


What are differences between Dutch and German people?荷兰人和德国人有什么不同?

评论翻译Thomas MonoGermany is like a much older brother. We mock his seriousness sometimes, and cry shame upon what he did when he was in his rowdy hormonal years, too. We celebrate excessively when we get lucky in a game and win it. All this time we hope for his attention, but we know deep down that our big brother has more important things to do than fooling around with us little kids.德国就像一个哥哥。我们有时会嘲笑他的严肃,也会为他在荷尔蒙泛滥时期的所作所为而感到羞愧。当我们在游戏中幸运获胜时,我们会过度地庆祝。一直以来,我们都希望得到他的关注,但我们内心深处知道,哥哥有更重要的事情要做,而不是和我们这些小孩子开玩笑。Martin BasingerWell, which German people? Germany is a country full of different cultures. Bavaria is extremely different from Northern Germany. You could compare it to the difference between Texas and Maine.Dutch people and culture are not that different from Germans and German culture in the North-Western parts of Germany.But if you compare Bavarians, or East Germans, to the Dutch, you’d find that they are very different.At the same time, Dutch people from Amsterdam who’re used to city life and Dutch people on the border to Germany, where there are no big cities, are very different from each other.Neither Germany nor The Netherlands have a monolithic culture. It’s a smooth gradient, not a hard cut.There are laissez-faire Germans, there are strict Dutch. It’s not fair to try to generalise about European cultures. This is not Japan, where the culture is from the top down forced into anti-individualism.那么,指哪些德国人呢?德国是一个充满不同文化的国家。巴伐利亚与德国北部截然不同。你可以把它和德克萨斯州与缅因州的差别进行比较。但是如果你把巴伐利亚人,或者东德人,和荷兰人相比,你会发现他们非常不同。与此同时,阿姆斯特丹的荷兰人习惯了城市生活,而德国边境的荷兰人没有大城市,他们彼此之间非常不同。德国和荷兰都没有统一的文化。试图概括欧洲文化是不公平的。不像日本,那里的文化是从上到下被迫反个人主义的。Robert SteinbergAs an American who has spent a little time in both countries I find the Dutch more approachable and easy going. You see Dutch having conversations easily with strangers in Dutch and English on the trams in Amsterdam, whereas I felt, outside of beer gardens, this kind of interaction might be from unthinkable to unlikely in Germany.作为一个在这两个国家都待过一段时间的美国人,我发现荷兰人更平易近人。你可以很容易看到荷兰人在阿姆斯特丹的有轨电车上用荷兰语和英语与陌生人交谈,然而我觉得,除了啤酒花园,这种互动在德国可能无法想象的。Frank KemperThere is one very simple difference: Germany is much larger than the Netherlands, it is 80 million people vs. 16 million people. Besides that there are much more German speaking people outsides Germany than Dutch speaking people outsides the Netherlands. This leads to the strange thing that about all films shown in German TV and German cinemas are synchronized in German language, while the Dutch are used to see cultural products from outsides their country in original language and subtitles. This makes Dutch people more open for foreign influences than Germans. It also leads to the fact that many Dutch are able to talk at least a little bit of German, while only very few Germans can talk Dutch.Another simple difference: The netherlands have been a monarchy for centuries while Germany changed their political system several times over the last century. In my eyes this leads to far more patriotism in the Netherlands than we have in Germany. In my personal opinion the joyful Dutch patriotism is about right, while Germany has deficits in that regard. The King of the Netherlands has far more importance for the Dutch than the German Federal President for the Germans.有一个非常简单的区别:德国比荷兰大得多,是8000万人口对1600万人口。除此之外,在德国以外说德语的人要比在荷兰以外说荷兰语的人多得多。这导致了一件奇怪的事情,即所有在德国电视和德国电影院放映的电影都是用德语同步播放的,而荷兰人则习惯于看到来自他们国家以外的文化产品以原语言和字幕播放。这使得荷兰人比德国人更容易接受外国的影响。也导致许多荷兰人至少会说一点德语,而只有很少的德国人会说荷兰语。另一个简单的区别:荷兰几个世纪以来一直是君主制国家,而德国在上个世纪多次改变了他们的政治制度。在我看来,这导致荷兰人比德国人更爱国。在我个人看来,快乐的荷兰爱国主义是正确的,而德国在这方面有缺陷。荷兰国王对荷兰人的重要性远远超过德国联邦总统对德国人的重要性。Being a much bigger country, the diversity within Germany is probably wider than the diversity within the Netherlands. I suppose that people from the Belgian border and people from Amsterdam are more similar in their beliefs and characteristics than people from Bavaria and people from Hamburg.Germans do like Dutch more than Dutch like Germans. There are quite a few Dutch artists which became incredibly popular in Germany - by emphasizing the fact that they are from Holland. Rudi Carrell is regarded one of the most famous commedians in the last 50 years, and he always spoke German with a very strong dutch accent, not at all hiding that he is not German. I do not know of any German artist which had a similar role in Dutch culture. The main reason for that is the second world war and the atrocities the Nazis did to the Dutch.Germans regard Dutch to be more open minded, also in terms of the use of soft drugs like pot and in terms of sexuality. If we want to make jokes about them, we emphasize the fact that they are worse car drivers and soccer players than Germany. In general we regard them as well educated, progressive and pleasant people. I also heard from friends who were working together with Dutch and found it a good experience. I suppose that there are more Dutch people going to Germany for holidays than the other way round, but the reason for that is mainly that we have mountains and they have not.作为一个大得多的国家,德国内部的多样性可能比荷兰内部的多样性更广泛。我想比利时边境的人和阿姆斯特丹人在信仰和特征上比巴伐利亚人和汉堡人更相似。德国人确实比荷兰人更喜欢荷兰语。以下是一些荷兰艺术家,他们通过强调自己来自荷兰的事实,在德国变得非常受欢迎。鲁迪·卡雷尔(Rudi Carrell)被认为是过去50年里最著名的喜剧演员之一,他说德语时总是带着浓重的荷兰口音,一点也不掩饰他不是德国人。我不知道有哪个德国艺术家在荷兰文化中扮演过类似的角色。主要原因是第二次世界大战和纳粹对荷兰人的暴行。德国人认为荷兰人的思想更开放,在使用大麻等软性毒品和性方面也是如此。如果我们想拿他们开玩笑,我们会强调一个事实,那就是他们的司机和足球运动员都不如德国人。一般来说,我们认为他们是受过良好教育的、进步的、和蔼可亲的人。我还从和D荷兰人一起工作的朋友那里听说,这是一个很好的体验。我认为去德国度假的荷兰人要比去荷兰度假的德国人多,但这主要是因为我们有山,而他们没有。Cameron TeagueTo us in UK, they are both too blunt, but there is more underlying nastiness with the Dutch than the Germans who just appear tactless rather than just plain mean. Readily dishing out fierce and unfiltered criticism without being able to accept any in return due to being perfect is a trait they both have in common, but the Dutch are particularly thin skinned in this area.对我们英国人来说,他们都太直率了,但与德国人相比,荷兰人潜藏着更多的龌龊——德国人看起来不太圆滑,而不是单纯的刻薄。因为他们都很完美,所以他们都很容易发出激烈的、未经过滤的批评而不能接受任何回馈,这是他们的共同特点,但荷兰人在这方面脸皮特别薄。Felix van der MijdenI think that the Dutch and the Germans have little in common. The Germans are generally pretty friendly while the Dutch are often rude and disrespectfull.The Germans and the Dutch both have two words for ‘you’ a polite one and a informal one. The polite version of you is not often used in Dutch while the Germans always use the polite version. I think the Dutch have more in common withe English in terms of the class society than the Germans.我认为荷兰人和德国人没有什么共同之处。德国人一般都很友好,而荷兰人通常很粗鲁,不尊重人。德国人和荷兰人都有两个表示“你”的词,一个是礼貌的,一个是非正式的。荷兰语中不经常使用礼貌的you,而德国人总是使用礼貌的you。我认为荷兰人和英国人在阶级社会方面比与德国人有更多的共同点。Jens BöttigerWell.. obvious ones are:The Dutch kept their Low Germanic language and did not learn High German like other northern kingdoms and cities were forced to do.They have a unique history in that they managed to build a powerful and wealthy colonial empire in the 17th century when all the other German polities were still weak, pathetic, tiny, and poor.They have the northern phenotype, which isn’t as typically German since the south is much more mixed with Celtic and Latin peoples.嗯. .明显的是:荷兰人保留了他们的低地日耳曼语,不像其他北方王国和城市那样学习高地德语。他们有着独特的历史,因为他们在17世纪就成功地建立了一个强大而富有的殖民帝国,而当时所有其他的德国政体都还很弱小、可怜、和贫穷。他们有北方的表现型,这不是典型的德国人,因为南方是凯尔特人和拉丁民族的混合。


