



并列连词常考but, and, or这三个,当然其它并列连词也要掌握。

1. 表示“递进”的并列连词(词组)有:and,as well as, not only… but (also), both…and, neither…nor, nor等。并列连词要注意接对等句子成分,如:

Not only he || but (also) I am a teacher. 并列主语,用就近原则

She not only sings well | but (also) dances gently. 并列谓语

Hiking is good exercise | as well as fun.


He can not speak English, | nor can I. 表否定的neither, nor在句首时,主谓要倒装。

..., nor can I. =..., I can't, either.

2.表示“转折”的并列连词有: but, yet, while等。

1) yet接主谓结构时相当于but,但but还可并列主语、谓语、表语等并列成分,如:

I have a pen | but no pencil. but并列宾语

I did nothing | but watch it. but并列谓语

He worked hard, || yet/but he failed. yet/but并列主谓结构

2) while侧重“对照、对比”,主语通常是不同的人或事,but的主语通常是同一个人,如:

Schools in the north tend to be better equipped, | while those in the south are relatively poor.


3.表示“选择”的并列连词有:or, whether...or, or else, either...or 等。

1)not either...or = neither...nor。

He is not either drunk | or mad. = He is neither drunk | nor mad.

2)祈使句 or 相当于一个否定的if从句:

Hurry up || or you will be late. = If you don't hurry up, you will be late.

3) 祈使句 and 相当于一个肯 定的if从句:

Study hard || and you will make great progress.= If you study hard, you will make great progress.

4.表示“因果”的并列连词有:for, so等。


Let's get moving, | or else we'll miss the train. 后半句不能提前。

<When they got there>, the train had left. = The train had left <when they got there>.


The fuse must be broken | for the lights went out. 灯灭了可能是保险丝断了,也可能是其它停电、短路、灯泡坏了等原因。

The lights went out <because the fuse was broken>. 保险丝断了,灯一定会灭。



4) ”不同主语,同一情况“用下列句式:

(1) ”so 助动词 主语的倒装结构,如:

You like apples, | so do I = You like apples and I like apples, too.

(2) 如果是否定句就要用”neither/nor 倒装句“:

Mary doesn't like dancing, neither/nor does Jack. =Mary doesn't like dancing, and Jack does (like dancing),either.

(3) 如果既有肯定又有否定,或前后助动词不同,用“so it is/was with sb.结构”:

He likes singing but doesn't like dancing, || so it is with me.

=He likes singing but doesn't like dancing, || and I like singing but don't like dancing, either.

Marx was born in Germany and learned English well, || so it was with Engels.


