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1. 飞行体验




2. 航空科技馆--免费(航空知识应有尽有)



(1) 人类的蓝天梦









(2) 飞机的组成部分












space shutter组成部分

(2) 飞行原理

❤ What Do Airplanes and Birds Have in Common?

Have you ever watched a bird fly and wondered why gravity doesn't make it fall? Have you ever wondered how heavy airplanes can stay in the air? Let's compare a bird to an airplane. Both have wide wings that taper off to more narrow ends. Both airplanes and birds have wings that are flatter on the bottom. Do you think the similarities have something to do with their ability to fly?


❤ How Do Airplanes Fly?

Airplanes need four forces to fly. These include force, Thrust, lift, and drag.


Force:A force is a push or a pull that causes an object to change speed, direction, or shape.

Thrust 推力

Thrust is the force that propels a flying machine forward. This force is provided by the motion given by a propeller or jet engine. When an airplane moves forward into the wind, the wings cut the airflow in half. Some air travels above the wing; some air travels below the wing. Thrust is achieved when the air flows over the wings.


As we previously mentioned, plane wings are built curved on top and flat on the bottom. The wind flowing over the wing travels a different path from air traveling under the wing. The airflow under the wing helps the plane get into the air and stay there. The force that holds the aircraft in the air is called lift. Lift pushes the airplane up.


Drag is the force slowing the plane down as it pushes through the air. The tail of the plane helps create this force so the plane can easily turn or slow down. The engines have to work hard to provide thrust so the aircraft can overcome the drag trying to slow down the plane. Sometimes, when we walk outside on a really windy day, we can feel the drag as we try to walk forward against the wind.


Weight is the force created by the pull of gravity toward the center of the earth. You will feel the effect of this force if you jump up from the floor. Your weight will force you back down.When the Thrust produced by the engine(s) is greater than the force of Drag, the airplane moves forward. When the forward motion is enough to produce a force of Lift that is greater than the Weight, the airplane moves upward.

❤ How is Thrust Generated?There are two basic types of airplanes - propeller driven planes and jet planes.

There are two basic types of airplanes - propeller driven planes and jet planes.


Propeller Driven Planes - Propeller driven airplanes use a propeller that is turned by some type of engine. Propellers are shaped just like the wings, and also generate lift, except that the lift is forward instead of up and is called thrust. Each propeller is made up of two or more blades. The first propellers were made of wood, but now most propellers now are made of metal. The F4U Corsair is a propeller driven aircraft.


Jet Planes - Jet planes do not have propellers. Instead, they have jet engines that move the airplane forward through another physical principal discovered by Sir Isaac Newton (1642 - 1727). This is Newton's Third Law of Motion - "For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction." You can think of a jet engine as a tube in which a liquid fuel (like the fuel diesel trucks use) is burned at high pressure with air from a compressor. The resulting heat forces the gases out of the back of the tube at high speed. In accordance with Newton's Law, an equal force is applied in the forward direction, moving the engine (and the plane it is attached to) forward.

(3) Types of Airplanes飞机种类

There is more than one type of airplane. Read on to discover some of the aircraft we have today.

glider 滑翔机


A glider is an aircraft without an engine. The pilot controllers it using a control-stick. Some can carry one person, but you can also get them for two people.They have a cockpit for the pilot and instrument panels for flight information。The pilot can stay airborne for hours by flying through the air that is moving up as fast or faster than the glider.

Passenger Airplane客机


By 2039 it’s estimated that there will be 48,000 passenger jet aircraft in the world.We use these all the timeo To go on vacationo Visit familyo Worko Transports food and goods

The Airbus A380 can carry over 800 passengers and is the world’s largest passenger airliner. Its landing gear has amazing shock absorption when landing because of the weight.All airplanes have round s for safety reasons. In the early days, they discovered s with corners could lead to accidents.



These have huge blades on top of the body to create lift and motion. Helicopters usually only carry a few people at a time.

They can do difficult maneuvers by hovering and fly at speeds between 160 mph or 260 km/hThey are used too Transport peopleo Carry Goodo Search and rescueo Help fighting fireso Tourism

They can do things that airplanes can’t do. They can fly up and down. They don’t need a runway to takeoff. They can fly sideways and backward, and best of all can hover in one spot without moving.

Jets and Fighter Planes喷气机和战斗机


These are mostly used in the military and can reach speeds up to 2,574 kilometers-per-hour (1,600 miles-per-hour)!

Space Shuttle航天飞机


These are purely for going into outer space. They are between an airplane and a rocket.




