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Midnight job hunting on the rise in GD


➤Ancient artifacts unearthed in downtown 去广州工作不会讲粤语怎么办(双语服了)(6)GZ


Netizens dig up history of old German church hospital in GD



Midnight job hunting on the rise in GD


Image via mt.sohu去广州工作不会讲粤语怎么办(双语服了)(9).com

去广州工作不会讲粤语怎么办(双语服了)(10)Boss Zhipin, a Chinese online job listing site, has recently released an employment trend report which indicates that dramatic changes have occurred regarding recruitment and job seeking.


Recent data suggests that a brain drain is occurring in the financial sector and that there is an increased demand for talents in the artificial intelligence, big data, and cloud computing sectors, as well as traditional fields including electronic communication, finance and machine manufacturing. Also, the first half of 2019 saw more people in managerial positions participate in the recruitment process, a development that has been favored by job seekers.



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Those searching for jobs are doing so around the clock. According to findings, job seekers are most active between midnight, and 6 am, with Guan去广州工作不会讲粤语怎么办(双语服了)(14)gzhou, Dongguan, and Shenzhen recording the highest number of night owl job seekers.



Ancient artifacts unearthed in downtown 去广州工作不会讲粤语怎么办(双语服了)(18)GZ


Image via m.mp.oeeee去广州工作不会讲粤语怎么办(双语服了)(20).com

On the afternoon of July 10, a batch of exquisite cultural relics from the late Tang Dynasty made their public debut on Jiefang Road, in the bustling downtown area of Guan去广州工作不会讲粤语怎么办(双语服了)(21)gzhou. The number of late Tang Dynasty relics unearthed during this round of excavations is second only to the number excavated from the site of the Palace of the Nanyue Kingdom. The number of wooden clogs uncovered broke records for archaeological work in the city, with many of them still basically intact, which is quite rare.

7月10日下午,晚唐五代一批精美文物在解放路悄然“亮相”,这只是数千件出土文物中的冰山一角。 本次出土的晚唐遗物数量,在广州城市考古工作中仅次于南越国宫署遗址。出土的数十只木屐创历年广州考古之最,其中多件保存基本完好,相当难得。

Since August of 2018, the archaeological project at the construction site along Jiefang Middle Road has seen a large number of late Tang ceramics unearthed, along with construction bases from the late Tang and Song Dynasties.



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Experts presume that the latest batch of ceramics originated from kilns in Hunan, Hebei, and Zhejiang and that they were transported to Guan去广州工作不会讲粤语怎么办(双语服了)(24)gzhou to be sold or used by foreigners in Guan去广州工作不会讲粤语怎么办(双语服了)(25)gzhou' s "Fanfang", where foreigners were based and conducted business in the city at the time.



Netizens dig up history of old German church hospital in GD


Image mp.weixin.去广州工作不会讲粤语怎么办(双语服了)(28)qq去广州工作不会讲粤语怎么办(双语服了)(29).com

Recently the German Consulate General in Guan去广州工作不会讲粤语怎么办(双语服了)(30)gzhou posted information and old photos to its WeChat account, inviting netizens to investigate the status of the first German church hospital established in China in 1888 and to share their relevant stories.


The German church hospital was established in Dongguan, Guangdong, and since 1921 was managed by German national Otto Hueck and his wife, Hedwig Hueck. They dedicated themselves to the management of the hospital for more than 去广州工作不会讲粤语怎么办(双语服了)(33)30 years, providing medical services to the people of Dongguan and surrounding areas and trained Chinese nurses.

据了解,这所德国教会医院在广东东莞成立,并从1921年起,该院由德国人Otto Hueck和他的妻子Hedwig Hueck管理。两人致力于这家医院的管理,特别是中国护士的培训。他们离开在德国的家人和朋友来到中国,学会了流利的中文,去广州工作不会讲粤语怎么办(双语服了)(34)30多年坚持不懈地为东莞及周边的当地人提供医疗服务。


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However, the two doctors had to leave the hospital and China with a heavy heart in 1951. Today, Otto and Hedwig Hueck' s decedents are hoping to learn of news regarding the hospital' s current situation and the nurses who were trained there through the power of social media.

然而,1951年,两位医生不得不心情沉重地离开了医院和中国。从那时起,他们与自己毕生事业的进一步发展,便断了联系。如今,Otto和Hedwig Hueck的家人希望通过社交媒体的力量,了解医院和当年那些受训的护士们的情况。

According to replies from netizens, the hospital is now known as the Puji branch of the Dongguan People' s Hospital and has been referred to as the "Red House" for 100 years due to the main wall being painted in red.



News Written by Rachel, Flora & Anika

News Edited by Hazza

Posted by Anika

Producers: Fion & Michelle

Executive Producer: Lin Weiqing


