
Bree: "Hey. We'd better hurry. The movie starts in twenty minutes."


George: "There's been a slight change in plans. My mother had a couple of friends who really wanted to meet you, and I thought, what the heck? It could be fun. Do you mind?"


Bree: "Uh, no, I, I guess not."


George: "Hey, everybody, this is Bree."


George: "And this is my Uncle Sid."


Bree: "Hi."


George: " Rosalie."


Bree: "Hello."


George: "Oh, and this is Stan Grazi, who does my mom's taxes."


Stan: "She's a knockout, George. I guess I owe you an apology."


George: "Since I was single all these years, Stan kept telling my mom I was gay."


Stan: "I'm still gonna need some proof. But I guess I'll be getting that in about nine months, hey, Bree?"


Bree: "What happens in nine months?"


George: "That's just Stan's little joke about when we're gonna start our own family. Now just so you know, Stan, it's gonna be a while before we even think about kids. I want Bree all to myself for a while."

斯坦是在开玩笑,说我们成家的事。不,斯坦,你 知道,我们还没想过要孩子的事呢。我想独自拥有布里一段时间。

Francine: "Well, don't wanna wait too long. After forty, the eggs don't get any fresher. Am I right, Bree?"


Bree: "If you'll excuse me, I, uh, I have to go."


  • knockout ['nɑːkaʊt]    
  • adj. <美俚> 引人注目的;杰出的;迷人的;猛烈的
  • apology: [ə'pɑːlədʒi] n. 道歉
  • owe sb. sth. 欠某人某物
  • proof [pruːf] n. 证明;证据
  • fresh [freʃ] adj. 新鲜的;清新的;新近的;


  • Bree: "Hey. We'd better hurry. The movie starts in twenty minutes."
  • George: "There's been a slight change in plans. My mother had a couple of friends who really wanted to meet you, and I thought, what the heck? It could be fun. Do you mind?"
  • Bree: "Uh, no, I, I guess not."
  • George: "Hey, everybody, this is Bree."
  • George: "And this is my Uncle Sid."
  • Bree: "Hi."
  • George: "My Aunt Rosalie."
  • Bree: "Hello."
  • George: "Oh, and this is Stan Grazi, who does my mom's taxes."
  • Stan: "She's a knockout, George. Guess I owe you an apology."
  • George: "Since I was single all these years, Stan kept telling my mom I was gay."
  • Stan: "I'm still gonna need some proof. But I guess I'll be getting that in about nine months, hey, Bree?"
  • Bree: "What happens in nine months?"
  • George: "That's just Stan's little joke about when we're gonna start our own family. Now just so you know, Stan, it's gonna be a while before we even think about kids. I want Bree all to myself for a while."
  • Francine: "Well, don't wanna wait too long. After forty, the eggs don't get any fresher. Am I right, Bree?"
  • Bree: "If you'll excuse me, I, uh, I have to go."

布里:我们最好抓紧,电影20分钟后就要开始。 乔治:计划有变,我妈妈有好些朋友想见你。我想,管它呢,一定很好玩,你介意吗? 布里:不介意吧。 乔治:大家好,这是布里。 乔治:这是我舅舅西德。 布里:你好。 乔治:罗莎莉。 布里:你好 乔治:这是斯坦.格拉希,我妈妈的税务师。 斯坦:她真是印象令人深刻,乔治,我想我该向你道歉。 乔治:由于我这么多年一直单身,斯坦一直告诉我妈妈我是个同性恋。 斯坦:要让我信服可没那么容易,也许九个月后就能见分晓,布里,你看如何? 布里:什么,什么九个月? 乔治:斯坦是在开玩笑,说我们成家的事。不,斯坦,你 知道,我们还没想过要孩子的事呢。我想独自拥有布里一段时间。 弗朗辛:喔,那也别让我等太久,女人过了40,卵子也就没有那么有活力了。我说得对吗,布里? 布里:不好意思,我得走了。


