
1. 表示“承认”

admit, acknowledge

admit 常指不情愿的承认某事属实,也指承认过错(尤指罪行)。

I must admit I was disappointed by their reaction. 我必须承认我对他们的反应感到失望。

Jack admitted causing death by careless driving. 杰克承认自己粗心驾驶,致人死亡。

acknowledge (正式)承认某事属实或某情况存在。

The report acknowledges that research on animals is not always a reliable guide when it comes to humans. 报告承认,根据在动物身上进行的研究来判断人类并不一定可靠。

2. 表示“得到,获得”

acquire, attain, gain, obtain, get , land

acquire 指通过自身持续不断的努力而获得某物,也指日积月累地获得知识、技能等。Mike acquired a good knowledge of Chinese. 迈克汉语学得很好。

acquire a taste for 开始喜欢某事物

She acquired a taste for European beer. 她开始喜欢喝欧洲啤酒了。

an acquired taste 养成的爱好

Abstract art is an acquired taste. 要慢慢培养才会欣赏抽象艺术。

attain 通过长时间努力而得到。

More women are attaining positions of power. 越来越多的女性获得要职。

gain 指获得(想要或需要的东西,如成就、声誉、利益等)

After gaining independence in 1957, it was renamed ‘Ghana’. 1957年获得独立后,该国改名为“加纳”。

land 获得难得的工作、合约等。

He landed a place on the graduate training scheme. 他在毕业生培训计划中赢得了一个位置。


3. 表示“事实上,实际上”

actually, in fact, in truth,

in reality, as a matter of fact


4. 表示“演讲,演说”

address, speech, lecture

address n. & v. (对…发表)演说 address a meeting/ conference

He addressed an audience of 10,000 supporters. 他对一万名支持者发表了演说。

lecture 通常指大学里的讲座、讲课、演讲。

deliver a(n) speech/lecture/address 发言/授课/讲话

5. 表示“前进,行进”

advance, march, progress, proceed, head (v.), make for

advance 尤指士兵向前行进,也指科学技术发展进步。

The army advanced across the plain. 军队前进穿过平原。

Our understanding of the HIV virus has advanced considerably. 我们对艾滋病病毒的了解有了很大进展。

march v. &n. 行进,行军

He gathered his troops and prepared to march on the capital. 他集合军队准备向首都进军。


Passengers for London should proceed to Gate 20. 前往伦敦的乘客请到20号登机口。

The government has decided to proceed with the election.政府决定继续进行选举。

make for 朝…前进,向…走去

He rose from his seat and made for the door. 他从椅子上起身向门口走去。


