
  1. give you full refund 给你退全款
  2. fill a job slot,或者fill a job vacancy 填补职位
  3. pay an excess charge,或者make an extra payment 额外付费
  4. make payment by wire transfer电汇 也常说TT,是telegraphic transfer简写
  5. meet each other half way 各让一步
  6. demend exceeds supply 供不应求
  7. two for one 或者 buy one get one 买一送一
  8. work three shifts per day一天工作三班
  9. ceiling price 最高限价
  10. subsidiary company 子公司
  11. be qualified to do sth 有资格做某事
  12. I have heard a lot about you 久仰大名
  13. claim back expense,也可以说reimburse sb for expense 报销费用
  14. balance payment 剩余款项,尾款
  15. enter into the market或者 penetrate a market 进入市场 penetrate就表示“渗透”
  16. minimum order quantity,简写成MOQ 最少起订量
  17. split the bill,或者go fifty-fifty 平摊费用
  18. steep rise in price 物价飞涨
  19. proceed with sth 或者 proceed to do sth 继续做某事
  20. we can assure you that.. 请你放心某事
  21. look forward to hearing from you 希望获得你的回复
  22. please get back to me at your earliest convenience。 当你方便的时候
  23. it leaves us with small margin 利润少

24.be of great quality 质量好

Our products are of great quality and competitive price.


We can supply you with smart phone of great quality.


of inferior quality,或者be inferior in quality质量差

25.color variation 色差

也可以说color shading,还可以说chromatic aberration(光学产品用语)

color variation,普遍的说法,variation是“偏差”,color shading 是服装行业常用的表达,shading表示“细微的变化”,而chromatic 表示“彩色的,着色的”,aberration表示“误差,偏差”

Please accept our sincere apology for the color variation. We will do our best to minimize this problem.


26.double check 仔细检查

Please double check all the details in that invoice,if not,it may cause some troubles.


27.payment by installments 分期付款 动词形式就是 pay by installments

The smartphone is expensive, you can pay by installments.


28.ask someone out 邀请某人出去”,但是一定要注意这不是一般的邀请,这个习语更倾向于“约会”。

Mary hopes that John will ask her out. 玛丽希望约翰约她。

29.at a loss (for words)哑口无言”、“无言以对

I was so surprised that I was at a loss for words. 我惊讶的哑口无言了。

30.ask for the moon 对方的要求很过分”。

When you're trying to get a job, don't ask for the moon.


31.at any rate 无论如何”、“总之

It's not much, at any rate, but it's the best we can do.


32.you can rest assured 你大可放心,你尽管放心

You may rest assured of our close cooperation.



Do you speak Chinese?My English is a little rusty.

(rusty adj. 生锈的; 荒疏; 荒废; 退步;)


could I trouble you to…… 我能麻烦你吗?

would you mind doing sth? 你介意吗?

could you do me a favor? 你能帮我个忙吗?

Could you do me a favor? My cellphone is off.


34.take a seat和have a seat 请坐

Take a seat please. The lunch is almost ready.


35.懂了吗不只是do you understand

you got it ? 你明白了吗

Are you following me? 你跟上我说的了吗?

Did I make myself clear enough? 我都说明白了吗?

Am I making sense? 我说明白了吗

Are you following me? I see.你明白我什么意思了吗?我明白。


Who is this?哪位呀?

Who is speaking?谁呀?

May I ask who is speaking?请问您是哪位?

Please hold.请稍等。

Stay on the line please.请您稍等,不要挂电话。

Could you hold on, please?您能稍等一下吗

比较随意的表示:put sb. through

Could you put me through to Lisa, please?请为我接通Lisa的电话好吗?


I want to speak to Lisa, could you transfer me to her, please?




