

The readers have spoken — and they’re telling author Ivanka Trump: “You’re fired!”读者有话说,他们要告诉伊万卡•特朗普:“你被解雇了!”

Trump’s “Women Who Work: Rewriting the Rules for Success” debuted Tuesday and has earned a whole two stars — out of five — thanks to more than a hundred scathing reviews on Amazon that pan the tome as “vapid,” “derivative” and plain old out of touch.特朗普女士的新书《职业女性:重书成功法则》,自周二面世以来只得到了2颗星(满分是5颗星),在亚马逊上有超过100条辛辣评论类似:“乏味无聊、非原创、泛泛而谈,不切实际。”

One tongue-in-cheek reviewer wrote that “Ivanka explains just how hard it is to get hired when you are born rich.“For example, I learned that the only way rich women can get jobs is through nepotism. In addition, if you’re rich, people will sue you when you steal their shoe designs!” 其中一条挖苦的评论写道:“伊万卡想要表达的是:出身富家,想找到一份工作是多么的难,比如说一个贵妇要找到工作的唯一途径是裙带关系!此外,有人会控告你抄袭他们的鞋品设计,而这是因为你有钱!”

“Throughout the book, Ivanka emphasizes that she is a real feminist, something she proved by getting her father to give her a job she wasn’t qualified for, along with a desk and staff equal to the size of her husband’s White House desk and staff! Nepotism isn’t just for sons anymore.” “在书中伊万卡强调自己是个女权主义者,体现在其父亲给了她超出其能力范围的白宫工作,还给她配了办公桌和手下,而且她的丈夫也享受了同等待遇。用来说明裙带关系不再是儿子的专利。“

Trump billed her second book as a “manual for architecting the life you want to live” and discusses juggling her life as a mother of three, operating her fashion empire and jet-setting with her father on the campaign trail.特朗普女士标榜自己的第二本书的中心思想在于“自己动手,丰衣足食”。同时在书中赘述了:自己作为3个孩子的母亲,还要经营自己的时尚帝国,以及要帮助父亲竞选,是多么的不易。

“After appearing on ‘The Apprentice’ years ago and receiving a flood of letters from young women asking for guidance, I realized the need for more female leaders to speak out publicly in order to change the way society thinks and talks about ‘women who work.’ So I created a forum to do just that,” she said about the book. But most reviewers slammed the read as patronizing and unrealistic.关于她的书,她说:“多年前参加了美国真人秀“飞黄腾达“以后,女性读者的来信像洪水一般,都是来讨教经验。我觉得越来越多的女性领导需要在公众平台发声,来改变社会和舆论对于‘职业女性’的看法。于是我为此创造了一个论坛。”但是大多数书评都觉得这本书充斥着有钱人的优越感,而且不接地气。

“Vapid, derivative, and not reflective of most working women’s lives. Grocery shopping isn’t important. Life was hard on the campaign trail because she didn’t have time for massages,” wrote one reviewer, who left one star. “空虚乏味,没有真实再现职业女性的生活。柴米油盐、生活琐碎在里面都不重要。生活艰难是因为帮助(父亲)竞选而没有时间去做按摩。”一个给一星书评的读者写道。

“The only way Trump could live the life she does is to have a full time nanny. That’s the ‘rules for success’ that she tries to hide even though it’s everywhere evident in the book“之所以特朗普大小姐能够过着她的小日子是因为她有全职保姆(帮她带孩子),这就是成功的法则,虽然显而易,见但是她的书中却丝毫没有提到。”

But the review quipped at the end: “…what? What do you want? …what do you mean this isn’t satire? That’s ridiculous. That…isn’t possible … folks, we’ll be back after a short break.”绝大多数评论都以这样揶揄的口气结尾:“。。。什么? 你想要什么? 。。。你确定这不是一本讽刺作品?这本书太荒谬可笑了。这简直是不可思议。。。群众们,我们休息一会儿,马上回来。”




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