



We can use ONE to replace a countable noun in the singular and ONES to replace a countable noun in the plural because we don’t want to repeat that noun again.


If you don’t want to repeat a countable noun, you can often use ONE/ONES instead. Don’t use ONE and ONES to replace an uncountable noun. And we often use ONE/ONES in combination with an adjective, THE, or demonstrative pronouns.


After an adjective 放在形容词后:

★ This phone is so old. I need a new one.

★ 这个手机太旧了,我需要一个新的。

★ My plate is dirty, I'll take a clean one.

★ 我的盘子很脏,我要一个干净的。

★ This house is too small for our big family, we need a new one.

★ 这个房子对我们这个大家庭来说太小了,我们需要一个新房子。

★ I don’t know whether small oranges are sweeter than big ones.

★ 我不知道小桔子是否比大桔子甜。

★ These tomatoes have gone bad. Let's get some fresh ones.

★ 这些西红柿已经坏了。我们去买些新鲜的。

★ There are four books on the table. A German one and three English ones.

★ 桌子上有四本书,一本德语书,三本英语书。

After the definite article THE 用在定冠词THE后:

★ Do you see those dogs? Jessie is the one chewing that toy.

★ 你看到那些狗了吗?杰西就是那条正在咬玩具的狗。

★ A good writer is the one who can express the commonplace in an uncommon way.

★ 一位好的作家就是一位能以一种不寻常的方法表达平常事情的人。

★ Which is your jacket, the brown one or the gray one?

★ 哪件是你的外套,棕色的还是灰色的?

★ Which button should I press, the right one or the left one?

★ 我应该按哪个按钮,右边的还是左边的?

★ When buying avocados, pick the ones that are slightly darker in color than others.

★ 买鳄梨时,要挑选颜色稍深的。

★ These aren’t my books I asked for. You picked the wrong ones.

★ 这些不是我想要的书,你选错了。

★ The new cars are much better than the old ones.

★ 这些新车比旧车好很多。

★ Let's not discuss these problems, let's discuss the other ones.

★ 我们不要讨论这些问题,我们来讨论其他问题。

After demonstrative pronouns 用在指示代词后:

★ This pencil is different from that one.

★ 这支铅笔与那支铅笔不同。

★ Look at all these muffins. That one looks delicious.

★ 看这些松饼,那一个看起来很好吃。

★ Which cupcake would you like to have? This one or that one?

★ 你想吃哪个纸杯蛋糕?这一个还是那一个?

ONE can be used to refer to ‘people in general’. And ONE takes a third person singular verb.


★ One can’t make an omelet without breaking eggs.

★ 有得必有失,有失才有得。

★ One must do one’s duty.

★ 人必须尽自己的义务。

★ One has to do one’s best.

★ 人人都要尽力而为。

★ One who does not take care of his health is likely to be ill at any time.

★ 不注重自己健康的人随时都可能生病。

★ One should not use mobile phones when driving.

★ 开车时不应该用手机。

★ If one looks at the longer run, a lot of positive things are happening.

★ 人要是把目光放长远些,就会发现很多积极的事情正在发生。

★ One can never be too careful.

★ 人再小心谨慎也不为过。


