
Secion A


1. pollution (n.) 污染;污染物→pollute(v.)污染→polluted(adj.) 受污染的

2. prediction (n.) 预言;预测 →predict 预言;预测

3. peace (n.)和平→peaceful (adj.) 和平的


1. in people's homes 在 人们的家里

2. be free 免费

3. on paper 在纸上

4. study at home on computers 在家里通过电脑学习

5. live to be 200 years old 活到200 岁

6. in 100 years 在100年后

7. more / fewer people 更多/更少的人

8. more / less pollution更 多/更少的污染

9. there will be... 将会有.....

10. be polluted 受到污染

11. be in great danger 陷人/处于巨大的危险之中

12. move to 搬到....去.

13. on the earth 在地球上

14. use less water and plant more trees 少用水,多种树

15. play a part in doing sth. 参...与做某事

16. save the earth 拯救地球

17. world peace 世界和平

18. in the future 在将来

19. fresh water 淡水

20. in the sea 在海洋中

21. spend time 度过时光

22. on weekends在周末


1. People won't use money. Everything will be free. 人们将不再使用钱。一切东西都将是免费的。

2.Books will only be on computers ,not on paper. 书将只在电脑上,而不在纸上。

3.Will people use money in 100 years? 100年后人们还使用钱吗?

No,they won't. Everything will be free. 不,不会的。所有东西将会免费。

4.---Will people live to be 200 years old? 人们将会活到200岁吗?

---Yes, they will. 是的,他们会。

5. Everyone should play a part in saving the earth. 每一个人都应当尽一份力来拯救地球。

6.---What will the future be like? 未来会是什么样的?

---Cities will be more polluted. And there will be fewer trees. 城市会受到更多的污染并且将会有更少的树。

7.--- Will there be world peace? 世界会和平吗?

---Yes, I hope so. 是的,我希望如此。

8. ---Kids will study at home on computers. 孩子们会在家里通过电脑学习。

---They won't go to school. 他们将不去上学了

9. In the future. there will be less fresh water because there will be more pollution in the sea.


10. There will be fewer jobs for people because more robots will do the same jobs as people.人们将会有更少的工作,因为更多的机器人会做和人们相同的工作。

Section B


1. human(n.)人→ humans(pl.)

2. servant(n.)仆人→serve(v.)服务

3. dangerous(adj.)有危险的→ danger (n.)危险

4. factory (n.)工厂→ factories (pl.)

5. agree(v.)同意→ disagree (反义词)不同意

6. inside(adj./prep.)在……里面→outside (反义词) 在……外面

7. possible(adj.)可能的→impossible(反义词)不可能的→possibly(adv.)可能地;也许


1. in an apartment 在一所公寓里

2. space station 太空站

3. take the train to school 坐火车去上学

4. fly rockets to the moon 坐火箭去月球

5. on a space station 在太空站

6. help with the housework 帮忙做家务

7. help to do sth.帮助做某事

8. over and over again 多次;反复地

9. get bored 感到无聊

10. make sb. do sth.使某人做某事

11. be able to do sth.能够做某事

12. wake up 睡醒;醒来

13. disagree with sb.不赞成某人

14. hundreds of 许多;大量的

15. many different shapes 许多不同的形状

16. look for 寻找;寻求

17. seem impossible 似乎不可能

18. keep a bird 养鸟

19. fall down 突然倒下;跌倒;倒塌

20. take a holiday 度假

21. when possible 如果有可能

22. the meanings of words 词义


1. Today there are already robots working in factories. 现在已经有机器人在工厂里干活了。

2. Scientists are now trying to make robots look like humans and do the same things as we do.


3. But many scientists disagree with Mr White. 但是很多人不同意怀特先生的意见。

4.They think that robots will even be able to talk like humans In 25 to 50 years.他们以为在未来25年到50年的时间内,机器人甚至能够像人类一样交谈。

5. However, they agree it may take hundreds of years. 然而,他们同意这可能会花费数百年的时间。

6. We never know what will happen in the future! 我们永远不知道将来会发生什么事!

7. In 20 years, I think I’ll be a newspaper reporter. 20年后,我想我会成为一名报社记者。

8.I think I'll take a holiday in Hong Kong when possible. 我想有可能的话,我将去香港度假。


一. 根据句意及汉语提示,填入恰当的单词。

1. ________(纸) books are not so popular as e-books now.

2. Peter spent ________(部分) of his childhood in Canada.

3. It’s my dream to have a look at the ________(海) one day.

4. When I got home after school yesterday, it was ________(已经) 7:00 pm.

5. His father started a ________(工厂) to make shoes eight years ago.

二. 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。

6. After a long discussion, the two sides still ________ (agree).

7. This garden is in the ________ (shape) of a heart.

8. It’s ________ (danger) to get close to the tiger.

9. Our teacher often tells us, “Nothing is ________ (possible) if you put your heart into it.”

10. I’d like to say a few ________ (word) about the future plans.

三. 根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空一词。

11. 人人都应该为保护动物尽一份力。

Everyone should _______ _______ _______ _______ protecting animals.

12. 为了赢得这次歌咏比赛,我们反复练习唱歌。

To win the singing competition, we practiced singing _______ _______ _______ _______.

13. 安娜这几天正在寻找一份新工作。

Anna is ________ ________ a new job these days.

14. 你明天能来参加我的聚会吗?

Will you ________ ________ ________ come to my party tomorrow?

15. 事实上,我并不同意他的看法。

In fact, I don’t ________ ________ him.


1. Paper 2. part 3. sea 4. already 5. factory

6. disagreed 7. shape 8. dangerous 9. impossible 10. words

11. play a part in

12. over and over again

13. looking for

14. be able to

15. agree with



