
Word of the Day:September 9, 2022facsimile,下面我们就来聊聊关于affinityphoto能排版吗?接下来我们就一起去了解一下吧!



Word of the Day:September 9, 2022



noun /fak-SIM-uh-lee/ [fækˈsɪməli]

What It Means

A facsimile is an exact copy of something. The word is also used to refer to a system of transmitting and reproducing graphic matter, such as printed text or photos.

A facsimile指某物的精确的副本。 该词还指传输和复制图像内容的系统,例如印刷文本或照片。

FACSIMILE in Context

“Walls are now decorated with posters and murals of facsimiles of old newspapers that tell the tales of the team's big moments.” — Carlos Monarrez, The Detroit Free Press, 29 July 2022


The forged painting was an impressive facsimile of the original.


Did You Know?

The facsimile machine (or fax machine) has long been an office staple, but its name is much, much older. Fac simile is a Latin phrase meaning “make alike.” English speakers began using facsimile to mean “an exact copy” in the late 1600s. In this sense, a facsimile might be a handwritten or hand-drawn copy, or even a copy of a painting or statue. (Today, we also use the phrase “a reasonable facsimile” for a copy that is fairly close but not exact.) In the 1800s, people developed facsimile technology that could reproduce printed material via telegraph. Now, of course, we use telephone lines or wireless technology, and we usually call the resulting facsimile a fax.

The facsimile machine 一直以来都是办公室的必备品,但它的名字要古老得多。 Fac simile 是一个拉丁短语,意思是“ make alike「相似」”。 English speakers 在 1600 年代后期开始使用传真来表示“an eaxct copy 「精确的副本」”。 从这个含义上说,a facsimile 可能指手写或手绘抄本,甚至是绘画或雕像的副刻。 (今天,我们还使用短语“a reasonable facsimile「合理的传真」”来表示相当接近但不准确的副本。)在 1800 年代,人们开发了传真技术,可以通过电报复制材料。 现在,我们使用电话线或无线技术,通常称它为传真。


Fill in the blanks to complete a synonym of facsimile: _ ep _ _ _ a.



