
弹琵琶的人(A Lute Player)有个天生不善弹琵琶的人,常常在声音效果较好的室内弹唱听着室内回响的声音,他洋洋得意,自以为自己的嗓音非常不错心想自己完全可以去剧场登台表演了,可他登场之后,唱得极差,台下的人们扔石头把他轰赶下来了,下面我们就来聊聊关于介绍伊索寓言当中其中的一个故事?接下来我们就一起去了解一下吧!



弹琵琶的人(A Lute Player)



There is a person who is naturally not good at playing the pipa. He often plays and sings in the room with better sound effect. Listening to the reverberation in the room, he was complacent and thought his voice was very good. I thought I could go to the theater to perform, but after he appeared, he sang very badly, and the people under the stage threw stones and drove him down.

Moral: some speakers still have a model in school. They seem to speak clearly, but they are worthless when discussing national affairs.



A beautiful thrush eats the fruit of the myrtle tree every autumn. One year, before the fruit on the myrtle tree was ripe, dongniao ran to the myrtle tree every day to sing: "a beautiful life is coming, how happy my heart is, looking at the flowers there in bloom, how I yearn for it." in this way, the thrush went and sang every day. A hunter found it and waited there. When the fruit comes out, the thrush comes to eat all day. Finally, the hunter stuck it with a stick. It also sang: "Myrtle's fruit is so sweet, it is you who hurt me, because I am too greedy for your incomparable sweetness, so I gave up my own life..."

Moral: don't be too greedy for something, it will ruin your life. Be broad-minded, not as short-sighted as a thrush. Myrtle's fruit is delicious, but when you don't know the danger, it means that death is not far from you.

