


在大多数情况下,你的写作遵循一个逻辑路径,从介绍到结论,在各种各样的支持点的过程中停止。 过渡句使你的写作以一种清晰、有逻辑的方式进行。

过渡句,顾名思义,就是表达连接它们的思想之间的过渡。 在从引言到结论的过程中,它们是用来传达如何、何时、何地、为何以及其他关系的无缝连接,并在此过程中整合所有相关的支持点。


过渡句是表示两个或两个以上观点之间关系的句子。 把它们想象成桥梁、隧道和连接点,把你工作的不同部分连接起来,用特定的单词和短语充当路标。 看看这个例子:

  • That company routinely touts efficiency as one of its core brand values. However, the current workday structure is inefficient and slows down employee productivity. Changing to a primarily remote structure with flexible working hours would increase productivity by improving efficiency.

这家公司一贯标榜效率是其核心品牌价值之一。 然而,目前的工作日结构效率低下,降低了员工的生产力。 改变为主要的远程结构和灵活的工作时间通过提高效率提高生产力。

在这个例子中,中间的句子是过渡句。 试着直接连续读w第一个和第三个句子,跳过过渡句。 它们是有意义的,但如果没有中间的句子,这个陈述,作为一个整体,就没有那么大的影响力。


一个好的过渡句是使它所连接的观点之间的关系绝对清晰。 它是你的写作工具中最重要的工具之一,因为无论你在写什么——或者是写一篇短篇小说、一篇博客文章、一篇新闻文章,还是一篇冗长的学术作品——能够清晰地表达你的观点,并让读者理解是关键。

在给定的情况下,最好的过渡句的使用取决于你需要沟通的内容。 例如,如果你要表达的观点与你之前的陈述相矛盾,一个有效的过渡句应该包含一个词或短语,例如however, despite this/that, in contrast,或尽管如此。 读这些例子:

  • I make it a priority to wake up an hour before I need to leave home each morning. Despite this, I manage to be late to work at least twice per week.

每天早上我都会优先在离家前一小时起床。 尽管如此,我每周至少迟到两次。

  • Most of the class said Friday was their favorite day of the week. However, a small group of students reported that Wednesday is their favorite weekday.

大多数学生表示,周五是他们一周中最喜欢的一天。 然而,一小群学生报告说,周三是他们最喜欢的工作日。

然而,过渡句的作用不仅仅是缓冲矛盾的陈述。 它们也表达相似点、顺序、重点、位置、例子和因果关系。 下面是一些工作中的过渡句的例子:

  • Employees who’ve returned to the office reported higher productivity levels since switching to a four-day week. Similarly, remote employees have also reported they’re more productive with the new schedule.

回归办公室的员工表示,自从一周工作四天后,他们的工作效率提高了。 同样,远程办公的员工也表示,在新的工作时间安排下他们的工作效率更高。

  • first, preheat your oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Then, begin combining your dry ingredients as the oven heats.

首先,将烤箱预热到350华氏度。 然后,随着烤箱的加热,开始混合干食材。

  • He chose not to buy in that neighborhood because it was too long of a commute to his office. More importantly, its schools aren’t well-ranked.

他决定不在那个社区买房,因为那里距离上班太远了。 更重要的是,它的学校排名并不好。

  • Her parties are our favorites because she always chooses unique activities. For instance, her last Halloween party involved a midnight ghost hunt.

她的派对是我们最喜欢的,因为她总是选择独特的活动。 例如,她上次的万圣节派对是在午夜捉鬼。

  • I stacked the bricks as tall as I could stack them. Next to the stack, I dropped all my extra bricks.

我把砖堆得尽可能高。 在堆旁边,我把多余的砖块都扔了。

  • They were fifteen minutes late. Therefore, we couldn’t let them in to see the show.

他们迟到了15分钟。 因此,我们不能让他们进去看演出。

  • My aunt and uncle love Disney World. In fact, they go there twice every year.

我的叔叔和婶婶喜欢迪斯尼乐园。 事实上,他们每年去那里两次。



那么到底是什么把常规句变成了过渡句呢? 过渡词。

过渡词和短语是我们之前提到的引导你从一个想法到另一个想法的路标。 你为一个句子选择的过渡词对你的读者理解你的写作是至关重要的,因为在很多情况下,相同的句子如果有不同的过渡词,就会有非常不同的含义。 以下是词汇选择如何改变一个想法的简单例子:

  • We love to try different local restaurants and explore new cuisines. Recently, we tried two new restaurants downtown.

我们喜欢尝试不同的当地餐馆,探索新的美食。 最近,我们尝试了市中心的两家新餐馆。

  • We love to try different local restaurants and explore new cuisines. Hence, we tried two new restaurants downtown.

我们喜欢尝试不同的当地餐馆,探索新的美食。 因此,我们尝试了市中心的两家新餐馆。

  • We love to try different local restaurants and explore new cuisines. On the whole, we tried two new restaurants downtown.

我们喜欢尝试不同的当地餐馆,探索新的美食。 总的来说,我们尝试了市中心的两家新餐馆。



  • similarly
  • also
  • likewise
  • just as
  • in the same way


  • most importantly
  • in fact
  • because
  • of course
  • indeed
  • to underscore this


  • therefore
  • thus
  • because of
  • consequently


  • above
  • adjacent
  • below
  • beside
  • under
  • across from
  • nearby
  • far away


  • first
  • second
  • next
  • last
  • third
  • after that
  • before you begin
  • finally


  • for example
  • for instance
  • specifically
  • to illustrate


除了使用过渡词和短语来写出强烈的句子外,你还可以写出更有效的段落过渡句的理想位置是段落的开头,因为这是你解释新信息的相关性的地方。 你的过渡句应该做两件事:介绍该段的主题,并在整篇文章中给出上下文。

We hiked all day. After a few hours, my friend, my dog, and I all started to feel weary, taking more frequent rests than we’d taken at the beginning of the hike. But once we caught a glimpse of the mountain’s peak, we felt rejuvenated and powered through the last leg of the way up. We’d spent months planning this trip, and now we were finally there.

After we reached the peak, it was time to decide the best way to go back down the mountain. Somehow, it felt anticlimactic—months and months planning this hike, visualizing ourselves standing atop the tallest mountain we’d hiked to date and now, standing in that position, all I felt was the exhaustion I knew would come with maneuvering our way back down and out of the woods as the sun set.


段落中的过渡句至关重要。 让我们看看如果没有过渡句,段落会是怎样的:

The best days of my childhood were the days I spent up at my grandparents’ cabin on the lake. I learned how to swim. My grandfather took me to a small, shallow river where I practiced all the basics. I was a confident swimmer.

上面看起来是不是有些平铺直叙? 现在来看看过渡句是如何的 :

The best days of my childhood were the days I spent up at my grandparents’ cabin on the lake. That’s where I learned how to swim. Every afternoon, my grandfather took me to a small, shallow river where I practiced all the basics. By the time I was eight, I was a confident swimmer.


