


Recommendations and invitations 建议和邀请


Are you finished for today?

Are you doing anything/ Do you have any plans for tonight/ on…day/ at the weekend/ on your last day/…?

Have you ever been to/ visited/ tried/ heard of/ seen/…?

Small talk questions from the guest leading to recommendations and invitations 从客人的闲聊问题引出推荐和邀请

Are there any (good)…/ Is there anywhere good to… near here/ around here?

Where do you (guys) (usually)…?

Asking for recommendations要求的建议

Do you have any recommendations (for…)?

Giving recommendations 给的建议

Strong positive recommendations 强烈的积极建议

(If you like..., then) you’ll love…

I strongly/ highly/ thoroughly recommend…

You really should/ really must…

Weaker positive recommendations 较弱的积极建议

It’s (well) worth thinking about/ It’s (well) worth considering…


Negative recommendations 负面的建议

I wouldn’t (necessarily/ really) recommend…

If I were you, I’d avoid…

Further recommendations (after the response to the first recommendation) 进一步的建议(在回应第一个建议之后)

(I see what you mean). In that case,…

Responses to recommendations 应对建议

Strong positive responses to recommendations 对建议作出积极的回应

That’s a great idea. I’ll (definitely) do that.

Weaker positive responses to recommendations (weakest bottom) 对建议的积极反应较弱(最低)

That seems like a good idea. I’ll give it a try.

Negative responses to recommendations 对建议的否定反应

I’m not so Sure that’s… (in this case) (because…) Can you suggest anything else?


Inviting 邀请

Other phrases leading up to an invitation 其他表达邀请的短语

I know it’s (really) short notice, but…

Inviting 邀请

Would you like to… (with us)?

Do you fancy…?

Positive responses to invitations (in approximate level of formality) 积极回应邀请(在正式程度上)

(Thanks.) I’d love to. (Where shall we meet?)

(Sure). That sounds great/ perfect/ perfect/ lovely/ like just my kind of thing (See you there!)

Negative responses to invitations 对邀请的否定反应

Positive comments on the invitation 对邀请的积极评价

(Oh) I would have loved to, but…

That’s very kind, but…

Giving a (detailed) reason for saying no 给绝的(详细的)理由

… I’m…ing (…)/ I will be …ing (…) (at that time/ at just that time).

Mentioning future contact 提到未来的联系

But definitely invite me again next time.

So I’ll see you…

I can come… if you’re going out then.

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