

· 多听各种活动,如新闻、节目、电影、播客、讲座等,以便对不同的方言有更好的理解。

· 在测试中你会听到很多英国或美国口音,所以要注意它们。

· 学习如何用不同的口音说单词,因为某些单词在每种口音中的发音是不同的。

· 你可以开始时带着字幕观看视频,在你对语言有了一定程度的掌握后,你应该去掉字幕。

· 读唇语会减慢你的速度,所以不要依赖它来学习。


Listen and Select 听取和选择



  • 1min 30 secs


  • Comprehension
  • Conversation


  • In this question, you will attempt to identify genuine English words in the same way as you did in 在本题中,你将尝试用与《阅读与选择》相同的方法来识别真正的英语单词。
  • Read and Select, but you will listen to the words to identify them. 阅读和选择中的方法一样,但你要听单词来识别它们。
  • This question’s instructions are displayed at the same moment as the timer starts. 本题的说明在计时器开始的同时显示。

Quick Tips:

  • Pay attention to each syllable of each word; some fake words may differ significantly from the real ones. 注意每个词的每个音节;有些假词可能与真词有很大差别。
  • Only use phrases that you know are accurate. 只使用你知道是准确的短语。
  • Double-check the words you’ve selected before selecting the NEXT button. 在选择 "下一步 "按钮之前,请仔细检查你所选择的单词。
  • Each phrase may be played an endless number of times. 每个短语可以无限次地播放。
  • Click the speaker icon next to the words to hear them again. 点击单词旁边的扬声器图标可以再次听到它们。
  • Choose an orange checkmark if you feel a phrase is a real English word (). 如果你觉得某个短语是一个真正的英语单词,请选择一个橙色的复选标记()。
  • The color orange will be used to draw attention to your selections. 橙色将被用来吸引人们对你的选择的注意。
  • Click the checkmark again to deselect a word if you change your mind. 如果你改变主意,再点击复选标记,就可以取消对一个词的选择。
Listen and Type 听和输入



  • 1-minute


  • Comprehension
  • Conversation


  • You will listen to a person make a remark and then transcribe what you hear in this exercise. 你要听一个人说一句话,然后在这个练习中抄写你听到的内容。
  • This question’s instructions are displayed at the same moment as the timer starts. 本题的说明在计时器开始的同一时刻显示。

Quick Tips:

  • First, write down what you hear. 首先,写下你听到的内容。
  • Then, compare your reaction to what you typed by replaying the sentence. 然后,通过重放该句子,比较你的反应和你打出的内容。
  • By clicking on the orange speaker icon, you may play the statement up to two times (a total of three times). 通过点击橙色的扬声器图标,你最多可以播放两遍该语句(共三遍)。
Listen, Then Speak 听,然后说



  • 0:30 (minimum)
  • 1:30 (maximum)


  • Production
  • Conversation


  • This question type requires you to look at a picture on the screen and write a description of it. 这种题型要求你观察屏幕上的图片,并写出对它的描述。
  • This question’s instructions are displayed at the same moment as the timer starts. 这个问题的说明会在计时器开始的同一时刻显示。

Quick Tips:

  • Try to offer a full explanation of the image rather than just tagging it.尽量对图片进行全面的解释,而不是仅仅给它贴上标签。
  • Attempt to write more than one entire statement, even if the rules only ask for one. 试图写出一个以上的完整声明,即使规则只要求一个。
  • You will be able to see the image while entering your remark. 在输入你的评论时,你将能够看到图像。
  • If you need to go back and double-check your spelling or punctuation, you may use your mouse or touchpad to scroll back into your comment. 如果你需要回去仔细检查你的拼写或标点符号,你可以使用鼠标或触摸板滚动回到你的评论中。

