allowance (əˈlaʊəns) n
allow【允许】 ance【名词性】:【批准】
the approving of an action, especially when done by one in authority:【批准】
=approbation, approval, authorization, consent, endorsement, leave, license, permission, permit, sanction.
a sum granted as reimbursement for expenses【补助;津贴】
allude (əˈluːd) v
to refer indirectly, briefly, or implicitly【间接提到;暗指】
alluring (əˈljʊərɪŋ; əˈlʊə-) adj
al【表加强】 lure【饵】 ing【形容词性】:特意房诱饵,即【吸引人的】
enticing; fascinating; attractive
=attractive, fascinating, enchanting, seductive, tempting, sexy, intriguing, fetching, glamorous, captivating, beguiling, bewitching, come-hither
allusion (əˈluːʒən) n
allude【动词性【暗指】】 Sion【名词性】:【暗示】
a passing reference; oblique or obscure mention【暗示】
=reference, mention, suggestion, hint, implication, innuendo, intimation, insinuation, casual remark, indirect reference
aloft (əˈlɒft)
adv, adj
high up; far above the ground【在空中的(的);在头顶上的(地)】
aloof (əˈluːf)adj
al(all【所有的】) oof(far的异变并倒写):所有的人都远离,即【冷淡的,疏远的】
distant, unsympathetic, or supercilious in manner, attitude, or feeling
=distant, cold, reserved, cool, formal, remote, forbidding, detached, indifferent, chilly, unfriendly, unsympathetic, uninterested, haughty, unresponsive, supercilious, unapproachable, unsociable, standoffish
alphabetical (ˌælfəˈbɛtɪkəl) or alphabetic adj
α β阿尔法贝塔这样的字母;即【按字母表顺序的;字母的】
alter (ˈɔːltə)
to make or become different in some respect;【更改,改变】
=modify, change, reform, shift, vary, transform, adjust, adapt, revise, amend, diversify, remodel, tweak (informal), recast, reshape, metamorphose, transmute
alternate (v. ˈɔl tərˌneɪt, ˈæl-; adj., n. -nɪt)
someone who takes the place of another person【替代者;候选人;替代性选择】
go back and forth; swing back and forth between two states or conditions【轮流,交替】
occurring by turns; first one and then the other;【轮流的;交替的】
serving or used in place of another;【替代的】
"an alternative plan"【替代方案】
altruism (ˈæltruːˌɪzəm) n
可视作all treat to others的异化,善待他人,即【利他者】
the principle or practice of unselfish concern for the welfare of others【利他者】
=selflessness, charity, consideration, goodwill, generosity, self-sacrifice, philanthropy, benevolence, magnanimity, humanitarianism, unselfishness, beneficence, charitableness, greatheartedness, bigheartedness
≠greed, self-interest, selfishness, meanness, narrowness, egotism, self-seeking, self-absorption, egoism, self-centredness, mercenariness
altruistic adj
showing unselfish concern for the welfare of others【无私的;为他人着想的】
=selfless, generous, humanitarian, charitable, benevolent, considerate, self-sacrificing, philanthropic, unselfish, public-spirited
aluminium (ˌæljʊˈmɪnɪəm) or aluminum n
al 化学里的铝
a silvery ductile metallic element found primarily in bauxite【铝】
amalgam (əˈmælɡəm) n
a(表强调) mal(many异化,许多) gam(gram,【克】的异化)许多只有几克重的东西在一起,即【混合物】
an alloy of mercury with another metal (usually silver) used by dentists to fill cavities in teeth; except for iron and platinum all metals dissolve in mercury and chemists refer to the resulting mercury mixtures as amalgams【一种汞与另一种金属(通常是银)的合金,牙医用来填充牙齿的蛀牙;合金填充物】
a combination or blend of diverse things
=amalgam, amalgamation, blend, commixture, fusion, merger, mix, mixture.
amalgamate (əˈmælɡəˌmeɪt) v
amalgam【混合物】 ate(动词性):【使混合;合并】
to combine or cause to combine;
=combine, unite, ally, compound, blend, incorporate, integrate, merge, fuse, mingle, alloy, coalesce, meld, commingle, intermix
The firm has amalgamated with an American company. 该公司已与一家美国公司合并。
amass (əˈmæs) v
a(表强调) mass(【大量的】):【积累,聚集】
to accumulate or collect (esp riches, etc)
to gather in a heap; bring together
amateur (ˈæmətə; -tʃə; -ˌtjʊə; ˌæməˈtɜː)
a(表否定) mateur(mature异化【成熟】):还不怎么成熟,即【业余爱好者;非专业的】
someone who pursues a study or sport as a pastime【以学习或运动为消遣的人】
an athlete who does not play for pay 【不为报酬而比赛的运动员;业余爱好者】
lacking professional skill or expertise【业余的;非专业的】
amateurish (ˈæmətərɪʃ; -tʃər-; -ˌtʃʊər-; ˌæməˈtɜːrɪʃ) adj
lacking professional skill or expertise【业余爱好的;不熟练的;非专业的】
amateurishly adv
amateurishness n
ambidextrous (ˌæmbɪˈdɛkstrəs) or ambidexterous
ambi(=on both sides两边都) dextr(=dexter, right-handed右手的) ous(形容词性)字面意思:两个手都如同右手边的,大多数人是右撇子,所以该单词表示【十分灵巧的】=dexterous=dextrous
equally skillful with each hand【十分灵巧的】
marked by deliberate deceptiveness especially by pretending one set of feelings and acting under the influence of another 灵巧过度,就有一种巧舌如簧的感觉,以故意欺骗为特征,尤其是假装一种感觉并在另一种感觉的影响下行事,即【当面一套背后一套的】
=double-dealing, double-tongued, duplicitous, two-faced, deceitful, Janus-faced, double-faced 【两面派的】
ambiguous (æmˈbɪɡjʊəs) adj
ambi(两边的) guous【可看做是go的异化,引申为:行为】字面意思,既想走阳关道又想走独木桥,即【模棱两可的】
=unclear, puzzling, uncertain, obscure, vague, doubtful, dubious, enigmatic, indefinite, inconclusive, cryptic, indeterminate, equivocal, Delphic, oracular, enigmatical, clear as mud
ambivalence (æmˈbɪvələns) or ambivalency n
ambi(两个的,两边的) val(values【价值观】的异化) ence(名词性):字面意思,一个人有两套价值观,即【矛盾心理】
the simultaneous existence of two opposed and conflicting attitudes, emotions, etc【矛盾心理】
=indecision, doubt, opposition, conflict, uncertainty, contradiction, wavering, fluctuation, hesitancy, equivocation, vacillation, irresolution
I've never hidden my ambivalence about getting married.【我从不掩饰我对结婚的矛盾心理。】
ambivalent adj【矛盾心理的】
=undecided, mixed, conflicting, opposed, uncertain, doubtful, unsure, contradictory, wavering, unresolved, fluctuating, hesitant, inconclusive, debatable, equivocal, vacillating, warring, irresolute
He maintained an ambivalent attitude to religion throughout his life.【在他的一生中,他对宗教保持着矛盾的态度。】