同音异形异义词 (Homophones)
在英语的学习过程中,我们一定会碰到这种情况。就是有些单词拼写及意思不同,但它们的发音是完全一样的。这样的单词,我们特别把它们称作同音异形异义词(Homophones) 。比如,对于初中生来说,我们可以举一些简单的例子: hear (听见)/here (这里); whole(全部的)/ hole (洞);our (我们的)/hour (小时);one (一个)/won (赢,win的过去式)。同音异形异义词尤其在听力中是一个难点,同学们要有能力根据听力内容,迅速做出反应和判断,该发音的单词到底指的是哪个单词,意思究竟应该是什么。 下面我们首先罗列一些常见的同音异形异义词,同学们不妨可以进行积累。
- adds/adze
adds: performs addition 动词add 的第三人称单数形式。表示把......加起来;
adze: a tool for shaping wood 名词 扁斧
2. isle/aisle
isle: the short form of island 名词 岛
aisle: a corridor or space between rows of chairs 名词 通道,走道
3. overdue/overdo
overdue: past the time of payment 形容词 (到期)未付的
overdo: to do too much of something 动词 做得过分,夸张
4. band/banned
band: a music group 名词 乐队
banned: forbidden; prohibited 形容词 被禁止的
5. sore/soar
sore: painful 形容词 疼痛的
soar: to fly high 动词 急升,激增
Practice: (练一练)我们来用上面学会的Homophones 来完成下面的句子吧!
- Noisy airplanes _________ over my house every day because I live near the airport.
- John is really good at calculation. He _________ numbers faster than anyone I know.
- My wife is irate because I forgot to pay the rent, and now it's _________.
- I've been writing for so long that my hand is __________.
- When I fly in airplanes, I like to sit by the ___________and not the window.
- Ihope to realize my dream one day of playing guitar in a rock ________.
- I never work out at the gym for more than one hour. I don't want to _______ it.
- From the ship, through the dense fog, we could see a small ___________ covered with trees in the middle of the ocean.
- I was hoping to make some furniture, but I cannot find my __________.
- In an attempt to stop inflation, price increases have been ___________.
Keys: 1. soar 2. adds 3. overdue 4. sore 5. aisle 6. band 7. overdo 8. isle 9. adze 10. banned