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THE BOYHOOD AND TRAINING OF MOSES【译】摩西少年时代经受的历练【单词】BOYHOOD 原型:boyhood 名词 ['bɔɪhʊd] n. 少年时代【单词】TRAINING 原型:training 名词 ['treɪnɪŋ] n. 训练;培养【专有名词】MOSES 原型:Moses 人名 ['məʊzɪz] n. 摩西(《圣经》中犹太人古代领袖)


After the death of Joseph and his brothers, the Israelites increased so rapidly and became so many and powerful that the land was filled with them.【译】约瑟夫和他的弟兄死后,以色列人数量急速增长,他们人数多而且十分强大,以色列人遍布埃及。【句型】so…that… 如此……以至于……;例句:I am so tired that I want to sleep right away. 我太累了,想立即休息【短语】was filled with 原型:be filled with 充满;例句:He was filled with horror at the bad news. 听到这个坏消息,他心里充满恐惧。【单词】death 名词 [deθ] n. 死亡【单词】increased 原型:increase 动词过去式 [ɪn'kriːs] v. 增加;增长【单词】rapidly 副词 ['ræpɪdli] adv. 迅速地;很快地【单词】became 原型:become 动词过去式 [bɪ'kʌm] v. 变得;变成【单词】powerful 形容词 ['paʊəfʊl] adj. 强大的;强有力的【专有名词】Joseph ['dʒəʊzɪf] n. 约瑟夫(男子名)【专有名词】Israelites 原型:Israelite 名词复数形式 ['iz,riəlait] n. 以色列人

But a new king who did not know Joseph ruled over Egypt.【译】但是一个不认识约瑟夫的新国王统治了埃及。【短语】ruled over 原型:rule over 支配,统治;例句:European powers no longer rule over great overseas dominions. 欧洲列强不再统治大块海外领土了。【专有名词】Egypt 地名 ['iːdʒɪpt] n. 埃及

He said to his people, "See, the Israelites are becoming too many and powerful for us.【译】他对他的子民说:“看哪,对我们来说以色列人太多太强大了。

Come, let us deal wisely with them, for fear that they become so many that, if war is begun against us, they will join our enemies and fight against us and leave the land."【译】来吧,我们要明智地对待他们,以免他们人数变得过多,因为如果以色列人过多,而我们又面临着战争,他们会加入我们的敌人来对抗我们,然后离开这土地。【语法】let sb./sth. do sth. 让某人(某物)做某事;例句:Don't let your temper run away with you. 要控制住自己,不要发脾气。【句型】for fear that 生怕,唯恐,以免;例句:He worked hard for fear that he might be fired by the boss. 他拼命地干活惟恐被老板解雇。【短语】deal with 处理,对付;例句:I have a huge pile of letters to deal with. 我有一大堆信件要处理。【单词】wisely 副词 [waɪzli] adv. 聪明地;精明地【单词】war 名词 [wɔː] n. 战争【单词】join 动词 [dʒɒɪn] v. 参加;加入【单词】enemies 原型:enemy 名词复数形式 ['enəmi] n. 敌人;敌军【单词】fight 动词 [faɪt] v. 打架;对抗


So the Egyptians set taskmasters over them to put burdens upon them.【译】于是埃及人派人监督他们,给他们负担。【单词】taskmasters 原型:taskmaster 名词复数形式 ['tɑːskmɑːstə] n. 工头【单词】burdens 原型:burden 名词复数形式 ['bɜːdn] n. 负担;责任【专有名词】Egyptians 原型:Egyptian 名词复数形式 [iː'dʒɪpʃən] n. 埃及人

And they built for Pharaoh the store-cities, Pithom and Rameses.【译】他们为法老建造了用来储存的城市,Pithom和Rameses。【单词】store 名词 [stɔː] n. 储备;贮藏【专有名词】Pharaoh ['feərəʊ] n. 法老

But the more the Egyptians afflicted them, the more numerous they became and the more they spread everywhere, so that the Egyptians dreaded what they might do.【译】但是埃及人越是折磨他们,他们人数就越多,到处蔓延,埃及人惧怕他们会做什么事。【固定用法】so that既可以引导目的状语从句,也可以引导结果状语从句。在引导目的状语从句时,可以由in order that代替。在目的状语从句中,so that之前不用逗号,而在结果状语从句中,so that之前则往往要用逗号;另外,目的状语从句中的so that一般不可省去that,而结果状语从句中的so that则可省去that而意义不变。如:1) We arrived early so that we could get good seats.为了得到好座位我们很早就到了。(so that在此引导一个目的状语从句,请注意目的状语从句常用can/could,may/might,will/would,should等助动词和情态动词)2) We arrived early, so (that) we got good seats.为了得到好座位我们很早就到了。(so [that]在此引导一个结果状语从句。请注意结果状语从句往往不用目的状语从句所常用的助动词和情态动词)【固定用法】the more..., the more ..., 越...,就越...;注意这里的more可以是形容词或副词的比较级;例句:The more he eats, the fatter he gets. 他吃得越多,人越发胖。The more of the masses we unite with, the better. 我们联合起来的群众越多,就越有利。【语法】what 常用来引导名词性从句,即主语从句,宾语从句,表语从句和同位语从句。what在引导名词性从句时有两个重要的特点: 一是它在相应的名词性从句中一定有含义,常表示“什么”,“所...的”,“...的样子”等; 二是它在相应的名词性从句中一定做成分,而且常做主语,宾语或表语。例如:做句子的主语:What you have done might do harm to other people. 你所做的事情可能对其他人有害。 作句子的表语:He is not what he used to be. 他已不是从前的他了。【单词】afflicted 原型:afflict 动词过去式 [ə'flɪkt] v. 折磨;使痛苦【单词】numerous 形容词 ['njuːmərəs] adj. 为数众多的;许多【单词】spread 动词 [spred] v. 展开;散布;蔓延【单词】everywhere 副词 ['evriweə] adv. 到处;处处【单词】dreaded 原型:dread 动词过去式 [dred] v. 惧怕;担心

And the Egyptians were cruel and made slaves of them, making their lives bitter with hard labor in mortar and brick, and by all kinds of hard work in the field.【译】埃及人十分残忍,让他们做奴仆,弄灰泥和砖并做田间的各作苦工,使他们的生活痛苦。【单词】cruel 形容词 ['kruːəl] adj. 残酷的;残忍的;引起痛苦的【单词】slaves 原型:slave 名词复数形式 [sleɪv] n. 奴隶【单词】bitter 形容词 ['bɪtə] adj. 苦的;痛苦的;辛酸的【单词】labor 名词 ['leɪbə] n. 劳工;工作;劳力【单词】mortar 名词 ['mɔːtə] n. 灰泥;灰浆【单词】brick 名词 [brɪk] n. 砖;砖块【单词】field 名词 [fiːld] n. 田野;田地

Pharaoh also gave this command to all his people, "You shall throw into the river every son that is born to the Hebrews, but every daughter you shall save alive."【译】法老又吩咐众民说:“你们要将希伯来人所生的儿子都扔在河里,但可以让他们的女儿存活。”【单词】command 名词 [kə'mɑːnd] n. 命令;指挥【单词】throw 动词 [θrəʊ] v. 扔;投;掷;抛【单词】save 动词 [seɪv] v. 救援;救助【单词】alive 形容词 [ə'laɪv] adj. 活着的;有活力的【专有名词】Hebrews 原型:Hebrew 名词复数形式 ['hiːbruː] n. 希伯来人

Now a man of the tribe of Levi married a woman of the same tribe, and she had a son.【译】利维支派中有一个人娶了一个同支派的妇人,生了一个儿子。【单词】tribe 名词 [traɪb] n. 部落;族【单词】married 原型:marry 动词过去式 ['mæri] v. 结婚【单词】same 形容词 [seɪm] adj. 相同的【专有名词】Levi n. 利未(男子名;旧约中雅各布和利亚之子)


When she saw that he was a beautiful child, she hid him for three months.【译】当她看到这是个漂亮孩子时,就把他藏了三个月。【单词】beautiful 形容词 ['bjuːtɪfʊl] adj. 漂亮的【单词】hid 原型:hide 动词过去式 [haɪd] v. 藏;隐瞒

But when she could no longer hide him, she took a basket made of papyrus reeds, daubed it with mortar and pitch, and put the child in it.【译】但当她再也藏不了时,她拿出一个由纸莎草芦做的篮子,上面抹上砂浆和沥青,并把孩子放在里面。【短语】no longer 不再;例句:They no longer had him as a friend. 他们再也不把他看成朋友了。【短语】made of 由 ... 制成, 由 ... 构成;例句:Bread is chiefly made of flour. 面包主要是由面粉做成的。【单词】basket 名词 ['bɑːskɪt] n. 篮;篓;筐【单词】papyrus 名词 [pə'paɪrəs] n. 纸莎草【单词】reeds 原型:reed 名词复数形式 [riːd] n. 芦苇【单词】daubed 原型:daub 动词过去式 [dɔːb] v. 涂抹【单词】mortar 名词 ['mɔːtə] n. 砂浆;灰浆【单词】pitch 名词 [pɪtʃ] n. 沥青;树脂

Then she placed it in the reeds by the bank of the river Nile, while his sister stayed near by to see what would happen to him.【译】然后,她把篮子放在尼罗河畔的芦苇丛中,而他的妹妹则呆在附近,看看会发生什么事。【语法】while一般用于引导状语从句,表达的意思有 a. 表示时间,“当...时;在...同时”;b. 表示让步,“虽然,尽管”;c. 表示转折对比,“然而,但”。while引导的状语从句通常用一般现在时表示将来的动作或状态。;例句:I get the house all shipshape while he is away. 他不在的时候,我把房子打扫得干干净净,整整齐齐。【短语】near by 在附近;例句:The post office and library are near by. 邮局和图书馆都在附近。【单词】bank 名词 [bæŋk] n. 岸【单词】happen 动词 ['hæp(ə)n] v. 发生【专有名词】Nile n. 尼罗河(非洲)

The daughter of Pharaoh came down to bathe in the Nile, and while her maids were walking along the river's bank, she saw the basket among the reeds and sent her waiting-maid to bring it.【译】法老的女儿到尼罗河去洗澡,当她的女仆们在河边走时,她看见芦苇间的篮子,就叫婢女去把篮子拿来。【短语】walking along 原型:walk along 沿着…走;例句:I like to walk along the seashore. 我喜欢沿着海滨散步。【单词】bathe 动词 [beɪð] v. 沐浴【单词】maids 原型:maid 名词复数形式 [meɪd] n. 女仆;侍女


When she opened it and saw the child, the boy was crying; and she felt sorry for him and said, "This is one of the Hebrew children."【译】她打开篮子看到了孩子,男孩在哭;她很同情他,就说:“这是希伯来人的一个孩子。”【短语】felt sorry for 原型:feel sorry for 同情,为……难过;例句:I feel sorry for that poor child. 我为那个可怜的孩子感到难过。【单词】crying 原型:cry 动词进行式 [kraɪ] v. 哭

Then his sister said to Pharaoh's daughter, "Shall I go and call one of the Hebrew women to nurse the child for you?" Pharaoh's daughter said to her, "Go." So the maiden went and called the child's mother, and Pharaoh's daughter said to her, "Take this child away and nurse it for me, and I will pay you your wages." Then the woman took the child and nursed it.【译】然后他妹妹对法老的女儿说:“我去找一个希伯来女人来为你看护这孩子,可以吗?”法老的女儿对她说:“去吧!”少女就去叫了孩子的母亲,法老的女儿对她说:“把这个孩子带走,帮我照看他,我会付给你工钱。”。这个女人就带走了孩子并看护他。【短语】take ... away 带走,拿走;例句:I suggest you take the front porch away. 我建议你把前门廊拆掉。【单词】nurse 动词 [nɜːs] v. 看护;护理【单词】maiden 名词 ['meɪdn] n. 少女【单词】nursed 原型:nurse 动词过去式 [nɜːs] v. 看护;护理【单词】pay 动词 [peɪ] v. 支付【单词】wages 原型:wage 名词复数形式 [weɪdʒ] n. 工资;报偿

When the child had grown up, she brought him to Pharaoh's daughter, and he became her son; and she named him Moses, for she said, "I drew him out of the water."【译】孩子长大后,她把他带到法老的女儿那里,他就作了法老女儿的儿子。她给他起名叫摩西,因为她说:“我把他从水里拿出来的。”【短语】grown up 原型:grow up 长大;例句:You'll change your mind as you grow up. 你长大就会改变想法的。【单词】drew 原型:draw 动词过去式 [drɔː] v. 拉;拖

One time, after Moses had grown up, he went out to his own people; and as he was watching them at their hard labor, he saw an Egyptian beating a Hebrew, one of his own race.【译】有一次,摩西长大后,到自己的百姓那里去。他看到他们做苦工,看见一个埃及人正在打一个希伯来人,那是他自己的种族。【单词】own 形容词 [əʊn] adj. 自己的【单词】beating 原型:beat 动词动名词形式 [biːt] v. 打【单词】race 名词 [reɪs] n. 种族【专有名词】Egyptian [i'dʒɪpʃn] n. 埃及人

He looked around and seeing that there was no one in sight, he killed the Egyptian and hid him in the sand.【译】他环顾四周,看到附近没人,就杀了那个埃及人,把他藏在沙土里。【短语】looked around 原型:look around 环视,往四周看;例句:She looked around the whole room. 她环视全屋。【单词】sight 名词 [saɪt] n. 视力;视线【单词】killed 原型:kill 动词过去式 [kɪl] v. 杀死【单词】sand 名词 [sænd] n. 沙;沙子

On the next day Moses went out, and saw two Hebrews struggling together; and he said to the one who was in the wrong, "Why do you strike your fellow workman?" The man replied, "Who made you a ruler and a judge over us?【译】第二天,摩西外出看见两个希伯来人在打架,就对那做错的人说:“你为什么打你的同伴呢?”那人回答说:“谁让你作我们的统治者和审判者?”【单词】struggling 原型:struggle 动词动名词形式 ['strʌɡl] v. 扭打【单词】wrong 形容词 [rɒŋ] adj. 错误的【单词】strike 动词 [straɪk] v. 打【单词】fellow 形容词 ['feləʊ] adj. 同伴的;同事的;同类的【单词】workman 名词 ['wɜːkmən] n. 工人【单词】replied 原型:reply 动词过去式 [rɪ'plaɪ] v. 回答;答复;回应【单词】ruler 名词 ['ruːlə] n. 统治者;支配者【单词】judge 名词 [dʒʌdʒ] n. 裁判

Do you intend to kill me as you killed the Egyptian?" Then Moses was afraid and said, "What I have done is known!" When Pharaoh heard what had taken place, he tried to put Moses to death; but Moses left the country and made his home in the land of Midian.【译】你打算像杀了那个埃及人一样杀了我吗?”摩西就害怕,说:“我所做的事被别人知道了。”当法老听说所发生的事,打算杀了摩西,但摩西离开了埃及,在Midian建立了自己的家。【时态】have(has) 动词的过去分词 是动词的“现在完成时”,这种时态主要用于表示 1.从过去某一事件发生到现在或将继续持续下去;2.过去发生的事对现在造成的影响;3.表示现在已经完成的动作;例句:I have used this pen only three times. It is still good.这支钢笔我只用过三次。它仍然是好的。【语法】try to do sth.设法做某事,尽力做某事;例句:He tried to finish the work ahead of time.他设法提前完成这件工作。try doing sth.试着做某事,试验做某事;例句:Why not try going there by boat? 为什么不试着乘船去那儿呢?【短语】take place 发生;例句:An fatal accident took place at this cross three years ago. 这个十字路口三年前发生了一起死亡事故。【单词】intend 动词 [ɪn'tend] v. 想要;打算【单词】kill 动词 [kɪl] v. 杀死【单词】afraid 形容词 [ə'freɪd] adj. 担心的;害怕的【单词】death 名词 [deθ] n. 死亡【专有名词】Midian 地名. 米甸


As he was sitting by a well, the seven daughters of the priest of Midian came and drew water and filled the troughs to water their father's flock, but the shepherds came and drove them away.【译】他坐在井旁,Midian祭司的七个女儿来打水,把槽里装满了水,去喂他们父亲的羊群,但是牧羊人过来把她们赶走了。【单词】well 名词 [wel] n. 井【单词】priest 名词 [priːst] n. 神父;牧师【单词】filled 原型:fill 动词 [fɪl] v. 装满;填充【单词】troughs 原型:trough 名词复数形式 [trɒf] n. 水槽;马槽【单词】flock 名词 [flɒk] n. 一群;兽群;羊群【单词】shepherds 原型:shepherd 名词复数形式 ['ʃepəd] n. 牧羊者

Then Moses stood up and protected the women and watered their flock.【译】摩西就站起来保护她们,给她们的羊群喂水。【单词】protected 原型:protect 动词 [prə'tekt] v. 保护

When they came to their father, he said, "How is it that you have come back so early to-day?" They replied, "An Egyptian protected us from the shepherds, and besides, he drew water for us and watered the flock." Then he said to his daughters, "Where is he?【译】当她们回到她们父亲那里时,他说:“你们怎么这么早就回来了?”她们回答说:“有一个埃及人保护我们对付牧羊人,此外,他为我们打水,给羊群喂水。”他对女儿们说:“他在哪里?”【句型】protect…from… 保护……免受……;例句:I want to put on more clothes to protect myself from cold.我想多穿件衣服,以防受凉。【单词】besides 副词 [bɪ'saɪdz] adv. 此外;而且

Why have you left the man?【译】你们为什么离开那个人?


Ask him to eat with us." So Moses made his home with the man; and he gave Moses his daughter Zipporah to be his wife.【译】请他来与我们同吃。”所以摩西就和这人住在了一起;他还把自己的女儿Zipporah给了摩西为妻。【单词】eat 动词 [iːt] v. 吃

She had a son, and Moses named him Gershom.【译】她生了一个儿子,摩西给他起名叫Gershom。



