



1. Life is ___ easier for us.生活对我们来说逐渐容易了。

2. These changes should ___ your job easier.这些改变应可让你的工作更轻松一些。

3. It is the easiest thing in the world to ___ your parents.最容易的就是凡事归咎父母。

4. The written test was ___ easy.笔试容易得离谱。

5. Finishing the ___ will not be easy.完成这项任务并不容易。

6. There must be an easier ___ to do that.一定有更容易的方法去做那件事。

7. It’s a great car, and very easy to ___.这车真不错,开起来很容易。

8. The weapon’s instructions are easy to ___.这种武器的使用说明很容易掌握。

9. It ___ have been easy for the team to lose the game.球队本来是很容易输掉这场比赛的。

10. The software makes it easier to ___ music.该软件使下载音乐变得更加容易。

11. Having you here ___ make things a lot easier for me.对我来说,有你在这里事情的确好办多了。

12. The station is within easy ___ of the town center.车站离市中心不远。

13. The park is ___ easy walking distance.公园很近,步行便可到达。

14. On the whole, Dad has ___ an easy life.总而言之,爸爸过着安逸舒适的生活。

15. She had a ___ easy day at home.她在家里舒舒服服地过了一天。

16. You can have an easy ___ of it now that the kids have all left home.孩子们都离开了家,你日子可以过得轻松了。

17. Why don’t we ___ life easy for ourselves and finish it tomorrow?我们干嘛不让自己的日子好过一点,明天再把它做完不好吗?

18. We talk more ___ when we feel easy and relaxed.我们感到气氛轻松、不受拘束时,谈话就会更放得开。

19. I can leave the children with my mother with an easy ___.我可以安心地把孩子留给我母亲照看。

20. She is gentle and easy to be ___.她极和蔼,也容易相处。

21. The soldiers on the streets are an easy ___ for terrorists.街上的士兵容易成为恐怖分子袭击的目标。

22. Tourists are easy ___ for thieves.游客容易成为小偷下手的对象。

23. I just took the easy way ___ and gave him some cash.我就用了个简单的办法解决,给了他一些现金。

24. She’s not been having an easy time of it ___.她手头一直不宽裕。

25. We can buy them for $10 and sell them for $25 – ___ money.我们可以以10美元买下,再以25美元卖掉 – 这钱来得容易。

26. Soft colors are easy ___ the eye.柔和的颜色很悦目。

27. It’s easy for you to ___.你说得倒容易。

28. There are no easy ___.很难找到好的解决办法。

29. ‘What would you like to do now?’ ‘I don’t know, I’m ___.’“现在你想做什么?”“不知道,我随便。”

30. If I get this new job, we’ll be living on easy ___.如果我得到这份新的工作,我们的日子就好过了。


31. New settlers in the west would buy land on relatively easy ___.西部的新移民可以用相对优惠的分期付款方式购买地产。

32. The house was easy to ___.那房子很容易找。

33. Take things ___ for a few days and you should be all right.休息几天你就没事了。

34. Just ___ it easy and tell us what happened.别急,告诉我们发生了什么事。

35. Go easy on ___ foods such as bacon.熏猪肉等咸的食物不要吃得太多。

36. Go easy ___ Peter for a while – he’s having a hard time at school.这阵子对彼得好一点吧,他眼下在学校里日子不好过。

37. Finding the perfect house was easier said than ___.要找到十全十美的房子谈何容易。

38. We can ___ easy now – we’ve got everything under control.我们现在不用担心了 - 一切尽在掌控之中。

39. The rich could hire good lawyers and get ___ easy.有钱人可以聘请好律师,逃脱惩罚。

40. Her easy-___ nature made her popular.她生性随和,人缘很好。

41. The shower is easy to ___.这种淋浴器安装起来很简单。

42. It’s easy to get a ___ at the best shows in town.很容易搞到城里顶级演出的票。

43. The home is situated within easy ___ of shops and other facilities.房子的位置便利,距离商店及其他设施都不远。

44. Dress your child in layers of clothes you can ___ easily.给你的孩子穿几层容易脱下的衣服。

45. I obtained the drugs with alarming ___.我轻而易举地弄到了这些毒品。

46. I was surprised at the apparent ease with ___ he had got into the building.他显然不费力地进了大楼,这使我吃惊。

47. She returned her opponent’s ___ with contemptuous ease.她不把对手放在眼里,轻而易举地回击了对方的发球。

48. The back of the garment is ___ for ease in walking.衣服后面的开衩是为了行走方便。

49. They passed the exam ___ ease.他们轻松地通过了考试。

50. The car brings ease of access ___ the countryside.小汽车可以方便人们到乡村去。

51. They won with ___.他们轻松获胜。

52. The security codes could be ___ with relative ease.破译那些安全密码相对容易。

53. I was impressed by the ease with which the information could be ___.资料能够轻易检索到,这让我印象深刻。

54. She felt completely ___ ease with Bernard.她和伯纳德在一起感到很自在。

55. She had an ability to ___ people at their ease.她有能力让人们感到自在。

56. You always look ___ at ease in a suit.你穿套装看上去总有些不自在。

57. It emphasizes the software’s convenience and ___ of use.它强调了这种软件的方便易用。

58. The bowl is ___ for ease of cleaning.这个碗状物可取出以方便清洗。

59. He had a ___ ease which made him very popular.他优雅从容的风度使他深受欢迎。

60. The situation would be considerably ___ if more money were made available.如果有更多的资金,情况会大大缓和的。


61. The pain in my leg gradually eased ___.我腿部的疼痛逐渐消失了。

62. The new road should help ___ traffic problems.新修的这条路会应该会有助于改善交通状况。

63. ___ between the two countries are beginning to ease.两国的紧张关系开始缓和。

64. He’ll give you something to ease the ___.他会给你一些药镇痛。

65. This should ease the ___ on busy teachers.这应该能让忙碌的教师减轻负担。

66. We should take some measures to ease ___ in the city.我们应该采取措施改善城市的拥堵状况。

67. Her breathing had ___.她的呼吸平缓下来。

68. The agreement will ease the ___ for other countries to join the EU.该协议将为其他国家加入欧盟扫除障碍。

69. She eased her shoes ___.她小心翼翼地脱下鞋子。

70. He eased himself ___ a chair.他轻手轻脚地坐到椅子上。

71. He eased his ___ through the crowd.他缓缓穿过人群。

72. Jean eased ___ on the pillows and relaxed.吉恩轻轻靠到枕头上休息。

73. It would ease my ___ to know you had arrived safely.知道你安全到达我就放心了。

74. After the baby, she eased herself ___ into work.生完孩子她又开始工作了。

75. The rain has eased ___ a bit.雨下得小一点了。

76. Why don’t wait until the ___ eases off a little?为什么不等路上车少一些再走。

77. Just relax and ease ___ a little.放松一下干慢一点。

78. You should ease up ___ the whisky.你应该少喝点威士忌酒。

79. The snow was easing ___.雪下得小了。

80. They ___ quite easily.他们赢得相当轻松。

81. We found the house easily ___.我们轻轻松松就找到了房子。

82. The castle is easily ___ by road.开车去城堡很方便。

83. It’s easily ___ by its bright blue tail feathers.它那鲜艳的蓝色尾羽使人很容易辨认出来。

84. The first signs of the disease can easily be ___.这种疾病的早期症状很容易被忽略。

85. Gambling can all too easily become an ___.赌博极易成瘾。

86. She is easily the most ___ person in the class.她绝对是班上最聪明的。

87. His son ___ easily back at him.他的儿子朝他咧嘴回笑,样子很轻松。

88. The system is relatively simple to ___.这个系统操作起来相对简单。

89. I know a simple ___ for chocolate cake.我知道一种制作巧克力蛋糕的简单方法。

90. He made a ___ explanation about the problem.他对这个问题做了简单易懂的解释。

91. The ___ is fairly straightforward.计算挺简单的。

92. Their website is very ___-friendly.他们的网站很容易使用。

93. We need a user-friendly guide to operating a ___.我们需要一份简单易懂无人机操作指南。

94. It was an ___ role for someone of his experience.这工作对有他这样经验的人来说并不难。

95. It’s a pretty cushy job – all she has to do is drive a nice car ___.她的工作太轻松,只要开着好车四处转悠就行。

96. Finding the carhire place at the airport was relatively ___.找机场的租车处没费多大劲。

97. Things should be ___ sailing from now on.从现在起,一切都该一帆风顺了。

98. This test was a piece of ___ compared to the last one.这次测验和上次相比是小菜一碟。

99. Getting such details is ___ play when you know how to do it.只要掌握了方法,获取此类信息就再容易不过了。

100. Climbing in England is child’s ___ compared to climbing in the Himalayas.在英格兰登山与攀登喜马拉雅山相比简直是儿戏一般。

101. The software is a ___ to use.这个软件很容易使用。

102. Making your PC run faster isn’t exactly ___ science.让个人电脑运行得快一些并非什么难事。


朗文当代高级英语词典[M]. 北京:外语教学与研究出版社, PEARSON. 2014


1 getting 2 make 3 blame 4 ridiculously 5 task 6 way 7 drive 8 follow 9 would 10 download 11 does 12 reach 13 with 14 had 15 nice 16 time 17 make 18 openly 19 mind 20 with 21 target 22 prey 23out 24 financially 25 easy 26 on 27 say 28 answers 29 easy 30 street 31 terms 32 find 33 easy 34 take 35 salty 36 on 37 done 38 rest 39 off 40 going 41 install 42 seat 43 access 44 remove 45 ease 46 which 47 serve 48 split 49 with 50 to 51 ease 52 broken 53 retrieved 54 at 55 put 56 ill 57 ease 58 removable 59 natural 60 eased 61 away 62 ease 63 Tensions 64 pain 65 burden 66 congestion 67 eased 68 way 69 off 70 into 71 way 72 back 73 mind 74 back 75 off 76 traffic 77 up 78 on 79 up 80 won 81 enough 82 accessible 83 recognized 84 over 85 addition 86 intelligent 87 grinned 88 operate 89 recipe 90 straightforward 91 calculation 92 user 93 drone 94 undemanding 95 around 96 painless 97 plain 98 cake 99 child’s 100 play 101 breeze 102 rocket


