauren Spierer,

unsettling fact is tainted by unease. Lauren disappeared on June 3, 2001.

She was out drinking in a bar in Bloomington, Indiana, with friends.

The 20-year old seemed intoxicated and, after going to an apartment building

and having a drunken altercation with a friend, she then walked along a nearby street heading south.

That was the last anyone ever saw of Lauren. Though there's CCTV footage

of her movements that night and eyewitness testimony, it appears that she walked south into oblivion.

While the case remains unsolved, some have suggested that Lauren had an accident that night with friends,

and in a panic they covered up the grisly truth. However, no one knows for sure.

Number five is the budding photographer. In the summer of 1981, a group consisting of seven people

went camping at Yosemite Sunrise High Sierra Camp. During their stay, one of the campers, Stacy Arras,

told the others that she was going to walk to a nearby lakeand take some photographs for her collection.

Which Stacy was accompanied part of the way, she made the last section of the walk on her own.

She was seen in plain view by a tour guide standing at the lake taking pictures,

when suddenly she vanished. That was the last anyone ever saw of Stacy,

and her puzzling case is just one of several strange disappearances in that area.

When the police searched the lake, they found Stacy's camera where she had been standing.

It was as though her camera had fallen to the ground the instant something or someone malevolent

had snatched her from her life. Number four is the silent farmhouse.

Mysterious disappearances have been well documented by historians.

Take, for example, the disappearance of Owen Parfitt. Owen lived in his English farmhouse

in the 1760s with his sister. He had long regaled those in the area

with stories of great deeds, including adventure in piracy.While few believed him, one fact was clear.

Owen was virtually immobile because of some accident he had earlier in life.

One day he was sitting on the porch of his farmhouse. Across the street, laborers were working in plain view.

Owen's sister went inside for a moment and then, because the weather was turning,

she went back to the porch to bring Owen indoors. However, he was gone.

For a man that couldn't walk, with numerous witnesses outside of his house at the time,

Owen had somehow vanished in sinister fashion, his disappearance marking one last great tale.

Number three is where fiction meets reality. In 1987, Tom Young went for a walk

near his Silver Plume, Colorado, home. He took his dog and headed out for a few hours.

However, he never returned. As it turned out, Tom had been renting some retail space

in town, which was then rented out to a new resident named Keith Reinhard.

Keith was told about Tom's disappearance, and so he found the events so intriguing

that he wrote a novel about it. The main character was a mix of Tom Young

and Keith Reinhard, himself. A year later, in 1988, Tom Young's remains were found.

He had taken his own life. However, one week later, Keith Reinhard walked around town

telling those he encountered that he was going for a hike.Then he vanished into thin air, just like Tom had.

No one knows, but the last words of Keith's novel spoke of a man understanding everything

and heading out into the wilderness never to be seen again.Number two is the antiques dealer.

On Saturday, the 16th of June, in 1990, Trevaline Evans did what she always did.

At 9:30 a. m. , she opened her store, Attic Antiques, to customers.

The store was on Church Street in a Welsh town, and Trevaline was well-known.

Being in broad daylight, no one expected this quaint town to be at the center of a bizarre missing person case.

Those who encountered Trevaline that morning said that she was in a good mood, as usual.

At around noon, a smartly dressed man was seen in the shop talking to her.

Then, at 12:40 p. m. , Trevaline left a note on the door of her store which read,

Back in 2 Minutes, but she never fulfilled that promise.Unconfirmed reports suggest that Trevaline was seen walking

out of town hours later but, whatever happened, she seems to have disappeared on a busy street

in broad daylight with no explanation. And number one is the passenger.

On December 1, 1949, a man named James E. Tedford was traveling to his home in Bennington, Vermont,

after visiting relatives in St. Albans. His chosen mode of transport was a bus,

and so he got on a bus at St. Albans and waited until he reached his destination.

According to witnesses, Tedford was still on that bus one stop away from Bennington, and yet,

when the bus pulled up at Tedford's hometown, he was gone.His luggage was found in the bus luggage rack,

and his empty seat had a bus timetable resting upon it. Not a single person saw James E. Tedford leave the bus,

and debate still rages about what happened to him. Were the passengers and driver part of a conspiracy,

or did something snatch James E. Tedford so quickly that is disappearance was at first unnoticed.

Nobody can be certain. But, as always, thank you so much for watching,

for liking this video, and of course for subscribing to my channel.

And a very special thank you to all of my channel members,especially the ones you see on your screen right now.

All of you help keep my channel going. Thanks again and I'll see you in the next video.


