





描述校园内容,包括教师办公室,图书馆,操场等,介绍位置,布局;按要求进行书写;运用一般现在时;重点短语:welcome to…、on your right、go straight、on your left、in front of、next to、on the playground。


My school

Welcome to my school. Look! The teachers\\\'offices are on your right, And the library is on your left. There are many books in the library. Go straight, and you can see the classrooms on your left. There are many classrooms in our school. In front of the classrooms, there is a little park, It is very beautiful. The playground is next to the park and the classrooms, It\\\'s so big. Students often play on the playground. My school is very nice, Do you like it?




2.以“My last weekend”为题,写一篇小作文,谈谈你上个周末的活动。



重点词汇:weekend 周末 mountains 山 pictures 照片


1.we climbed the mountains. 我们爬了山。

2.常用句型:①I felt…我感到… ②What do you think of…你觉得…怎么样?


My last weekend

Last Saturday, my parents and I went to the park. First, we watched the flowers. Then, we climbed the mountains. Finally, we flew the kite.In the afternoon, we visited my grandparents. Except me, other family members talked a lot. I played outside. In the evening, we had supper together.

Last Sunday, I cleaned my room. After that, my friends and I went to the zoo to took some pictures. We played happily. And at five o\\\'clock, we went home. I felt happy and tired.

What do you think of my last weekend?







3.你想象中的自然公园是什么样子的,请以My Nature Park 为题写一篇小作文,字数不能少于45个单词。(提示词:There is …,There are…,in front of,above,


【分析】该题要求以“My Nature Park”为题,来书写自己熟悉的自然公园,主要是描述公园里的东西以及位置。

提示词汇:in front of above behind under beside flowers trees lake

重要句型:There is …,There are…


My Nature Park

There is a nature park in front of my village. It\\\'s not big. There is a lake in the park. There are many fish in it. There are many trees beside the lake. There are mang flowers under the trees. The air is nice and clean. I like my nature park.





4.同学们,大家已经学了关于你的一周的英语知识,请你在你的小作文中,以“My weekend”为题向大家介绍你的周末是如何度过的,试试身手吧。

提示词:often wash clothes play football read books

【分析】该题以“My weekend”为题,来叙述自己周末的活动安排;主要运用所学的一般现在时以及重要的动词短语进行描述即可。

重点词汇:often wash clothes play football read books

重点句型:I often…,Sometimes I…In the morning, I usually…


My weekend

I have a good weekend. On the weekend I often wash my clothes. Sometimes I play football. And I usually read books and do my homework. I like my weekend. And what about you?





5.请以“My friend”为题,写一篇短文。字数不少于50字,并用上以下词语。

Amy a girl 13 America thin and short long hair big eyes small nose like math

My friend

I have a friend. Her name is Amy. She is 13 years old. She is from American. She is thin and short. She has long hairs and big eyes. She has a small nose.

She likes math very much and she is good at it. And I like her very much. We are good friends.





My friend

I have a friend. Her name is Amy. She is 13 years old. She is from American. She is thin and short. She has long hairs and big eyes. She has a small nose. She likes math very much and she is good at it. And I like her very much. We are good friends.



6.以“This is my day”为题,写一写你一天的安排,不少于5个句子。

【分析】本文以This is my day为题,按时间顺序记叙了一天发生的事情用First、Next、Then、After that把全文连接起来。最后点题,照应题目。注意时态可以用一般现在时,也可以用一般过去时,可以选择自己比较熟悉的内容发挥。

重点词汇:have breakfast 吃早餐 clean room 打扫房间 play with sb. 和某人一起玩耍


This is my day

Today is Sunday. First, I get up early at 6:30. I brush my teeth and wash my face. Next, I have my breakfast at 7:00. Then, I clean my room. After that, I play with my best friend. We go to the zoo together. This\\\'s my day. What about you?





7.以“My Habits”为题,写一篇作文,运用所给单词,至少五句。

always often sometimes never read books go to the park watch TV fly a kite swim in the winter do my homework

My Habits (我的习惯)

I have many habits. For example, I always read books everyday. I often go to the park and fly a kite. I sometimes do my homework at home. But I never swim in the winter. These are my habits.What about you?



I always read books everyday. 我总是每天读书;I sometimes do my homework at home. 我有时在家做作业。


My Habits

I have many habits. For example, I always read books everyday. I often go to the park and fly a kite. I sometimes do my homework at home. But I never swim in the winter. These are my habits. What about you?





8.写一写“My Holiday Plan”——我的假期计划。

所需词汇:want to travel go shopping swim like by plane mother father

My Holiday Plan

The summer holiday is coming. I am very excited. Now let me tell you my plan.

I will travel to Sanya with my mother and father during this summer holiday. We will go there by plane. I will go shopping with my mother in the evening. During the day, we will go swimming. We will take many photos and buy many special gifts.

I believe we will have a good time there.



重点句型:The summer holiday is coming. 暑假快到了;We will go there by plane. 我们将乘飞机去那。


My Holiday Plan

The summer holiday is coming. I am very excited. Now let me tell you my plan.

I will travel to Sanya with my mother and father during this summer holiday. We will go there by plane. I will go shopping with my mother in the evening. During the day, we will go swimming. We will take many photos and buy many special gifts.

I believe we will have a good time there.







9.请以“My Favourite Holiday”为题写一写你最喜欢的节日,不少于5句话。

My Favourite Holiday

My favourite holiday is the Spring Festival. It\\\'s the Chinese New Year. For the Spring Festival, we buy new clothes, clean the doors, the windows and the floors. And we make dumplings. Kids get lucky money. That\\\'s interesting. I love the Spring Festival.



2.重点词组: the Spring Festival(春节)、 buy new clothes(新衣服)、clean the doors(擦门)、clean the windows (擦窗户)、sweep the floors(打扫地板)、make dumplings(包饺子)、lucky money(压岁钱)


For the Spring Festival, we buy new clothes, clean the doors, windows and sweep the floors. And we make dumplings. 因为春节我们可以买新衣服、擦门、擦窗户和打扫地板。而且我们可以包饺子。(并列句)


My Favourite Holiday

My favourite holiday is the Spring Festival. It\\\'s the Chinese New Year. For the Spring Festival, we buy new clothes, clean the doors, windows and sweep the floors. And we make dumplings. Kids get lucky money. That\\\'s interesting. I love the Spring Festival.






提示:short tall thin fat…

I was …then. Now I am…


重点词汇、短语:thin 瘦的

重点句型:I was naughty then. 那时我很淘气。


I was thin then. Now I am fat. I was short then. Now I am tall now. I was naughty then. Now I am cute.





提示:famous old small big new now then


重点词汇、短语:an old city 一座古老的城市

重点句型: It is very famous. 它很有名。


Guangzhou is an old city, It is very famous. The park was small then. It is big now. The street was old then, But it is new now.






重点词汇:a photo of…的照片;How about 怎么样。

重点句型:Do you want to know my family. 你想了解我的家人吗?


Dear Amy

Do you want to know my family? Look, this is a photo of my family. The tallest man is my father. And I\\\'m the shortest. My mother is thinner than my father. How about your family?










The parents will visit our school on the Open Day. First......


1.全文通用一般将来时(will 动词原形)

2.重点词组:the Open Day(开放日)、visit the classroom(参观教室)、the hall(大厅)、go to the playground(去操场)、play games(玩游戏)


First, the parents will visit the classroom. Mr.Zhang will tell them about the lessons.


Next, they\\\'ll go to the hall. The children will sing for their parents.


Finally, they\\\'ll go to the playground.



The parents will visit our school on the Open Day. First, the parents will visit the classroom. Mr.Zhang will tell them about the lessons. Next, they\\\'ll go to the hall. The children will sing for their parents. Finally, they\\\'ll go to the playground. The children will play games with their parents.






重点单词/短语:thank you appreciate wish hope


Dear Xiao Wang

Thank you for your help with my study and life in this 6 years in school. I appreciate the time that spent together with you. I hope that you will have a fresh new start in middle school. Wish you a good luck and happy life. Don\\\'t forget to connect with me often.


Xiao Ke







15.以“My hobbies”为题,写一篇小作文,要求不少于30个单词。

提示:I have some hobbies. I like…… Hobbies can make me happy.

My hobbies

I have some hobbies. I like playing football, listening to music and drawing pictures.【说明自己爱好广泛】When I am at school, I often play football with my friends. I think playing football is very interesting and exciting. When I am at home. I like listening to music. Sometimes I like drawing pictures. At weekends, I like going shopping with my parents.【逐一说明自己的爱好】

Hobbies can make me happy.【爱好的作用】Do you have any hobbies?【引发话题】


根据开头句子“I have some hobbies”可知,要使用第一人称来写这篇作文。hobbies是复数,所以就要写出自己的多个爱好;结尾句子Hobbies can make me happy含义是“爱好让我高兴”,所以要写的爱好必须是健康的、积极向上的!表达爱好时通常运用的动词形式是like doing something(表示爱好时like,后面要用动词的﹣ing 形式)。


My hobbies

I have some hobbies. I like playing football, listening to music and drawing pictures. When I am at school, I often play football with my friends. I think playing football is very interesting and exciting. When I am at home. I like listening to music. Sometimes I like drawingpictures. At weekends, I like going shopping with my parents.

Hobbies can make me happy. Do you have any hobbies?

【点评】本题考查学生的写作能力。灵活运用动词的﹣ing 形式来表示爱好:写作时必须紧扣题目要求和已给出的句型提示,并灵活使用一些连词和表示频度的副词;书写时尽量书写自己会写的短语以便容易得分;还要注意居首字母的大写、句末合适的标点符号!


