

综合类 211工程 双一流 公办 普通本科

广西大学(西大,Guangxi University),于1928年始建,坐落于广西南宁市,是列入教育部直属高校序列并与广西壮族自治区“部省合建”的全国重点大学,国家“211工程”重点建设高校、“双一流”世界一流学科建设高校,广西重点支持的国内同类一流大学高校。



Guangxi university,

Comprehensive 211 Project Double First-class Public Common Undergraduate

Guangxi University (Xi Xi University), founded in 1928, is located in Nanning City, Guangxi Province. It is a national key University under the direct administration of the Ministry of Education and jointly built by the Ministry of Education and Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. It is also a national key University of "Project 211" and a University of "Double First-Class" in the construction of world-class disciplines. Guangxi key support of the domestic similar first-class universities and colleges.

Led by the school to be included in the "2011 project" of colleges and universities, education to cultivate outstanding engineers plan, outstanding talent education training plan, the national construction of agriculture and forestry university of high level professional graduate programs, the Chinese government scholarship students receiving institutions in China, is "a province school" alliance members, 50 colleges and universities, one of the national engineering graduate student education innovation "New engineering" research and practice project, set up a graduate school, with independent recruitment qualifications.

The first president of Guangxi University was Dr. Ma Junwu, a "great master" who was known as "North Cai South Ma" in the educational circle. In 1939, it was renamed National Guangxi University in Guilin. A number of famous scholars such as Zhu Kezhen, Li Siguang and Chen Wangdao once taught here. In 1952, Mao Zedong inscribed the name of Guangxi University. In 1953, teachers and students, equipment and books were transferred to 19 universities in central and southern China. In 1958, Guangxi University was restored and rebuilt in Nanning. In 1997, it merged with Guangxi Agricultural University to form the new Guangxi University.


