





The short answer is simply that Scale Matters.


Scale —— scale is very important!I can't stress that too much.Manufacturing is a constant and repetitive process to produce products.The expansion of the manufacturing scale allows you to spread out fixed and indirect expenses on an overall basis.China has done a good job of creating large-scale models in a wide range of manufacturing sectors, and India's outdated regulatory framework actually prevents entrepreneurs from expanding, effectively preventing any chance of success in exceptionally competitive global markets.


Clustering-China encourages the development of manufacturing clusters where suppliers, professional services and financing (formal and informal) come together to create a competitive and intense environment of cooperation that enables manufacturers to shorten development cycles, improve efficiency or product quality over time.


Labor Cost —— Although Chinese manufacturing costs almost four times more than India, its productivity is also significantly higher than —— and productivity is what really matters.China's productivity strengths come from better human capital (education, training, etc.), more invested capital (e. g., machines automating certain repetitive tasks), and more advanced manufacturing processes (e. g., experience).Another note for exporters is that labor represents a very small percentage of total costs.


Land acquisition —— preferential policies related to land acquisition make it easier for Chinese entrepreneurs to locate and build large factories.In sharp contrast, in India, investment projects are often shelved or cancelled due to the lack of the ability to acquire large enough land.You can't simply divide your plant into two parts and expect the same level of efficiency.Scale is very important!


Infrastructure and Logistics —— China has done a good job in providing relatively efficient and low-cost transportation, electricity and energy, especially in export processing areas near major ports.Clearly, this is another area where India needs to invest in.


Taxation-Another area to supporting its export sector is the reduction and simplification of Taxation, particularly in special economic zones.China also has a unified tax system, which eliminates the bottleneck between states and provinces that you often see in India.

税收- -支持其出口部门的另一个领域是减少和简化税收,特别是在经济特区。中国还有统一的税收制度,这消除了你经常在印度看到的邦与省之间的瓶颈。

The issue of macro-stability —— leads to the monetary issue, which I think is part of a larger category: the overall macroeconomic environment.Money is really important, but more importantly, whether you have a policy to keep your currency "undervalued" rather than being part of a broader framework that emphasizes that investors and entrepreneurs need to work at a minimum level that can maximize their full potential.


For India, some of these factors are easy to overcome and some are more difficult.Some projects have already been conducted under the Modi government, but others are hampered by divisive politics in the country.


I would like to add that I think the best way in the future is cooperation, not competition, especially in manufacturing.In modern times, global trade and manufacturing are not zero-sum games: India's gains are not China's losses, and vice versa.In fact, the only country capable of filling the gap in China while moving up the value chain is India.If the two countries can find a complementary way of cooperation, it will be possible to determine the world economic order of this century.




I was part member of the Deloitte team who did a study "Manufacturing Business Regulatory Environmental Survey-State-Level Assessment."We visited all 28 states and talked to hundreds of industrialists about their problems (I visited 5 states myself).Accenture (Accenture), Bain (Bain), KPMG (KPMG), and Ernst & Young (EY) have made similar reports.Ernst & Young has worked particularly well in Rajasthan.Accenture's report is a good summary.I answer your question with my experience and what I know (the following points are personal, not Deloitte).


Poor infrastructure: This increases the cost of doing business.For example, it is cheaper and faster to ship one container from Singapore to Chennai than transport the same container from Chennai via road / rail to Mumbai.


Unreasonable pricing of key inputs: Populist governments (including central and state governments) cross-subsidize consumers by charging higher prices to industry.Example: India has one of the highest railway freight rates (the Indian passenger train ticket is one of the cheapest).Industrial electricity prices in India remain at extreme levels to offset the loss of subsidized electricity to consumers.


High land cost: India has a high population density and low land ownership per capita, so people are generally reluctant to give up their land.Moreover, uneducated farmers (who own most of the land in India) gain a sense of security from the land (because they do not have the skills to get well-paid jobs).Most of India has fertile reland which is more valuable to farmers.Finally, the link between the land Mafia and politicians (middlemen) further increases the cost of the land.


Skills shortage: Despite India's large population, average education and skills are very low.Only a small number of people have received proper vocational training.As a result, most people have no work.This makes skilled people paid very high, with experienced steel mill welders paid Rs 90,000 rupees (about 7,660 yuan), much higher than engineers!Skilled long-distance truck drivers are paid Rs 40,000 yuan (about 3,400 yuan). The —— is also much higher than the junior engineers.


Abverse law: Example: 1. The MNREGA (Employment Security Act) makes a large proportion of people choosing to stay in their villages rather than trying to find jobs in factories.How the government can link wages to jobs, rather than thinking that money should be paid for free, will liberate labor for industry.2. The Industrial Dispute Law is the most regressive labor law in the world.This basically means that if your production unit has more than 100 workers, you can't fire anyone (even if the worker sleeps / doesn't do any work).So, when an employee stops working, the company will pay a high price.

反常的法律:例子:1。MNREGA(就业保障法)导致很大一部分人选择留在他们的村庄,而不是试图去工厂中找工作。如何政府能够把工资和工作挂钩,而不是认为应该免费发钱,那将为工业解放劳动力。2. 《工业纠纷法》是世界上最倒退的劳动法。这基本上意味着,如果你的生产单位有超过100名工人,你不能解雇任何人(即使工人睡觉/不做任何工作)。因此,当一名员工停止工作时,公司将付出高昂的代价。

Cost of credit: Due to high inflation (especially during UPA 2), interest rates in India have remained high for a long period.

信贷成本:由于高通胀(特别是在UPA 2年期间),印度的利率长期保持在高水平。

Corruption: In India, building / operating a factory is a nightmare (for example, compared to building a software company).All state government departments demanded bribes in exchange for various permits.The most serious offenders are the Department of Environmental Protection (especially if you belong to the "orange" / "red" industry), labor departments, and tax authorities.You must even pay a bribe for your boiler safety check, for your weight and measure approved!(Most of these inspectors do not enter your factory.They will go straight to your office "fix").


Tax system: Numerous central, state, and local taxes mean you fill out dozens of forms, submit dozens of returns, pay a chartered accountant, and dozens of visits to the tax authorities to bribe dozens of different officials.Moreover, it increases the cost of road transport (due to border inspections and bribery of —— for states imposing an import tax).Finally, the GST [excise tax] will completely address this problem!


System: China can communicate and coordinate the whole villages to build expressways and factories.They can easily pass a new law / change an old law to make industrialists better.In India's system, protests, debates, arguments, investigations, commissions and political opposition are in the way of everything.Example: 1. Pohang Iron is the largest single foreign direct investment in India's history.Ten years later, they still had no land due to the protests.2. Green NGOs are basically associated with the political mafia, who harass the industrialists until they / their political owners are paid.

制度:中国可以沟通协调好后让整个村庄搬迁来建高速公路和工厂。他们可以很容易地通过一项新法律/改变一项旧法律,从而使实业家的日子好过一些。在印度的制度中,抗议、辩论、争论、调查、委员会和政治反对派阻碍了一切。例子:1。浦项制铁是印度历史上最大的单一外商直接投资。由于抗议,10年后他们仍然没有土地。2. 绿色非政府组织基本上与政治黑手党有联系,他们骚扰实业家,直到他们/他们的政治主人得到报酬。

Other factors: (a) The slow legal system leads to the difficulty of contract implementation.(b) Getting a building permit in India is one of the slowest and most corrupt processes in the world.(c) Getting industrial power connections in some states takes more than three months of a bribe (although not in all states).


You will notice that most of the above 10 points don’t affect the services sector. This explains why the IT sector has done so well in India.



