



Many Americans celebrated Halloween by placing pumpkins outside their homes. A Halloween tradition is to cut a face into the big, round squash. Pumpkins are also an important part of the Thanksgiving holiday in late November. Tradition says early settlers ate pumpkin pie, or something similar to it, with the Native Americans during the first celebration.


Pumpkins are members of the gourd family. They are related to melons, cucumbers and squashes. They are, like all of their relatives, fruit, not vegetables. Pumpkins have firm flesh, seeds in the center and a shell that is usually orange. And they contain more vitamin A than almost any other fruit. Pumpkins have been grown for thousands of years in North and Central America. They grow on vines or bushes.


Most pumpkins weigh a few kilograms, but some have reached well over 450 kilograms. Pumpkin flowers are usually fertilized by bees. The insects carry pollen from the male to the female flowers. No fruit will grow if the female flower is not pollinated at the right time. Closely related squashes and gourds can also fertilize pumpkins.


Pumpkin is used in pies, breads, cakes and other baked goods. Baked pumpkin seeds are also a kind of popular food. Pumpkin filling for pies is produced industrially. Pumpkins are very low in acid, unlike many fruits. For this reason, experts say it is not a good idea to can crushed pumpkin at home. Whole pumpkins, however, store well in cool, dark places for weeks.

南瓜可以用于制作馅饼,面包及其它烘烤制品,人们也喜欢烘烤南瓜籽 ,南瓜馅已工业化生产。与其它水果不同南瓜含酸量低,专家建议南瓜不适合在家萃取灌装,而整个南瓜在阴凉地方可以保藏好几周。



