

Week 71-72











  1. 头小畸形症microcephaly [ˌmaɪkrəʊ'sefəlɪ]

  2. 贪腐丑闻a corruption scandal

  3. 经济积弱不振an economic downturn

  4. (动物的)繁殖地breeding ground

  5. 育龄妇女women of childbearing age

  6. 模糊的黑白图像a blurred black-and-white shape

  1. mosquito-bornea. 蚊媒的,蚊虫叮咬传播的

  • -borne 后缀表示“通过 - 传播的”Eg.The ‘Disposable Syringe' policy protects our patients from threats of blood-borne diseases. 一次性针筒政策保障我们的病患免受血液传播类疾病的威胁。

birth defectn. (初生检查时的)先天缺陷

  • G20 nation


    外文名:G20,Group 20,Group of 20















  1. national statistics agency国家统计局


  • [pl]统计数字;统计资料a collection of information shown in numbers

  • [u]统计学the science of collecting and analysing statistics

  • [c](一项)统计数据a piece of information shown in numbers

    常见搭配:V N :collect/gather/release/analyse/produce生成 statistics

    Adj N: false/reliable statistics


  • [u]收缩;缩小 the process of becoming smaller

  • [c][u](肌肉的)收缩,挛缩;(尤指分娩时的)子宫收缩a sudden and painful contracting of muscles, especially of the muscles around a woman's womb , that happens when she is giving birth to a child

  • [c]词的缩约形式a short form of a word

    同义词: reduction; shrinkage; tightening; retrenchment.(节省;删除)


  • (枪的)扳机the part of a gun that you press in order to fire it

  • ~ (for sth).~ (to sth/to do sth)(尤指引发不良反应或发展的)起因,诱因something that is the cause of a particular reaction or development, especially a bad one

  • 触发器;引爆器 the part of a bomb that causes it to explode


    ~ sth (off)发动;引起;触发 to make sth happen suddenly

    ~ sth开动;起动to cause a device to start functioning


  • 撞车;碰撞;相撞 an accident in which a vehicle hits sth, for example another vehicle, usually causing damage and often injuring or killing the passengers

  • (倒下、破碎等突然的)碰撞声,破裂声,碎裂声 a sudden loud noise made, for example, by sth falling or breaking

  • 暴跌;倒闭;破产;失败 a sudden serious fall in the price or value of sth; the occasion when a business, etc. fails

  • (机器或系统,尤指计算机或计算机系统的)崩溃 a sudden failure of a machine or system, especially of a computer or computer system

ore矿石;矿砂;矿rock, earth, etc. from which metal can be obtained iron ore铁矿石


  • (价格、价值、数量等)骤降,猛跌,锐减to fall in price, value, number, etc., suddenly and by a large amount

  • [i] adv./prep.重重地坐下(或倒下)to sit or fall down heavily

  • ~ (in sth)(销售量、价格、价值等的)骤降,猛跌,锐减a sudden fall in sales, prices, the value of sth, etc.

  • 萧条期;衰退a period when a country's economy or a business is doing very badly

    同义词:decrease; decline; collapse; crash ; recession; depression;

human impact人为因素

其它表达:artiartificial/personal/anthropic factor.


  • [u][c](衣服、发式等的)流行款式,时兴式样a popular style of clothes, hair, etc. at a particular time or place; the state of being popular

  • [c](行为、活动等的)时尚,时兴a popular way of behaving, doing an activity, etc.

  • [u]时装业the business of making or selling clothes in new and different styles


  • after a fashion 还过得去;还算可以 to some extent, but not very well

  • after the fashion of sb/sth 模仿……的式样;像……的风格 in the style of sb/sth

  • in (a)… fashion 以……方式 in a particular way

  • like its going out of fashion 做得很多;大量使用;大肆花费 used to emphasize that sb is doing sth or using sth a lot


  • (因绝望而)不惜冒险的,不顾一切的,拼命的 feeling or showing that you have little hope and are ready to do anything without worrying about danger to yourself or others

  • [ubn]绝望的;孤注一掷的;铤而走险的 giving little hope of success; tried when everything else has failed

  • [nubn]非常需要;极想;渴望 needing or wanting sth very much

  • 极严重的;极危险的;很危急的 extremely serious or dangerous

  1. 射箭术;射箭运动archery

  2. 击剑运动fencing

  3. ESPN: Entertainment and Sports Programming Network,即娱乐与体育节目电视网,是一间24小时专门播放体育节目的美国有线电视联播网

  4. cranky

  • 古怪的;怪异的 strange

  • 脾气坏的 bad-tempered

Groundhog Day土拨鼠日,美国每年二月二日的传统节日。在这一天,冬眠的土拨鼠要醒过来,从洞里出来预测春天。一般来说,土拨鼠要看自己的影子,如果看到影子了,就回洞里接着睡大觉去,因为春天还要再等6个星期才能到来,如果土拨鼠看不到自己的影子,就说明春天就要到了。



horn in闯入

roster美: ['rɑstər] 英: ['rɒstə(r)]

  • 值勤名单 a list of people's names and the jobs that they have to do at a particular time

  • 候选名单 a list of the names of people who are available to do a job, play in a team, etc.

varsity美: ['vɑrsəti] 英: ['vɑː(r)səti]

  • (尤指体育比赛中大中学校的)代表队,校队the main team that represents a college or high school , especially in sports competitions

  • 大学 university

  1. (泳裤)swim trunks

  2. 缓行;漫步 amble around

  3. (商务便装,商务休闲装)business-casual clothes

  4. 一流的;快乐时光 big-time

  • big-time scientist 第一流的科学家

  • big-time friend 厉害角色的朋友

  • big-time bargain 最廉价销售

  • the Olympics are just not like any other big-time sports stuff

  1. quaint(上周听写遇见过:After all the votes are counted, quaintly they still do this by hand through the night, whichever political party ends up with the majority of the Commons' 650 seats gets to be the government, with that party's leaders Prime Minister.)adj. 古怪的

  2. hokeyadj. 做作的

    造句练习:Politicians get along with each other in a hokey way.

  3. vis-a-vis

  • n. 面对面的人;相对着;两人对座的长椅

  • prep. 关于;和……面对面;同……相比

  • adv. 相向着;相对着

  • The High Vis a Vis the Low 雅与俗的对望

  • vis-a-vis the debtor 相对于债务人 ; 相对债务人

  • vis-a-vis coin 面对面的双头像币

  • vis-a-vis group 对等的集团

    造句练习:Vis-a-vis undergraduate students, graduate students are suffering from eternal experiments.

  • 第一次石油危机

导火索:第四次中东战争(斋月战争)。美国资助以色列导致石油输出国组织(OPEC: Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries) 为了打击对手以色列及支持以色列的国家,宣布石油禁运,暂停出口,造成油价上涨。当时原油价格从1973年的每桶不到3美元涨到超过13美元,是20世纪下半叶三大石油危机之一。

克里米亚公投入俄从2013 年11 月开始,乌克兰政局动荡。2014年3月16日,乌克兰的克里米亚自治共和国就其地位问题举行了公民投票,投票者中有96.6%支持克里米亚独立并与俄罗重新合并。克里米亚自治共和国议会遂于3月17日决定克里米亚独立成为主权国家“克米亚共和国”,同时决定加入俄罗斯联邦;3月18日,俄罗斯联邦与克里米亚签署了克里米亚入俄条约; 俄罗斯联邦总统普京于3月21日签署了克里米亚和塞瓦斯托波尔市加入俄罗斯联邦的法案,从法律上接受了克里米亚加入俄罗斯联邦。



But you're probably also vaguely aware that there's more to it than that. There is.

  • vague: adj. vagu•er, vagu•est

    • 含糊的,不明确的,不清楚的Vague promises of support 含糊其辞表示支持的承诺

    • have a vague idea/feeling/recollection etc that 隐约地想到/感到/忆起等

    • 模糊不清的

    • The vague shape of a figure loomed through the mist.

  • the height of the oil prices: 石油危机达到高潮的时候

Eventually Japan was invited to join their meetings, and they were christened the Group of Five.

  • christen: tr.v. chris•tened, chris•ten•ing, chris•tens

    • To baptize into a Christian church. To give a name to at baptism.

    • To name: christened the kitten Snowball. To name and dedicate ceremonially: christen a ship.

    • To use for the first time: christened the new car by going for a drive.

Russia was suspended in March, 2014 after its annexation of the Crimea.

  • suspend: v. sus•pend•ed, sus•pend•ing, sus•pends

    • 暂停,终止(officially)

      This despite the mayor’s call to suspend demonstrations over police brutality.


    • 停职/停学(暂时性)

    • 悬,挂,吊

      We have to sleep in tents suspended from the rock through bitter cold winds.


  • annexation: n. 吞并;附加;附加物

  • rotate: v. ro•tat•ed, ro•tat•ing, ro•tates

    • vi. 旋转;循环

    • vt. 使旋转;使转动;使轮流

    • adj. 辐状的

    • The reason is that the galaxies rotate faster than they should.推理的根据是,星座自传的速度比料想的要快。

But wait, you say, what about the G20? Does that refer to something other than the Glasgow postcode covering the areas of Maryhill and North Kelvinside? Yes, it does.但你又问,G20代表什么?它是否代表着不同于八国集团扩大化的其他事情?是的,确实如此。

  • 上文介绍了什么是G8。这里Glasgow postcode covering the areas of Maryhill and North Kelvinside,是说后两个地方的邮编并入了格拉斯哥的体系;这里Maryhill and North Kelvinside相当于G8,Glasgow相当于G20;这是一个比喻,总的来说就是抛给观众一个问题,G20和G8的关系是不是就相当于Glasgow和Maryhill and North Kelvinside的关系一样呢,给观众一个参考,方便理解。

  • 格拉斯哥(位于苏格兰,是苏格兰第一大城市,英国工党的执政领域)

The EU is considered the 20th member, and the other 19 are, in alphabetical order: Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, South Korea, Turkey, the UK and the US.

  • in alphabetical order: 按字母顺序 alphabetical, spelling.

  • eclipse:

    • vt. 形成蚀;使黯然失色

    • n. 日蚀,月蚀;黯然失色

    • In the inner part, the umbra, that’s where the eclipse is total.而在中心部分,本影就是日全食。

  • troika:

    n. 1 : a Russian vehicle drawn by three horses abreast also: a team for such a vehicle

    2 : a group of three, especially: an administrative or ruling body of three

  • communique: 公报,外交文书的一种

  • 补充几种常见的外交文书

  • Formal Note正式照会,用于处理较重大的政治事务和外交礼仪(如正式通知外国政府重大事情,就重大问题进行交涉等),使用第一人称

  • Verbal Note普通照会,不像正式照会那么正式,但不一定不重要,往往更常用,使用第三人称。

  • Formal/informal diplomatic letter正式/非正式外交函件(更加彰显领导人之间的友好关系)

  • Diplomatic telegram外交电报(多用于外交承认、贺电、感谢电、慰问电以及一些紧急情况)方便快捷,更多是出于礼仪和安全的考虑

  • Memoranda, Aidememoire, Memoire备忘录/节略 ≈ Note

  • Statements声明,公报属于声明的一种

  • Speeches and Toasts演讲与祝酒词

  • Letter of Credence国书,国书是一国派遣或召回大使、公使时,由国家元首致接受国元首的正式文书。分为派遣国书和召回国书,召回国书一般在新任大使或公使递交派遣国书时一并递交。外交使节一般在递交国书后方能正式履行职务。

  • peer pressure: 同辈压力,同侪压力

  • Sherpa: a member of a Tibetan people living on the high southern slopes of the Himalayas in eastern Nepal and known for providing support for foreign trekkers and mountain climbers.


  • Himalaya:喜马拉雅

  • Himalayan: adj. 喜马拉雅的

  • ethnic group: n. 同种同文化的民族

  • Everest: n. 珠穆朗玛峰(世界最高峰)

The whole thing costs an enormous amount of money, requires tremendous security and is ultimately of dubious benefit.

  • dubious: adj. 半信半疑的, 可疑的

    不可靠的, 冒风险的

For days ahead of the G20 summit, President Obama has urged the world leaders to support punitive action against Syria for breaking the international ban on the use of chemical weapons.

  • punitive: adj. 惩罚性的;刑罚的

Dampening; core; expectations; utter impotence; refugees; inescapable

  • dampen: vt. 抑制;使……沮丧;使……潮湿

    vi. 潮湿;丧气

  • dampening: 回潮

  • potent: adj. adj. 有效的;强有力的,有权势的;有说服力的


  • utter impotence: 彻底的无能为力


  • site: n. 位置, 场所, 地点

    a good site for the school.

    vt. 使坐落在; 设置

    sited the power plant by the river.

  • cite: tr.v. 引用;传讯;想起;表彰

  • tense relationship: 紧张关系

  • 斯诺登事件




  • despise: tr.v. de•spised, de•spis•ing, de•spis•es

    vt. 轻视,鄙视

Synonyms: contemn, disdain, scorn, scout, look down upon/on, think little of

  • rating: 收视率

  • spin doctor: slang. a person (as a political aide) responsible for ensuring that others interpret an event from a particular point of view 媒体顾问,舆论导向专家

  • sideline: n. 球场边线;副业;局外人的观点

    vt. 迫使退出

    adj. 倾斜的

He cancelled a planned state visit to Moscow last month after Russia granted temporary asylum to fugitive U.S. intelligence leaker Edward Snowden.

  • fugitive/‘fjudʒətɪv/: adj. 无常的;逃亡的;易变的

    n. 逃亡者;难捕捉之物

  • allocate: vt. 分配;拨出;使坐落于

    vi. 分配;指定

  • skepticaladj

    • ~ (of/about sth) unwilling to believe sth; often doubting that claims, statements, etc are true (对某事物)不肯相信的, 常怀疑的Eg.I’m rather sceptical about their professed sympathy for the poor. 他们声称同情穷人, 我对此有些怀疑

  • powerhousenoun INFORMAL

    • a person or thing that has a lot of strength or energy:

    • something such as a country or organization that has a lot of power or influence

  • stand on the sidelines袖手旁观

  • sit idly by (watching)坐视……

    The Chinese government will not sit idly by watching its territorial sovereignty being infringed upon.

  • on the margin(s)

    a person on the margins of a situation or group has very little power, importance or influence

  • 穆斯林兄弟会

    (Ikhwān Muslimūn),英文名Muslim Brotherhood Emblem,是穆斯林兄弟协会的简称,成立于1928年,是一个以伊斯兰逊尼派传统为主而形成的宗教与政治团体,他们的目标在于让《古兰经》与圣行成为伊斯兰家庭与国家最主要的核心价值。

  • 俄克拉荷马城雷霆队

    (Oklahoma City Thunder)是一支位于美国的俄克拉荷马城的职业篮球队,球队前身西雅图超音速队(Seattle SuperSonics)于1966年成立并加入美国男篮职业联赛(NBA),从属于NBA西部联盟的西北赛区

  • 迈阿密热火队

    (Miami Heat),于1988年成立并加入NBA,是一支属于美国佛罗里达州迈阿密市的职业篮球队,是美国男篮职业联赛(NBA)东部联盟东南赛区的一部分。迈阿密热火队热火主场设在迈阿密市中心的美航中心球馆。热火队与夏洛特黄蜂队同时成立于1988年NBA,是代表佛罗里达州的两支NBA球队之一(另一支为奥兰多魔术队)。


Greek voters opted against an anti-bailout government that could have forced the country’s exit from the euro zone.

  • Anti-bailout: 反救市

    The government considers a plan to secure an international bailout.


  • Anti-dumping反倾销

  • Anti-subsidy反补贴

And LeBron James scored 29 points to help the Miami Heat edge up the Oklahoma City Thunder 91-85 in Game 3 of the NBA finals Sunday night.

  • edge up

    【CHANGE】 [I,T always adverb/preposition]

    to change gradually, especially so as to get better or worse

    edge up/down


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