Some people have a bad career and always fail to achieve something. When they usually make mistakes and be bad at accomplishing work, they will start to make excuses and pass the buck. Therefore, they won’t be responsible for things when facing with pressure and difficulties. They just blench facing with challenges.
1、 总是去比更差的。
Always compare themselves to the worse party
2、 觉得没贵人帮自己。
Suppose they fail because no one help them
4、 怪自己命不好。
Complain they are unlucky
5、 抱怨没有遇到伯乐。
Complain they haven’t met a talent scout
6、 觉得领导不喜欢自己。
Consider the leaders dislake them
7、 总是说明天、明天、明天。
Always leave things undone
8、 总是说自己尽力了。
Always say they have made their utmosts
9、 总是埋怨大环境不好。
Always complain the environment is not good
10、 总是说富人的钱不干净。
Always suppose that the rich earns money through wrong ways
11、 抱怨自己没学历。
Complain they don't have a good education background
12、 抱怨自己没个好爹。
Complain their fathers are not greater
13、 永远的堵车。
Always face traffic jam
14、 公司里全是问题,却从不找自己的问题。
Always think that there are problems in companies
If you suddenly find out that you like to find these excuses and you hope it will change, do remember that don't always complain but be brave enough to undertake responsibilities and dare to face anything!