托福雅思阅读理解经典范文 托福雅思写作素材-教育话题

overworked by compulsory tasks and confined in the house强制性任务使他们筋疲力尽,同时又总是被关在家里,下面我们就来聊聊关于托福雅思阅读理解经典范文 托福雅思写作素材-教育话题?接下来我们就一起去了解一下吧!

托福雅思阅读理解经典范文 托福雅思写作素材-教育话题

托福雅思阅读理解经典范文 托福雅思写作素材-教育话题


overworked by compulsory tasks and confined in the house


The fault is not with our children, but with the narrowness of the flowerbed in which we expect them to germinate.


standing on the stance of the children 站在孩子的立场上

Parents should let their children develop their problem-solving ability and a positive attitude, so that they will grow strong and reach high like the birds flying freely in their own sky.


take a long perspective 目光长远

look at the big picture 着眼大局

Whether books are a treasure house of wisdom or collection of second hand experience depends on how well you can put knowledge into practice.


inner quality 内在素质

overall quality 综合素质

develop in an all-round way 全面发展

give full play to their imagination and intelligence 充分发挥他们的想象力和智力

exert their utmost 尽他们最大努力

spare no pains in doing 不遗余力做某事

have your brains racked in doing 绞尽脑汁做某事

burn the midnight oil 点灯熬夜

cultivate the mind and nurture the soul 陶冶情操、滋润心灵

unwind and restore the dulled senses 放松并恢复生机

keep a balance between tension and relaxation 劳逸结合

physical and mental health 身心健康

a positive outlook on life 积极的人生观

analyze hypotheses and demonstrate evidence 分析理论假想并展示证据

raise doubts about the conventional theories or notions 质疑传统理论或观念

lay a solid foundation 打下坚实的基础

fiercely competitive job market 激烈竞争的劳动力市场

minute labor division 精细的劳动力分工

fall into chronic job-hopping and anxiety 陷入长期的跳槽和焦虑中

get/gain/find a secure foothold 取得立足之地

Swarming into the first-tier cities, fresh graduates find their lofty ideals thwarted in the fiercely competitive job market and gaining a secure foothold has become their primary concern.


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