






“五一劳动节”劳动节的英语表达方式包括:Workers’ Day, International Workers' Day、Labour Day或是May Day。对后面两个的说法,有人意见不一。

Labor Day?

事实上,"Labor Day"容易引起混淆,特别对美国来说,Labor Day是美国的劳工节,而且也不是每年的五月一号,而是九月的第一个星期一。

On the first Monday in September, people take the day off to celebrate Labor Day and reflect on the American worker's contribution to their country.


May Day?

而“May Day”也有点不妥,因为资本主义国家不庆祝"五一劳动节"的。

May Day,还有另一层含义。在很多文化中,尤其是北半球,当然主要是很多欧洲国家,包括英国,德国,意大利,希腊等等,May Day是一个传统的节日,大家欢庆春天的到来。在这一天,人们会唱歌,跳舞,吃美食,例如Maypole Dance,五月柱舞

International Workers' Day

劳动节的英文,最标准、最地道的表达,是叫作International Workers' Day(国际工人节)。

International Workers' Day, also known as Labor Day, is a public holiday of laborers and the working class in about 90 countries all over the world, which is promoted by the international labor movement and celebrated every year on May 1. The date was chosen by the Second International in July 1889 to commemorate the Haymarket affair, which occurred in Chicago, the United States, on May 4, 1886.



Why do we need International Workers' Day?

International Workers' Day is a celebration of working people and a day when people campaign for decent work and fair pay. Thanks to action taken by workers over many years, millions of people have won fundamental rights and protections. Minimum wages have been established, there are limits on working hours, and people have the right to paid holidays and sick pay.

However, in recent years, working conditions in many situations have got worse. Since the global financial crisis of 2008, part-time, short-term and badly paid work has become more common, and state pensions are at risk. We have also seen the rise of the 'gig economy', where companies hire workers casually for one short job at a time. These workers don't have the usual rights to paid holidays, the minimum wage or redundancy pay. Solidarity with other workers is as important as ever.

The history of International Workers' Day

In May 1886, 400,000 workers in many parts of the USA went on strike, demanding an eight-hour working day. The strike started peacefully, but on the third day of protests in Chicago there was some violence. The police shot at unarmed workers, killing several of them. The next day there were more protests and someone threw a bomb. Seven police officers and four workers were killed by the bomb or police shooting just after the bomb. The person who threw the bomb was never identified, but eight workers were arrested. Seven of them were sentenced to death, and one of them was sent to prison for 15 years.

This event, known as The Haymarket Affair, was very important in bringing working people together in the USA. Many people didn't believe the men were guilty, and the trial was criticised for being unfair. The Haymarket Affair became an international symbol of the struggle for workers' rights, and May 1 was chosen to be International Workers' Day. On this day, socialist parties and trade unions called for workers to demonstrate for the eight-hour day and in favour of peaceful protest. The eight-hour working day became law for public workers in 1892 in the USA. Since then, workers' movements all over the world have continued to fight for and win this right.

How is Workers' Day celebrated now?

Celebrations and protests take place in different ways in different countries around the world. May 1 is a public holiday in countries such as South Africa, Tunisia, Tanzania, Zimbabwe and China. In many countries, including France, Greece, Japan, Pakistan, the United Kingdom and the United States, there are demonstrations on International Workers' Day.

Workers' Day is a day for working people to have a rest from their usual labour. It is an opportunity to campaign for workers' rights, show solidarity with other working people and to celebrate the achievements of workers all over the world.


⏰1. mini-break 短期休假



I'm going to spend my May Day holiday on a mini-break by the sea.


⏰2. long weekend 长周末




It's great to have a long weekend with an extra day to get things done.


⏰3. staycation 居家休假

这个非正式组合词由 “stay 留下”和“vacation 假期”构成,它的含义是在家度过的假期或在国内旅游。



If you really want to save money, have a staycation and stay home.


⏰4. take a day off 休一天假



I'm going to take a day off to work on my apartment.


⏰5. sick leave 病假



I have been on sick leave for seven months with depression.


⏰6. annual leave 年假


Are you looking forward to taking your annual leave this year?


⏰7. national holiday 法定假日

广义的“national holiday”是泛指一个国家的所有法定节日,而狭义则是指国庆节。


October 1st is the national holiday of our country.


•‿•Good morning

劳动光荣 节日快乐









五月,再多期许,不过是一句 不慌不忙,慢慢生长,好好生活。

