

What makes a word beautiful? 怎样才能让词汇活色生香?

Is it the sound of the word or its meaning? 是词汇的发音还是词汇的含义?

The study of the pleasantness or unpleasantness of the way words and phrases sound (regardless of their meaning) is called phonaesthetics.


But I think the combination of sound and meaning is what makes for pretty words.


Consider the word “diarrhea” which trills off the tongue but isn't a pleasant topic to ponder.


But the word “diary” is equally pleasing to the ear and has an intriguing meaning.


The most beautiful words in English are those that thrill the ear and that stir the mind or soul.


They are words that inspire, uplift, excite, comfort, challenge, move and entice us.


How to Use Beautiful Words in English 如何使用至美英语词汇?

Whether you are a logophile (a word lover) and simply enjoy the variety and character of words, or you're a writer who is looking for the perfect word, you'll find yourself needing to find aesthetic words at some point.


You can use these words to . . . 你可以使用如下词汇清单来做如下工作......
  • Expand your vocabulary.
  • 拓展词汇量
  • Write a memorable poem or song lyrics related to something lovely and pleasing.
  • 写一首与一些可爱和令人愉快的事物有关的令人难忘的诗或歌词。
  • Better express yourself in conversation.
  • 在对话中更好地表达自己。
  • Create a mood or feeling with your writing.
  • 用你的写作抒发情绪和表达情感。
  • Enhance your descriptions of people, places, emotions, and things.
  • 强化你描述人物、地点、情感和事物的能力。
  • Develop a particular rhythm or flow with your writing.
  • 在你的写作中形成一个特定的节奏或语言流。
  • Develop your own list of favorite words with beautiful meanings and sounds.
  • 列出你自己最喜欢的单词,它们的意思和发音都很美轮美奂。

Are you ready to explore some really good words that you can add to your vocabulary?



1. Abundance n. 丰衣足食;丰富;多度;富足;富庶

A very large quantity of something. 大量的物品

Irrigation is easy in the South because of the abundance of water.


2. Ad Infinitum adv. 无限地

Again and again in the same way; forever 永远;无限地;以至无穷 永远的;无限的

This cycle repeats itself ad infinitum.


3. Admirable adj. 令人钦佩的;值得尊敬;令人敬佩的;可敬;令人钦佩

Arousing or deserving respect and approval. 引起或值得尊敬和认可的。

The symphony is admirable in conception


4. Adoration n. 爱慕;崇拜;敬拜;倾慕;赞美

Deep love and respect. 深爱和尊重

She needs and wants to be loved with overwhelming passion and adoration



5. Affable adj. 和蔼可亲;和蔼;友善的;顺和

Friendly, good-natured, or easy to talk to. 友善、天性善良、易于沟通和交谈

Mr Brown is an extremely affable and approachable man.


6. Agility n. 敏捷;敏捷性;灵活性;亚致力;敏捷度

Ability to move or think quickly and easily. 快捷和易于思考和运动。

Walking up last to the boy, he felt of his arms, straightened his hands, and looked at his fingers, and made him jump, to show his agility.


7. Ailurophile n. 极爱猫的人

A cat lover. 爱猫之人。

As an ailurophile, she collected and raised a room of cats, which came from diferent continents.



8. Alacrity n. [U] (formal) 欣然同意;十分乐意

Brisk and cheerful readiness. 轻快愉快的愉悦心情。

When the plan of going abroad was proposed to arthur, it was received by that gentleman with the greatest alacrity and enthusiasm.


9. Alluring adj. 诱人的;迷人的;有吸引力的

Powerfully and mysteriously attractive or fascinating; seductive. 迷人的, 强烈而神秘的, 吸引人或迷人的;诱人的。Some journalists like to colour their stories up with alluring details of people's private lives.


10. Aloha (夏威夷问候语)喂,再见

A Hawaiian word used when greeting or parting from someone.


11. Altruism noun [U] (formal) 利他主义;利他;无私

The belief in or practice of disinterested and selfless concern for the well-being of others. 无私的对他人福祉, 无私关心的信仰或实践。

The traditional stage world was not remarkable for its altruism in professional matters, and famous actors would think twice about passing on their technical secrets to those outside the family circle.



12. Amaranthine n. Amaranthine 阿玛辛;不凋之花

From the Greek word amarantos, meaning immortal or unfading. 源于希腊语单词amarantos,意思是不朽或不衰。If these enterprise amaranthine word, the preeminent company of those own innovation comes down impossibly alive.


13. Amiable adj. 和蔼可亲的;亲切友好的

Having or displaying a friendly and pleasant manner. 具有或表现出友好和愉快的态度的。She had been surprised at how amiable and polite he had seemed.


14. Amorous adj. 表示性爱的;含情脉脉的

Showing, feeling, or relating to sexual desire. 性欲的显示、感觉或与性欲有关的。

A man who for months had been dropping amorous hints about a long-term relationship upped and disappeared to America


15. Angelic adj. 美丽的、天使般的

An exceptionally beautiful, innocent, or kind person. 超凡美丽和纯洁的人。Since he came to live with me, we have been subject to a campaign of spite and revenge which makes Lady Sarah appear angelic by comparison.



16. Apotheosis n. 鼎盛时期;发展顶峰;完美阶段;神化

The highest point in the development of something; culmination or climax.某物发展的最高点;高潮或鼎盛时期。

One of the large paintings showed the apotheosis of the emperor trajan.


17. Assemblage noun (formal, technical 术语) (人、物的)集聚

A collection or gathering of things or people. 一群人或物的集合体。

By systematic study on some categories of biotic fossils discovered in the carboniferous strata of Laiwu coal field, the assemblage of Fusulinida and conodont of this area is established.


18. Astonishing adj. 令人震惊的;使大吃一惊的

Extremely surprising or impressive; amazing. 让人十分惊奇,给人印象深刻的。

He was wearing, astonishingly, a frilly pink apron over shirt and trousers.


19. Astounding 惊奇故事;惊疑故事;骇人听闻的

Surprisingly impressive or notable. 使人惊奇和留下深刻印象的。

The conservatism of the literary establishment in this country is astounding


20. Ascension n. (in the Christian religion 基督教) 耶稣升天; (formal) 上升;升高;登上

The act of rising to an important position or a higher level. 上升到一个重要的位置或更高的层次的行为。

It is dragon souls that are cast to understand and weave a dream that supports ascension and evolution.




